看板 C_Chat作者 jerry78424 (青松碧濤)標題 [新聞] Epic獨佔《末日Z戰》收視出師不利時間 Sat Apr 20 21:40:20 2019
World War Z’s Twitch viewership has –rather predictably– sunk like a stone since its initial launch two days ago. After peaking at 133,000 concurrent viewers, over 80% of the audience has since disappeared. The sudden drop has meant one Epic Games Store developer’s gloating tweet hasn’t aged very well.
Epic’s Chief of Publishing Strategy Sergey Galyonkin took to Twitter on Tuesday to announce that World War Z was sitting in third place as the most watched game on Twitch and that three of the games in the top 10 were Epic Games Store exclusives. The caption to his ‘data’ read “welcome to the multi-store world.”
Reddit certainly wasn’t impressed, calling the claims “bias” and “unsubstantiated.” What’s more, almost inevitably the day-one interest in World War Z has seen the game’s Twitch presence fade almost to irrelevance within 48 hours. At the time of writing, World War Z is being watched by just over two thousand people. Quite the drop.
Notably, statistic site GitHyp claims that Saber Interactive actually paid some of Twitch’s top streamers to play World War Z on its second day to help keep viewership numbers from declining. If that’s true then Galyonkin’s Tweet is likely to leave an even more sour taste in the mouth of disgruntled PC gamers.
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推 Nravir: 第三人稱的L4D1F 04/20 21:42
推 ssarc: 這是啥遊戲啊?2F 04/20 21:43
推 h60414: 覺得這遊戲沒L4D2刺激3F 04/20 21:43
推 Satoman: 鼠疫比較好玩,這遊戲近戰都在揮空氣4F 04/20 21:44
→ shun2010: 這遊戲同時有上PS/XB/PC 不太可能只因為Epic獨佔PC就5F 04/20 21:44
→ shun2010: 這麼慘 遊戲本身可能也有問題吧7F 04/20 21:45
推 GaRx: 就大量zombie版的全境 場景設計 環境氣氛 跟本不能跟L4D作比較9F 04/20 21:46
→ Satoman: 看實況感覺敵人種類太少,變化性不太夠11F 04/20 21:46
→ appole: L4D山寨版吧我看起來有87趴想12F 04/20 21:47
→ khsa3200: 感覺打擊感不好,動作模組也很怪13F 04/20 21:48
推 Satoman: 打擊感是真的是最爛的那種,完全沒有砍中東西的感覺15F 04/20 21:48
推 Yachaos: 可轉STEAM版嗎?16F 04/20 21:49
推 chocobell: 留不住觀眾 這應該是遊戲問題比較大吧 跟epic沒什麼關聯17F 04/20 21:50
推 peter0621: pve 打完就沒事做了 pvp 又無聊23F 04/20 21:52
→ s32244153: 說不定過幾天連製作人員跌倒、噎到都怪跳槽到EPIC害的24F 04/20 21:52
推 kane7410: 看有些實況主上市前給高評價 實際看實況玩有點無聊25F 04/20 21:53
推 Satoman: 這是Epic先自吹自擂吧w26F 04/20 21:54
推 rainxo6p: 當初可是EPIC自己說不收垃圾的28F 04/20 21:54
→ kaj1983: Epic看走眼了XD29F 04/20 21:55
推 guogu: 這遊戲記得評價普普30F 04/20 21:55
→ Satoman: 他的槍械和近戰清殭屍都沒有爽感,浪費那坨殭屍海32F 04/20 21:56
推 s921619: 就感覺沒什麼好玩的....40F 04/20 22:07
推 APM99: 跟遊戲好不好玩有關41F 04/20 22:08
→ gn0111: 才幾天的觀看人數就在吹42F 04/20 22:11
推 gaym19: 不意外吧 L4D2好玩多了43F 04/20 22:13
推 leamaSTC: 關係不大啊除非你只有電腦這個平台44F 04/20 22:16
推 mstar: UCCU45F 04/20 22:18
→ jerry78424: 因為是epic第一天就自己先出來嘴觀看數跟獨佔的啊XD46F 04/20 22:18
推 newland: 跟EPIC沒關啦 就不好玩而已48F 04/20 22:22
推 ikachann: 看了以後覺得L4D還比較好玩 繼續等正統L4D349F 04/20 22:24
推 hanm1234: 特感太少了 電擊槍又超好控場 沒有像tank那種追殺的刺激感 感覺就像無雙 剛開始很爽 刷久就膩了50F 04/20 22:24
※ Yachaos:轉錄至看板 Steam 04/20 22:26
推 guogu: 而且這遊戲又不是只有pc版 ps4 xbox都有52F 04/20 22:33
推 pmmm: 不好看?53F 04/20 22:33
→ guogu: 用觀看數來說代表epic成功實在很詭異
用twitch觀看數來說嘴有夠怪的54F 04/20 22:34
推 pikachu8177: 本來想當爽GAME割草玩
結果實際打起來一點都不爽57F 04/20 22:36
推 MonDaNai: 除了畫質 其他沒一樣能跟L4D打的 現在圖奇連前30都沒60F 04/20 22:42
推 liusean: 就epic自己拿觀看數出來說嘴啊 也不想想又不是全部都是pc61F 04/20 22:43
推 shinobunodok: 多人合作沒什麼特別點 單人遊玩這款又沒啥劇情 遊戲性和劇情兩個都爆了63F 04/20 23:00