看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 南韓明天WBC集訓於亞利桑那開訓
時間 Tue Feb 14 20:06:13 2023

S. Korea to open WBC training camp in Arizona this week
S. Korea to open WBC training camp in Arizona this week | Yonhap News Agency
By Yoo Jee-ho SEOUL, Feb. 14 (Yonhap) -- The South Korean national baseball team will op... ...


EOUL, Feb. 14 (Yonhap) -- The South Korean national baseball team will open its
training camp for the upcoming World Baseball Classic (WBC) in Arizona this week
, gearing up for a chance at redemption after disappointing performances at prev
ious appearances.

Manager Lee Kang-chul will set up shop in Tucson, Arizona, on Tuesday local time
, or Wednesday in South Korea. All but two players of the 30-man team will repor
t on time.


The 28 other players are all from the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO). Five of
 the league's 10 clubs are training in Arizona -- the Kiwoom Heroes, the LG Twin
s, the KT Wiz, the Kia Tigers and the NC Dinos -- and their national team player
s will have a short trip to report to camp.



The Hanwha Eagles are also training in Arizona but they don't have a representat
ive on the national squad.


The four remaining teams -- the SSG Landers, the Samsung Lions, the Lotte Giants
 and the Doosan Bears -- have been working out elsewhere in the United States, J
apan and Australia.



The first workout will be Wednesday, with a focus mostly on conditioning and hel
ping players getting acclimated to the new time zone.

With KBO clubs having been in spring training since late January or early Februa
ry, Lee will throw his players right into game action. South Korea will play a s
crimmage against the Dinos on Thursday in Tucson.


The national team is also scheduled to play the Tigers on Sunday, the Wiz on Feb
. 22 and 24, and then the Twins on Feb. 26.




The national team will arrive back home on March 1. It will train for two days a
t Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, with Kim set to join.


South Korea will head over to Osaka on March 4 for a pair of official exhibition
 games against the Orix Buffaloes and the Hanshin Tigers on March 6 and 7. Edman
 is scheduled to join the team for the first official practice on March 5.






梁義智(KBO斗山)   35歲   .283/.380/.480 20HR  OPS.860
李知榮(KBO英雄)   36歲   .267/.303/.331  2HR  OPS.634

姜白虎(KBO魔法師)  23歲  .245/.312/.371  6HR OPS.683
朴炳鎬(KBO魔法師)  36歲  .275/.349/.559 35HR OPS.908

金慧成(KBO英雄)       23歲   .318/.373/.403  4HR  OPS.776
Tommy Edman(MLB紅雀)  27歲   .265/.324/.400 13HR  OPS.725

崔廷(KBO登陸者)  35歲  .266/.386/.505 26HR  OPS.891

吳智煥(KBO雙子)  32歲  .269/.357/.470 25HR OPS.827
金河成(MLB教士)  27歲  .251/.325/.383 11HR OPS.708


李政厚(KBO英雄)  24歲  .349/.421/.575 23HR OPS.996
崔知訓(KBO登陸者)25歲  .304/.362/.427 10HR OPS.789
金賢洙(KBO雙子)  34歲  .286/.375/.473 23HR OPS.848
朴海旻(KBO雙子)  32歲  .289/.347/.368  3HR OPS.715
羅成範(KBO起亞)  33歲  .320/.402/.508 21HR OPS.910
朴健祐(KBO恐龍)  32歲  .336/.408/.458 10HR OPS.866



蘇珩準(KBO巫師)  21歲  G:27 GS:27 IP:171.1 ERA:3.05 WHIP:1.15  143.3km
元兌仁(KBO三星)  22歲  G:27 GS:27 IP:165.1 ERA:3.92 WHIP:1.29  144.9km
朴世雄(KBO樂天)  27歲  G:28 GS:28 IP:157.1 ERA:3.89 WHIP:1.34  146.5km
郭彬(KBO斗山)    23歲  G:27 GS:27 IP:147.2 ERA:3.78 WHIP:1.37  147.6km

高祐錫(KBO雙子)  24歲  G:61 GS:0 IP:60.2 ERA:1.48 WHIP:0.96 42SV 153.5km
李庸燦(KBO恐龍)  33歲  G:59 GS:0 IP:60.2 ERA:2.08 WHIP:1.14 22SV 147.3km
鄭又榮(KBO雙子)  23歲  G:67 GS:0 IP:58.0 ERA:2.64 WHIP:1.38 0SV  151.5km
鄭哲元(KBO斗山)  23歲  G:58 GS:0 IP:72.2 ERA:3.10 WHIP:1.18 3SV  149.5km
金元中(KBO樂天)  29歲  G:43 GS:0 IP:43.0 ERA:3.98 WHIP:1.30 17SV 146.7km


