看板 Baseball
作者 chargebro (七転八起  八七精神)
標題 Re: [討論] 水原一平本人ESPN專訪內容
時間 Thu Mar 21 09:36:08 2024



The Los Angeles Dodgers interpreter for Shohei Ohtani was fired Wednesday
afternoon after questions surrounding at least $4.5 million in wire transfers
sent from Ohtani's bank account to a bookmaking operation set off a series of


Ippei Mizuhara, the longtime friend and interpreter for Ohtani, incurred the
gambling debts to a Southern California bookmaking operation that is under
federal investigation, multiple sources told ESPN. How he came to lose his
job started with reporters asking questions about the wire transfers.


Initially, a spokesman for Ohtani told ESPN the slugger had transferred the
funds to cover Mizuhara's gambling debt. The spokesman presented Mizuhara to
ESPN for a 90-minute interview Tuesday night, during which Mizuhara laid out
his account in great detail. However, as ESPN prepared to publish the story
Wednesday, the spokesman disavowed Mizuhara's account and said Ohtani's
lawyers would issue a statement.


"In the course of responding to recent media inquiries, we discovered that
Shohei has been the victim of a massive theft, and we are turning the matter
over to the authorities," read the statement from Berk Brettler LLP.


The spokesman declined to answer any further questions, and the statement did
not specify whom they believe perpetrated the alleged theft.


When asked by ESPN on Wednesday afternoon -- after the Berk Brettler
statement -- if he had been accused of theft, Mizuhara said he was told he
could not comment but declined to say by whom.


The developments this week came as federal investigators are examining the
operation run by Southern California bookmaker Mathew Bowyer. The
wire-transfer payments were sent from Ohtani's account to an associate of
Bowyer's, according to multiple sources and bank data reviewed by ESPN.
Multiple sources, including Mizuhara, told ESPN that Ohtani does not gamble,
and that the funds covered Mizuhara's losses.


ESPN had reviewed bank information showing Ohtani's name on two $500,000

payments sent last September and October.


While sports betting is legal in nearly 40 states, it remains illegal in
California. Government-regulated sportsbooks require bettors to pay up front
for their wagers, while illegal bookmakers accept bets on credit.


Sources close to the gambling operation told ESPN that Bowyer dealt directly
with Mizuhara, who placed bets on international soccer matches and other
sports -- but not baseball -- starting in 2021. A source said Bowyer was
aware of the name on the wire transfers but chose not to ask any questions as
long as payments came in; however, the source said Bowyer allowed people to
believe Ohtani was a client in order to boost business.


Bowyer's attorney, Diane Bass, told ESPN: "Mr. Bowyer never met or spoke with
Shohei Ohtani." She declined to answer any other questions.


In the Tuesday interview arranged by Ohtani's spokesman, Mizuhara, 39, told
ESPN that he asked Ohtani last year to pay off his gambling debt, which
multiple sources said had ballooned to at least $4.5 million. Mizuhara said
that he previously had placed bets via DraftKings and assumed bets placed
through Bowyer were legal.


"Obviously, he [Ohtani] wasn't happy about it and said he would help me out

to make sure I never do this again," Mizuhara said. "He decided to pay it off
for me."

"當然,大谷不是很開心,他說他會幫忙並確保我不會再賭",一平說 "他決定幫我還錢"

"I want everyone to know Shohei had zero involvement in betting. I want
people to know I did not know this was illegal. I learned my lesson the hard
way. I will never do sports betting ever again."


But on Wednesday afternoon, Mizuhara told ESPN that Ohtani had no knowledge
of his gambling debts and that Ohtani had not transferred money to the
bookmaker's associate.


