看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] Aaron Judge也去照了MRI
時間 Tue Mar 12 22:42:53 2024

Aaron Judge underwent an MRI on Monday after reporting discomfort in his abdomin
al section and expects to resume swinging a bat later in the week. The Yankees o
utfielder said his goal is to be ready for Opening Day.

“We ran tests and everything came back good,” Judge said. “It’s just what I
told them, I was a little banged up and needed a couple of days. Hopefully we’l
l get back out there soon.”






Judge said that the discomfort was in the middle of his abs -- noting that it wa
s not his oblique -- and stems from the work he has been doing over the offseaso

“I think just from swinging from November all the way until now, every single d
ay, it put some wear and tear on it,” Judge said. “Especially coming back afte
r a [right] toe injury when your mechanics are a little messed up and you’re ju
st working on some things.

“I think it’s just part of being a baseball player every day. I’d rather take
 a couple of days now when these games don’t matter than miss some games in Apr
il or May.”





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-03-12 22:42:53
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1by6dmXy (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1710254576.A.87C.html
kevin8847: QQ1F 03/12 22:44
LukeSkywaker: Wang Soto準備好了2F 03/12 22:46
johnwu: 洋基怎麼一堆痛痛3F 03/12 22:47
b99202071: 痛痛人= =4F 03/12 22:48
Satoman: 藥丸5F 03/12 22:51
d2x77: 好慘6F 03/12 22:52
Chanlin01: 法官好慘 先是被道奇球場害到 現在又痛痛7F 03/12 22:53
akiraje: ....王牌不舒服接下來最強打者也出狀況8F 03/12 22:53
Yjizz: 還好沒事9F 03/12 22:55
eee60109: 紐約醫院開張10F 03/12 22:56
bananacookie: Power99都會有天與咒縛嗎11F 03/12 22:59
laihom0808: 結伴同行?12F 03/12 23:03
alex813: 與柯同行13F 03/12 23:05
bingreen: 丸子…萬一扣跟阿吉都傷兵,我基就涼了14F 03/12 23:05
pcfox: 鮪魚中腹好吃嗎15F 03/12 23:09
RAYP: 紐約的靈壓16F 03/12 23:12
Axwell: 啊就沒事還在那邊痛痛人17F 03/12 23:14
max011060: 希望2個都沒事 不然就要放推了..18F 03/12 23:25
timchen0111: 變養雞隊了19F 03/12 23:25
b99202071: 前幾年還不夠痛痛?20F 03/12 23:26
orze04: 不是吧21F 03/12 23:34
Werth: 就算沒事 法官這個屬性還是去打DH吧22F 03/12 23:41
Endospore: 他守備還蠻有水準的,打指定打擊太可惜23F 03/12 23:43
applehpsh: 叫基迷今年佛系看球的概念24F 03/12 23:43
v2020black: 停賽吧25F 03/12 23:58
punk1799: 少了法官和Cole,從龍頭競爭者變成很可能墊底26F 03/12 23:59
AZBTPATONY: 簽完就開始倫了27F 03/13 00:04
chan324: 大概就這樣了28F 03/13 00:38
RBC54321: 某樓又是標準印象派了 法官7年真正痛就19和疫情的20年其他都還ok 至於18觸身球和去年腳趾傷 那種誰來都一樣29F 03/13 00:52
Mikufans: 法官要怎麼打DH
還有一個更玻璃的Stanton31F 03/13 01:46
a40558473: 養雞藥丸33F 03/13 02:07
kevinftjiang: 以為走了Severino就舒暢?每年都是要有人獻祭的,知道以前那些代罪羔羊的心酸了吧!34F 03/13 03:45