梁玹種(KBO起亞)    34歲 G:30 GS:30 IP:175.1 ERA:3.85 WHIP:1.25  142.4km
金廣鉉(KBO登陸者)  34歲 G:28 GS:28 IP:173.1 ERA:2.13 WHIP:1.07  145.4km
李義理(KBO起亞)    20歲 G:29 GS:28 IP:154.0 ERA:3.86 WHIP:1.31  146.3km
金允植(KBO雙子)    22歲 G:23 GS:23 IP:114.1 ERA:3.31 WHIP:1.33  142.5km
具昌模(KBO恐龍)    25歲 G:19 GS:19 IP:111.2 ERA:2.10 WHIP:1.08  144.1km


高永表(KBO巫師)  31歲  G:28 GS:28 IP:182.1 ERA:3.26 WHIP:1.17 136.2km

35歲以上 4
31歲-34歲 9
26歲-30歲 4
25歲以下 13

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-02-14 20:06:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Zwtat47 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1676376375.A.107.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2023 20:07:00
johnwu: 跑這麼遠1F 02/14 20:07
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2023 20:08:23
w82814704: 韓國太冷啊2F 02/14 20:10
LEEWY: 還好吧大家本來就在那裡了不是嘛,又不是大老遠跑一趟3F 02/14 20:11
hy654: 韓國陣容還蠻老的4F 02/14 20:12
WasJohnWall: 韓國春訓是跟2 3A球隊打喔?5F 02/14 20:13
zxc906383: 韓國就大斷層沒辦法6F 02/14 20:13
JH4748: 他們的練習強度應該高很多7F 02/14 20:17
crooked12377: 朴炳鎬36歲還這麼猛= =8F 02/14 20:18
zxc906383: 50鎬去年大回春啊9F 02/14 20:18
Dawei1165: 羨慕10F 02/14 20:22
iean900408: 投手幾乎都第一次欸11F 02/14 20:23
eee60109: 原來有關島12F 02/14 20:23
s970028: 50鎬第一次打耶13F 02/14 20:28
KKKKKvs333: 有生之年可以在WBC看到虎王對決白虎嗎?
看起來韓國不怎麼強  旅外外援14F 02/14 20:35
nastycurry: 朴炳鎬好殺…老鬼16F 02/14 20:40
KKKKKvs333: 沒旅外但賭盤還是看好韓國17F 02/14 20:40
zxc906383: 沒旅外?金河成表示
但陣容是真的不太強18F 02/14 20:42
WasJohnWall: 崔胖受傷,然後朴跟裴韓國都沒選很詭異20F 02/14 20:44
Dawei1165: 韓國KBO菁英就有一定水平啦 看好正常21F 02/14 20:47
salkuo: 關島那個最後會跑回沖繩打 以前韓職一軍很多在沖繩 現在幾乎都轉移到美國春訓了~22F 02/14 20:47
zxc906383: 裴是不能選 但不選朴就很怪24F 02/14 20:47
TheDraggers: 我覺得我們沒資格笑人家陣容差25F 02/14 20:47
WasJohnWall: 80跟扁女人的都沒選,酒駕的被封殺26F 02/14 20:49
salkuo: 台灣這次旅美選的也不多阿 兩個都還是小聯盟的~ 他們好歹二遊是大聯盟級的耶xd27F 02/14 20:51
zxc906383: 主要是投手群很抖29F 02/14 20:52
jkokpcu: 有些很老耶,但還是很猛30F 02/14 20:53
LEEWY: 打捷克跟中國都送分題,打日本也很難贏,韓國只要全力拼澳洲跟8強戰A組第一名的隊伍,兩場都贏就保底4強了31F 02/14 20:53
salkuo: 反正他們投手晉級要遇到考驗也要到八強了 到時就看義荷古的打線能不能給他們投手威脅了吧xd33F 02/14 20:54
nedsonyy: 中生代有點少35F 02/14 20:54
pass9487: 比較好奇的是 他們各自球隊在哪個球場基地?36F 02/14 20:55
我有看到KT/起亞是用kino sports complex
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2023 21:02:42
WasJohnWall: 韓國8強就可以全壓了,沒差吧 他們只是右SP那幾個不太行37F 02/14 21:03
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/14/2023 21:07:13
suzhou: 朴要拼春訓 選訓委員有徵詢他意見 認為他中離率高
韓國這次早就講明 不隨意中途找人換人 所以中離的也不選39F 02/14 21:13
zxc906383: 只不過朴這次連大聯盟春訓邀請都沒有 蠻慘的QQ
只能在3A春訓41F 02/14 21:18
hiphop47: 我們上次也是飛了快半個地球跑去澳洲集訓43F 02/14 21:31
kbsta24: 有差啊 韓國是他們有半數以上的職業一軍在那春訓而且國內天氣寒冷 台灣上面兩個條件都沒吧?44F 02/14 21:44
simes: 老面孔的很多耶 但他們還是很強46F 02/14 22:08