Mizuhara and Ohtani are friends in addition to their professional
relationship. Mizuhara has translated for Ohtani since the star moved to the
U.S. in 2018, accompanying the two-way player in dugouts, locker rooms,
player lounges, on trips, in media settings, and elsewhere, making him highly
recognizable to baseball fans. He has been the interpreter for Ohtani with
team managers and coaches and goes over scouting reports with Ohtani during
games. The two are rarely separated -- Mizuhara runs errands for the pitcher,
carries his water bottle, and is so ever-present an Ohtani teammate once
referred to the duo as having a "brotherhood" that goes beyond friendship.


Mizuhara had a contract with the Los Angeles Angels when Ohtani played there
and signed with the Dodgers this off-season. Mizuhara confirmed to ESPN he
has been paid between $300,000 and $500,000 annually.


Mizuhara told ESPN on Tuesday his bets were on international soccer, the NBA,
the NFL and college football.

"I never bet on baseball," Mizuhara said. "That's 100%. I knew that rule ...
We have a meeting about that in spring training."


MLB players and employees are allowed to bet on sports other than baseball
but not with illegal bookmakers or offshore websites. The league rulebook
states that bets placed with illegal bookmakers are subject to punishment at
the commissioner's discretion.


A Major League Baseball source told ESPN the league has not been contacted by
federal authorities and was not aware of the situation until ESPN raised it
in recent days. The source said MLB's next step would be to gather facts,
which could take time in light of the ongoing federal investigation.


Federal authorities learned of Ohtani's wire payments in January as part of

their investigation into Bowyer's bookmaking operation, a source told ESPN.
ESPN reviewed wire-transfer data for two of the transactions, each totaling
$500,000; "Shohei Otani" is visible alongside various bank account and
wire-transfer information and the word "loan." "Otani" is the Japanese
two-way player's legal name.


Officials from the U.S. attorney's office in the Central District of
California declined comment. An attorney for Bowyer's bookmaking associate
also declined comment.

Two sources said neither Ohtani nor Mizuhara has been contacted by federal


Bowyer, 48, could be facing potential felony charges. His home was raided by
federal authorities in October, according to multiple sources and documents
reviewed by ESPN. According to a search warrant inventory obtained by ESPN,
agents seized cash, casino chips, banking documents, a money-counting
machine, multiple computers, portable storage devices and cell phones. Agents
also seized two Breitling watches and nearly a dozen luxury handbags made by
Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Hermes.


Mizuhara told ESPN he met Bowyer at a San Diego poker game in 2021 and
started betting with him on credit later that year. He estimated his losses
mounted to more than $1 million by the end of 2022 and ballooned from there.

一平說他是2021年在San Diego撲克牌局認識莊家的,並隨後開始跟他下注,他估計大概

"I'm terrible [at gambling.] Never going to do it again. Never won any
money," Mizuhara said. "I mean, I dug myself a hole and it kept on getting
bigger, and it meant I had to bet bigger to get out of it and just kept on
losing. It's like a snowball effect."


After Ohtani agreed to pay the debts, Mizuhara said on Tuesday, Ohtani logged
onto his own computer and sent the wire transfers under Mizuhara's
supervision in installments over several months last year. They added "loan"
to the description field in the transactions.

"We had to add a description for the wire," Mizuhara said. "I think Matt
[Bowyer] might have told me to just put 'loan.' You had to put something."



Asked why Ohtani didn't simply give him the money instead of paying Bowyer's
associate directly, Mizuhara said Ohtani didn't trust him with the money.

"He didn't want me to gamble it away," Mizuhara said.

Mizuhara said he told Ohtani he would pay him back.




When an ESPN reporter asked Ohtani's camp about the allegation from Mizuhara
that Ohtani was present and helped move the funds and that he was going to be
paid back, the spokesman contacted Ohtani's attorneys, who then issued the
statement saying he was the victim of a "massive theft."


Mizuhara, though, Wednesday afternoon, walked back much of what he had said
late Tuesday, saying Ohtani had no knowledge of his gambling activities,
debts or efforts to repay them.

"Obviously, this is all my fault, everything I've done," he said. "I'm ready
to face all the consequences."

He said he did not have legal representation but was "working on it." He said
he spoke with ESPN Wednesday afternoon on his own free will.

