看板 C_Chat作者 kuoyipong (petohtalrayn)標題 [閒聊] HoloCure 苦難之塔 Calli通關時間 Mon Nov 18 14:36:46 2024
死神不僅通關了苦難之塔,還問Kay要不要做DLC給他跳 XD
My secret minigame here was one of the things I was (and still am) the most
excited about in this update.
I woke up one day and thought I haven't really designed anything
platformer-like before, and it could be a great experience in game Level
Design, so then the idea hit me
It was INCREDIBLY fun for me to make this. I did nothing but write the
physics code and design the entire level for like a week straight.
I loved the experience so much, that when I finished the tower, I wanted to
make the next part immediately.
And I absolutely will for another future update. I learned I really enjoy
level designing in this way.
If it makes anyone feel any better, I too suffered through it myself many,
many, many times to test it constantly during development. Hours of pain
And again I'll just re-address it, yeah I figured not everyone will enjoy
this kind of game in HoloCure, but that's why it's entirely side content in
da HoloHouse area. I put it in because it's something I personally really
enjoy, and I enjoyed making it as much as playing it
Initially I thought it's fine to have it as an achievement, but I totally
understand and agree with the argument that core players want to complete
this game as a "VS" genre game, not a rage game.
I think that's a very fair point so I made the decision to separate it later
And with that, a lot of Holo House activities will be separated as well. But
in turn, they will be changed to require much more effort
For example, 50 fishing chain achivement? Nah let's separate it, then go with
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kuoyipong 2024-11-18 14:36:46
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dEk24SF (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1731911812.A.70F.html
推 star12614: 是說死神名字英文跟日文唸起來不一樣 她會不會不習慣3F 11/18 14:41
推 a25172366: 最多能有幾個存檔點啊?死神270硬幣是有拿完嗎
最上面是Yagoo沒錯4F 11/18 14:41
推 Pegasus99: JK玩家日常 第二次就開始爆速 想當年168重玩2,3輪時也是快的誇張8F 11/18 14:44
推 nickmath: 死神不用存檔點 所以硬幣隨便拿的11F 11/18 14:46
推 grtfor: 不用存檔真的強12F 11/18 14:47
推 m3fm03: 他真的很愛玩這個耶= =13F 11/18 14:48
推 super1937: 我沒玩,但看到有留言說苦難之塔的名稱叫ICU不知真假15F 11/18 14:54
推 inversexxx: 看起來KayYu做這遊戲真的很樂在其中 寧願不收費也不想破壞這份樂趣16F 11/18 14:54
→ bbc0217: 笑死 Jump King 死忠玩家19F 11/18 14:55
推 Irenicus: 1小時多 有夠猛欸==
下次該做個空洞的苦痛之路了吧21F 11/18 15:07
推 kramasdia: 笑死 dad真的是死忠的 罵完還是玩23F 11/18 15:17
推 hh123yaya: 空洞那種做起來麻煩很多 一點點沒調好手感就會稀爛25F 11/18 15:42
推 ki80655: 請做holo版小朋友上樓梯26F 11/18 15:46
推 kobekai: 玩不了 直接理智斷線27F 11/18 15:50
→ ki80655: 還有holo版壺男和holo版only up, 讓世界感受痛楚29F 11/18 15:57
推 jo8246hn: 四個多小時跳完,沒存檔點能用我應該也不會想玩這鬼玩意31F 11/18 16:13