看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [分享] 洋基迷拿結婚基金去買世界大賽門票
時間 Thu Oct 24 20:06:57 2024

World Series ticket prices led one fan to dip into wedding fund – NBC10 Philadelphia
The star-studded matchup between Aaron Judge's Yankees and Shohei Ohtani's Dodgers has fans spending big to see the 2024 World Series. ...


Diehard Yankees fan Raymond Perez is among the fans who splurged for a chance to
 go to a game, plucking the money from his wedding fund, although he says his fi
ancée gave him the green light.

一位洋基球迷Raymond Perez


“Total cost for four tickets was $9,400, and it’ll be $2,360 each,” he told T
ODAY for a story that aired Oct. 23.



Perez is only one of thousands of people willing to pony up big money to go to t
he Fall Classic.

“On StubHub, we are on track for this to be the best World Series in history, w
ith regards to total sales,” StubHub’s Adam Budelli says.




World Series 2024: Tickets to Dodgers-Yankees among the most expensive ever - Yahoo Sports
A matchup between two star-laden, big-market franchises is "the perfect storm" for ticket demand, StubHub's Adam Budelli told Yahoo Sports. ...


StubHub’s sales revenue had already surpassed final sales revenue from last yea
r’s Diamondbacks-Rangers World Series, even though Friday's opening game was st
ill more than 72 hours away.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-10-24 20:06:57
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1d6ZXadQ (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1729771620.A.9DA.html
Ikaruwill: 賺爛了賺爛了1F 10/24 20:07
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/24/2024 20:07:48
Sechslee: 賺爛了賺爛了2F 10/24 20:08
CREA: 結婚基金才30萬3F 10/24 20:09
Yjizz: 剛看FOX 說G1 7分完售4F 10/24 20:09
yu800910: 賺爛了5F 10/24 20:09
cake10414: 30W台幣是只公證嗎6F 10/24 20:10
tommy123310: 婚紗在球場拍一拍就好了啦7F 10/24 20:11
RodrigueZ810: 比起賺30萬 更難的是他買的到票吧...8F 10/24 20:11
ahuahala: 在這幾場拍婚紗這主意還真不錯9F 10/24 20:15
Alderamin: Stubhub現在隨便搜都一堆票 重點是花不花得下去10F 10/24 20:17
Arsenalhenry: 窩好興奮rrrrrrrr11F 10/24 20:23
hasroten: 挖靠12F 10/24 20:25
chocobell: 有錢不難買到票啦13F 10/24 20:25
cobras638: 9400美金14F 10/24 20:25
allenhome23: 台灣30萬只夠月中15F 10/24 20:38
ben192726: 他賣出去結婚基金可以翻倍吧16F 10/24 20:40
SmallGG3cm: 羨慕可以自由買黃牛17F 10/24 20:45
heyjude1118: 周杰倫表示18F 10/24 20:48
MrSatan: 世界大賽蜜月19F 10/24 20:49
ATand: 你拿月中的錢去買票老婆還不跟你輸贏?20F 10/24 20:57
kululualex: 婚可能不會結,但是世界大賽一定會打,哪邊值得很好分21F 10/24 20:58
asdfg5287: 想結婚 隨時都可以結 但奇蹟之戰一輩子可能只看到一次23F 10/24 21:01
kevenchia: 黃牛警察要開始追殺了24F 10/24 21:02
ACerol: 還好是開綠燈不是戴綠帽25F 10/24 21:09
hsnut27: 我要是有這樣的未婚妻真的做夢都會笑26F 10/24 21:12
cymtrex: 美國黃牛太囂張了吧27F 10/24 21:23
Tullio: 值得丫28F 10/24 22:02
JKjohnwick: 在台灣會被台女公審29F 10/24 22:05
jack78610: 在婚姻版在BG板會被罵到爛30F 10/24 22:13
Jokering5566: 美國經濟史上最好31F 10/24 22:20
AirLee: 史上市場資金最多32F 10/24 22:28
tenshou: 美國又不抓黃牛一切都是市場決定33F 10/24 23:08
Goofyforhi: 搶不到票的只能多花錢買 現實就是這樣 一個有票一個有錢34F 10/24 23:12
nsk: 這是愛情全壘打續集的劇情嗎?36F 10/24 23:18
sodabing: 有比周杰倫的票還難搶嗎37F 10/24 23:20
rappig: 這樣的女生 真的可以娶了38F 10/24 23:25
shishio7: 搞不好他月薪很高39F 10/24 23:41
nwt: 資本主義40F 10/24 23:47
fp737: 錢再賺就好  要在世界大賽看到奇基沒那麼簡單41F 10/24 23:54
acebank: 綠綠的42F 10/25 00:03
ericinttu:   這筆錢有花在未來的老婆身上 應該SAFE八43F 10/25 00:37
samvii: 如果在球場接到關鍵的全壘打,搞不好就回本了
比如說撿到一顆九局下半大谷/賈吉打出的逆轉再見轟的球44F 10/25 03:37
Organizer: 台灣又要批黃牛了 笑死46F 10/25 04:49