He reiterated, though, that he had never bet on baseball.





The Dodgers are in South Korea for their season-opening series, which began
Wednesday against the San Diego Padres with a 5-2 victory. Mizuhara was seen
in the Dodgers' dugout during the game. A Dodgers spokesperson said Mizuhara
addressed the clubhouse after the game, telling them a story was coming out
and that it was all his fault, saying he has a gambling addiction.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: chargebro 2024-03-21 09:36:08
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b-uyArI (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1710984970.A.D52.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [討論] 水原一平本人ESPN專訪內容
03-21 09:36 chargebro.
Chanlin01: 一平你想害死谷谷嗎 準備社死吧你1F 03/21 09:37
EVGAMIS: 就算是賭博好像也沒罰很重 幾千塊美金而已2F 03/21 09:38
Angel0724: 大谷發言人也在雷欸3F 03/21 09:38
vancomycinX: 大賭翔平4F 03/21 09:38
Angel0724: 大谷知情的話怎麼也洗不清了5F 03/21 09:38
b99202071: 唉 不懂法律的下場6F 03/21 09:38
YummyCurry: 大谷幫你還錢 就你一平在搞 現在出事大谷還被拖下水7F 03/21 09:38
nigatsuki: 推詳細翻譯8F 03/21 09:39
YummyCurry: 一平跟著大谷吃香喝辣 不好嗎?9F 03/21 09:39
julies0215: 小賭怡情 大賭翔平10F 03/21 09:40
alger4713: 賭輸十年年薪 真有你的一平11F 03/21 09:41
rainbowcrash: 這個專訪根本雷到爆,大谷耗子尾汁12F 03/21 09:41
zzs123344: 改口凹的有點硬欸13F 03/21 09:41
Texsogood: 推這篇詳細 就是幫忙還後來發現這樣有問題所以改口自己盜用大谷帳戶14F 03/21 09:41
a4268139: 所以...一平有動用大谷銀行帳戶的權利?16F 03/21 09:41
zzs123344: 哪天改凹大谷叫他下注我看不無可能17F 03/21 09:41
willywasd: 一開始的說法看起來才是真相18F 03/21 09:41
wl2340167: 一平母湯啦QQ19F 03/21 09:42
bbo40453: 大谷錢不是媽媽在管嗎XD20F 03/21 09:42
finalzerd: 大谷跟他一起匯.....美國檢方表示:21F 03/21 09:42
EVGAMIS: 一開始的說法最可信 只是大谷不知道這樣會惹禍22F 03/21 09:42
phix: 第一次說的應該就是事實23F 03/21 09:42
kobebrian: 不是 大谷的發言人自己也講幫忙還債 不只是一平那邊講的欸24F 03/21 09:42
goodjop11: 那這樣大谷還有球打嗎?26F 03/21 09:42
bj451123: 美國真的很瞎欸。這麼多地方是合法的,然後偏偏娛樂產業高的加州是非法的27F 03/21 09:42
a2350221: 沒請律師發言  讓發言人發菸一平專訪 麻煩囉29F 03/21 09:42
