看板 Baseball作者 Maddux1127 (Maddux)標題 [分享] Freddie Freeman和勇士球迷道別時間 Thu Mar 17 10:20:38 2022
I don't even know where to begin. For the past 15 years I got to be apart of y
our organization. It was truly an honor. We went through the very highs togeth
er and some lows but those lows is what made last year so special. You watched
me grow up from a baby faced kid to marrying my love @chelseafreeman5 and see
ing us bring 3 beautiful boys into this world. I'm so glad my family got to be
apart of yours! To Snit, my coaches, teammates, training staff, clubhouse sta
ff, and everyone who made Turner Field and Truist Park so special for my famil
y and I over the years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been a b
last to have you cheer for me and I hope I was able to bring smiles to a lot o
f your homes over the years. I gave everything I had day in and day out and I
hope you guys saw that as well. Although our time has come to an end, I look f
orward to seeing and playing in front of you all again. When that time comes,
I hope you remember all the wonderful memories we made together. I love you Br
aves Country! Champions Forever!
Freddie, Chelsea, Charlie, Brandon, Maximus
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推 appshjkli: 有球隊高層在說他跟他的經紀人玩太大 所以競爭者推出3F 03/17 10:28
→ polanco: 真的有點久 這幾天簽的幾個大咖都沒想他一樣一直傳謠言6F 03/17 10:29
推 neyothen: 最新rumor連光芒也加入搶人大戰,會半路殺出程咬金嘛@@7F 03/17 10:32
推 kenro: 沒什奇蹟,就是錢的問題而已9F 03/17 10:32
推 zehow: 連光芒都願意撒錢搶 可見自由人有多值10F 03/17 10:33
推 Cathay: 往後只會走下坡了,誰簽誰盤子13F 03/17 10:37
推 vance1024: 同樣的錢Olson綁更久又更年輕 雖然情感上很受傷但合理15F 03/17 10:45
推 glenliu: 國外勇迷會準備歡送活動嗎16F 03/17 10:46
→ Maddux1127: 感覺應該還算是好聚好散,不至於要去燒球衣XD17F 03/17 10:56
→ KyleWright: 這幾天簽的大咖沒人這樣?除了Correa 有誰比他大咖?這年頭 過了30後就沒人敢給大約了 看看Cano跟Pujols的前例 能拿大約的最好時機點還是27,28歲時18F 03/17 10:57
推 KyleWright: XD 我可能都只記得他打不好的那幾年 現在看8年前均薪24M真的不貴 但8年前這個約是蠻大的26F 03/17 11:05
→ KyleWright: 去躲人也完全不意外 畢竟豪宅就在LA海邊.. 唉29F 03/17 11:06
推 kingwei520: 現在都嘛22~23就先綁了,看阿酷,Tatis
再看Franco。甚至更年輕就簽了31F 03/17 11:08
→ zxc906383: 但阿庫那張真的扯XD 勇士真會談約阿33F 03/17 11:09
推 rixianghao: 所以不願屈就勇士開出的價碼
雙方不願意就早點離去36F 03/17 11:10
推 andy0305: 一壘正常比較不會有人想綁約吧 取代率高38F 03/17 11:11
推 KyleWright: Albies:地球上沒人比我更佛 年薪5M的30轟二壘手39F 03/17 11:11
→ zxc906383: 年份未知
然後光芒聽說出到140M45F 03/17 11:14
推 polanco: 有個沒藍勾勾的推特帳號說光芒開6/14047F 03/17 11:15
→ BaRanKa: 81了 老大 我想新老大會是萊里嗎48F 03/17 11:16
推 zehow: 躲人5/150? 很阿炸的開法 短年限高薪資50F 03/17 11:23
推 kingwei520: 所以Freeman堅持要的6年約成功拿到了要53F 03/17 11:28
→ KyleWright: 兜了一大圈 早知道就收了勇勇本來開的5yr135M54F 03/17 11:28
→ zehow: 最後一年多了25M 幹嘛要收勇士那張?57F 03/17 11:34
推 Phatmen: 他絕對拿得到比5Y135M更多或均薪更高,怎麼可能「早知道就收5Y135M」?58F 03/17 11:34
推 TAKANA: 我就問扣完加州的稅。他還剩多少60F 03/17 11:37
推 kenro: 也不用問,有更漂亮的約他會不要嗎?61F 03/17 11:39
→ TAKANA: 這個約叫漂亮嗎?62F 03/17 11:41
推 dcshoecousa: 我勇迷來講真的很可惜,但簽Olson反而是對勇士隊最好63F 03/17 11:54
推 LGNexus5: 他就加州洛杉磯長大的 寧願拿少一點也要回家65F 03/17 12:47
推 kw0258: Olson更有未來,這是目前看起來,但能夠從一而終在同一支球隊,對球迷來說才是更難能可貴,但這終究是商業活動啊…66F 03/17 13:09
推 sharok: 猜測就是關鍵的"第六年" 自由人與勇士AA應該就是卡在這裡68F 03/17 17:12