finalzerd: 上面有說啊,大谷跟水原一起用電匯的30F 03/21 09:43
payneblue: 只能說大谷太天真了 還幫忙還賭債31F 03/21 09:43
globekiller: 這篇算完整整理目前事情發展了32F 03/21 09:43
finalzerd: 所以是大谷本人操作的,很難脫身了33F 03/21 09:43
vicky23615: 我是相信第一個說法 不過改說法反而讓大谷變得更可疑34F 03/21 09:43
ilikeroc: 第一個說法合理 但法律上對大谷不利所以要改35F 03/21 09:44
haofutw: 我幫你還賭債 結果我也有事?36F 03/21 09:44
finalzerd: 大谷借錢給一平都還好一點,跟他一起電匯..37F 03/21 09:44
tjtsyhssy: 還真沒想過這種事會發生在大谷身上38F 03/21 09:44
TimmyJiang: 很明顯一開始的說法才是真的了,本來就不太可能當事人不知道情況下挪用這麼大筆錢39F 03/21 09:44
ilikeroc: 兩個都太單蠢了搞出這一齣41F 03/21 09:45
chopinlee: 這事情第一時間沒找經紀人處理而是上節目專訪?拜託把ballers一到五季全部看過一遍好嗎42F 03/21 09:45
finalzerd: 這件事是嚴重在大谷本人跟地下組頭有往來44F 03/21 09:45
sasadog: 就覺得借錢給賭鬼他會拿去賭吧 但直接匯款更蠢==45F 03/21 09:45
granturismo: 不好說 這個專訪在法律上危及大谷 在輿論上可能反而會救他一命46F 03/21 09:45
TimmyJiang: 後面大谷律師知道專訪這齣大戲後越想越不對勁才要一平48F 03/21 09:46
phix: 幫忙還錢到底會判啥??49F 03/21 09:46
TimmyJiang: 翻口供50F 03/21 09:46
globekiller: 一平回日本應該出不了門了51F 03/21 09:46
s860382: 就天真覺得要幫忙 不相讓他繼續賭 結果不知道這樣的嚴重性 ..52F 03/21 09:46
vini770803: 一平不知道不合法也很扯54F 03/21 09:46
kobebrian: 幫忙還錢確實不是道德瑕疵 法律瑕疵而已55F 03/21 09:47
appshjkli: 笑死56F 03/21 09:47
allenchen: 你是球員,知道你的翻譯在賭球沒處理,這沒責任嗎57F 03/21 09:47
ilikeroc: 因為他幫忙還的不是合法賭博業 而是非法地下組頭58F 03/21 09:47
PlayStation3: 律師這樣才是正確的脫罪說詞,要不然以加州法律,要搞大谷是完全可以預見的59F 03/21 09:47
vini770803: 而且是在加州 一平在加州賭大學61F 03/21 09:47
kobebrian: 但法律判決他跟組頭有金流來往的話…好像也是會出事62F 03/21 09:47
granturismo: 最大的錯誤就是踩雷還錢之前沒請教律師吧63F 03/21 09:47
MindWork: 第一個說法 大谷也以為合法沒問題就直接轉了64F 03/21 09:47
allenchen: 而且是非法賭球65F 03/21 09:47
globekiller: 我還是今天才知道有些州運彩非法66F 03/21 09:48
will8535: 感覺幫還債為真,偷帳戶是假67F 03/21 09:48
rappig: 大谷快被這些人搞死了68F 03/21 09:48
globekiller: 大谷中招正常 尤其如果他真的沒在賭69F 03/21 09:48
ewpnawt8: 還好沒賭棒球...70F 03/21 09:48
tjtsyhssy: 帳戶連結到非法賭博這個很嚴重71F 03/21 09:49
ilikeroc: 有沒有賭棒球要看後續調查吧 不能只憑他的說詞72F 03/21 09:49
mimimoumou: 竟然還接受那麼久的專訪,一平也太大心了吧?這些事都沒事先跟道奇討論過?73F 03/21 09:49
Orisinal: 應該一開始的是實情 後來保大谷才趕快轉變說法75F 03/21 09:49
globekiller: 加上一平說 春訓有講不能賭棒球 不就代表合法76F 03/21 09:49
RoastCorn: 一平啊一平,乖乖下去吧,所有事情都是你搞的77F 03/21 09:49
icou: 也真的是...幹嘛不在合法的地方賭...要命78F 03/21 09:49
hans7192: MLB允許球員跟職員用合法途徑投注運彩但不能投注棒球79F 03/21 09:49
EVGAMIS: 他是買運彩吧 不是賭地下的80F 03/21 09:49
ivo88114: 認同上面講 專訪講法有法律問題
但是事情爆出來對形象受害較小 幫還債81F 03/21 09:49
s13140709: 大谷知情還縱容這也很糟糕83F 03/21 09:50
hans7192: 所以球員知道翻譯在賭哪裡有問題?84F 03/21 09:50
nigatsuki: 他不是賭地下的啦85F 03/21 09:50
EVGAMIS: 就剛好加州違法 如果去其他州就沒事86F 03/21 09:50
patrick123: 第一個說法就很真啊後面就是律師要他們說的不過大谷還87F 03/21 09:50
ivo88114: 他的問題是非法下注吧88F 03/21 09:50
A135142: 賭狗可憐89F 03/21 09:50
patrick123: 跟水原一起在那邊匯款喔==90F 03/21 09:50
kobebrian: 就在想法律上能追究大谷到什麼程度91F 03/21 09:50
ilikeroc: 大谷說不定以為是合法的呀==92F 03/21 09:50
tjtsyhssy: 他透過的不是合法管道,他聲明以為那個人是合法的,不過大谷很難避免被調查93F 03/21 09:50
bkebke: 大谷的身份才會相信他沒賭啊95F 03/21 09:51
EVGAMIS: 就算是買運彩 在加州罪也不重 頂多罰款96F 03/21 09:51
smalla830: 看不太懂時間?他星期二接受專訪不就是大家都知道了 然後比賽還出現 現在才開除?97F 03/21 09:51
kobebrian: 如果幫忙還債不至於判刑吧99F 03/21 09:51
EVGAMIS: 但水原搞到盜用他人帳戶 就已經是刑法100F 03/21 09:51
bkebke: 一般有杯賽 沒帳戶叫同事幫忙下也很平常101F 03/21 09:51
mimimoumou: 名聲會有瑕疵了啊102F 03/21 09:51
kobebrian: 我還是比較靠北大谷居然還跟一平好來好去 是在演什麼103F 03/21 09:51
Feeng: 我覺得這才是真的之後是為了保護大谷才改口104F 03/21 09:51
a12349743: 轉這麼硬誰會相信 還是其實有更深的水 我不想說……..105F 03/21 09:51
PlayStation3: 翻譯這種工作,還是要球隊有掌控身家比較好,越麻吉越容易出大事106F 03/21 09:52
icou: 大谷就是知道一個道理: 給專業的來108F 03/21 09:52
payneblue: 就說出來  大谷有可能自己去賭109F 03/21 09:52
finalzerd: 不過大谷本人去年知道還不檢舉,很難沒事110F 03/21 09:52
orze04: 只能凹大谷本人被欺騙以為那是合法博弈了吧111F 03/21 09:52
chargebro: 昨天比賽完才跟球團講的,球團也是那時候才知道吧112F 03/21 09:52
Allenhsieh: 看大谷出事前都還跟他那麼麻吉.. 感覺就還有牙膏113F 03/21 09:52
icou: 一般翻譯就只是翻譯 是水原做到像傳產中小企業老闆娘一樣114F 03/21 09:53
iloorange: 要發言前不能先問問律師嗎115F 03/21 09:53
finalzerd: 因為在法律上,知道不檢舉,很容易變共犯116F 03/21 09:53
bkebke: 今天棒球員身份拿掉117F 03/21 09:53
Cassious: 第一次講得有夠詳細,應該就是真相了118F 03/21 09:53
globekiller: 轉這麼硬搞不好調查人員查更用力119F 03/21 09:53
hans7192: 請問大谷要檢舉甚麼?120F 03/21 09:53
iloorange: 當翻譯當到年薪300,000-500,000還不知足121F 03/21 09:53
icou: 大谷可能根本也不知道在他那州是違法的 覺得只是單純賭債122F 03/21 09:53
bkebke: 有幾個相信沒偶而順便的123F 03/21 09:53
mimimoumou: 道奇在一平專訪前到底知情不知情?這處理有點糟124F 03/21 09:53
finalzerd: 從跟水原一起電匯,檢方看起來就很像共犯125F 03/21 09:54
hans7192: MLB都允許了  大谷是要檢舉甚麼?126F 03/21 09:54
globekiller: 道奇應該不知情 不然還讓他專訪?127F 03/21 09:54
smalla830: 這專訪不是大谷發言人安排的嗎?他們為什麼要主動安排這個專訪?128F 03/21 09:54
icou: 這整個該先喬好的沒喬好 真的蠻糟的...130F 03/21 09:54
Cassious: 大谷的發言人和律師團在一平接受專訪前竟然都沒有確認一下對外說法也是神奇131F 03/21 09:55
finalzerd: 道奇應該是檢方找上門才找到這件事的133F 03/21 09:55
taeyeon09: 大谷發言人和大谷也真是天真 自己出來自首134F 03/21 09:55
tupacshkur: Gambling debt135F 03/21 09:55
TimmyJiang: 大谷這種棒球癡棒球狂,我是覺得他根本不會知道美國哪40州能合法賭博,哪些少數的不能賭博136F 03/21 09:55
Senga41: 小賭怡情 大谷翔平XDDD138F 03/21 09:55
finalzerd: 因為這件事是美檢查組頭金流發現大谷找上門的139F 03/21 09:55
globekiller: 一開始應該想說幫還賭債而已140F 03/21 09:55
orze04: 而且很難相信50萬的電匯銀行會沒聯繫本人141F 03/21 09:55
Aidrux: 怎麼這篇越看越不妙142F 03/21 09:56
taeyeon09: 第一次講的90分鐘應該是真的143F 03/21 09:56
TimmyJiang: 只單純以為美國博弈是合法事業,阿我幫忙麻吉還錢不會怎樣吧144F 03/21 09:56
wan8088: 為什麼還要給ESPN專訪啊 不太懂146F 03/21 09:56
mimimoumou: 大谷團隊如果沒跟道奇討論就這樣搞也太不專業147F 03/21 09:56
finalzerd: 所以一平初次講的很合理,大谷跟他一起電匯148F 03/21 09:56
globekiller: 看來可能被當共犯所以切割149F 03/21 09:56
tjtsyhssy: 嗯 這個專訪安排的很怪,專訪後才發現一平講的內容大有問題150F 03/21 09:56
galiyo: 高中生天真的想法 幫忙還錢不會有事吧...會喔152F 03/21 09:56
Aidrux: 案重初供153F 03/21 09:57
icou: 小賭怡情 大谷翔平 三小啦好靠杯但我笑了XD154F 03/21 09:57
Cassious: 我相信大谷不知道加州賭博違法,鄉民們號稱上知天文下知地理,啥事都要出來冒充一下專家大概都不曉得了155F 03/21 09:57
lmf770410: 這應該就是真相,所以大谷的義氣反而害了他157F 03/21 09:57
wan8088: 好好閉嘴接受調查不就好了嗎158F 03/21 09:57
LA8221: 大谷:給你錢哪知道你會不會又賭,我親自幫你還…159F 03/21 09:57
Kelsier27: 感覺第一次是真的 但接受採訪前都不用問律師嗎160F 03/21 09:58
icou: 我也覺得大谷當初可能只是念一念水原就算了不覺得是大事161F 03/21 09:58
orze04: 大谷不知道哪些州不合法有可能,但水原怎會不知道?這一部分他有誤導大谷嗎?但也不會是竊盜而是詐欺吧162F 03/21 09:58
finalzerd: 改說法也很合理,一起電匯大谷就變共犯了164F 03/21 09:58
taeyeon09: 一個賭狗寄生上流吸血好友又毀壞好友名聲的故事165F 03/21 09:58
colorbest: 不過沒先跟律師團隊討論過就上專訪? 這也是滿雷的166F 03/21 09:59
taeyeon09: 好蠢的大谷 詐騙犯快瞄準大谷 他很好騙167F 03/21 09:59
icou: 所以背後說詞大家要喬好啊 不喬好就先受訪真的是爆炸雷168F 03/21 09:59
taeyeon09: 他錢很多他很單蠢169F 03/21 09:59
bear09931831: 不是 發言人在幹嘛 不能跟律師先討論完再發言喔170F 03/21 09:59
mimimoumou: 這專訪就是一種很稀鬆平常的語氣,好像我犯了個小錯,以後再也不犯了的感覺,真的讓人覺得大谷團隊很瞎171F 03/21 09:59
visviva: 40個州運動賭博合法?那不會有莊家去接觸選手嗎?173F 03/21 09:59
finalzerd: 給espn專訪就是知道檢方殺上門,這件事瞞不住了,想要先滅火,沒想到說大谷跟他一起電匯,不小心就變共犯了174F 03/21 10:00
taeyeon09: 那也是大谷發言人阿 自己挖坑跳下去 厲害了176F 03/21 10:00
rappig: 大谷就社會化不夠呀 整天都在打棒球 有些事可能覺得沒什麼177F 03/21 10:00
tjtsyhssy: espn依照消息來問,但是整個團隊看起來沒跟道奇球團確認說法,還講了90分鐘……178F 03/21 10:00
Kelite: 社會化程度不足 真慘 要全身很退只能靠道奇的法務了 但躲人一向都是先切割球員再說的 看看Bauer Urias
*而退180F 03/21 10:00
taeyeon09: 大谷知道朋友賭博也沒警覺 還用自己名字帳戶183F 03/21 10:00
Hettt5655: 早知道就不要去加州 直接去紐約就沒事了184F 03/21 10:00
Kreen: 先不說發言人和一平接受採訪前,都沒跟律師溝通這種超雷舉動。還有一個少人提的雷點是,在美國合法監管的體育賭場要用現金(資產,先付後賭),只有不合法的才能用信用去賭(先賭後付)。這要凹說不知道那是不合法的就很奇怪。185F 03/21 10:00
CrossroadMEI: 用大谷自己的名字 至少不會多吃一條洗錢 解釋起來還比較單純189F 03/21 10:01
icou: 這是法律攻防戰 不會滅火還上陣就是提油桶...191F 03/21 10:01
kakashi71: 第一個說法感覺是最合理的,但大谷會有些麻煩,所以後來討論後改口?不過這看下來大谷發言人也雷啊!經紀公司應該有律師團吧?沒有幫忙把關嗎192F 03/21 10:01
taeyeon09: FBI:這90分鐘專訪錄音我要了195F 03/21 10:01
finalzerd: 道奇就不知道啊,檢方殺去找大谷,他們才知道的196F 03/21 10:01
aotom: 大聯盟自己都有投資運彩公司啦
檢方還沒找大谷喔,連水原都還沒被叫去197F 03/21 10:01
zxc906383: 檢方還沒任何動作吧199F 03/21 10:02
ericinttu: 在大谷答應幫水原還債後,大谷用自己的電腦登入帳戶200F 03/21 10:02
spec55959: 大谷的能力是頂尖  但大谷的團隊怎麼...201F 03/21 10:02
tailsean: 沒有道德瑕疵,說不定更好,但有法律瑕疵,這樣202F 03/21 10:02
mimimoumou: 大谷團隊真的很瞎203F 03/21 10:02
aotom: 這篇就espn那篇專訪,翻譯得很好了,可以看這篇204F 03/21 10:03
fly0711: 10樓wwwww205F 03/21 10:03
u9912114: 加州賭博竟然違法wwwww果然夠左206F 03/21 10:03
icou: 道德部分反而可以增添好傻好天真的棒球痴人形象(?207F 03/21 10:04
good12345: 大谷的發言人安排一平專訪但沒有先討論過說詞?208F 03/21 10:05
aotom: 對 早上看這篇報導,覺得發言人超雷209F 03/21 10:05
easyleeful: 「我再也不賭了,從來沒贏過」 十賭十輸@@210F 03/21 10:06
