看板 MAC
作者 brominelove (brominelove)
標題 [情報] 燦坤滿萬送千
時間 Sat Dec 29 22:36:43 2012


Macbook air 13" 原價37900現折3000 ----> 34900

Macbook pro retina 13" 原價53900現折5000 ----> 48900



原本想買air 升8g ram,可惜客製品沒有在活動範圍內。


air 13" 8G 客製品大概是41200,

pro w/ retina 現在在燦坤買大概是48900,

差7700元… 重量差不到300克,看起來pro的擴充性強,螢幕爽度也很高。




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
jarry1007:買ipod有嗎?1F 12/29 22:37
※ 編輯: brominelove     來自:          (12/29 22:43)
forever215:如果你很在意螢幕,當然有必要!但是還要買AppleCare喔2F 12/29 22:44
leisurely:這樣 air 11' 多少啊!? 該不會3萬以下了?
沒11' QQ3F 12/29 23:36
ANCEE:哇 感謝消息 明天去燦坤看5F 12/29 23:43
pertonas:我會建議直接考慮 RETINA
畢竟處理器效能還有差異6F 12/30 02:04
leisurely:處理器效能有什麼差?我看型號都一樣 還是說有秘密?8F 12/30 02:22
pertonas:AIR 的處理器在 Intel 規範是低電壓版本
PRO 系列是標準電壓版本,兩者的效能是有差異的9F 12/30 02:23
eggimage:leisure你哪邊看cpu型號的 比看到的"型號"真的是型號?XDD11F 12/30 02:25
pertonas:你是看處理器時脈來比較,對嗎?12F 12/30 02:26
eggimage:話說apple從來不告訴消費者cpu型號的 leisure自己查的嗎13F 12/30 02:33
leisurely:我以為P大是指MBP and MBP retina
CPU http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBook_Pro14F 12/30 02:39
MacBook Pro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The MacBook Pro is a line of Macintosh portable computers introduced in January 2006 by Apple Inc., and now in its third generation. Replacing the PowerBook G4, the MacBook Pro was the second model, after the iMac, to be announced in the Apple–Intel transition. It is also the high-end model of the M ...
leisurely:BTW 話說看到e大回話 有種...恩
AIR http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBook_Air16F 12/30 02:46
MacBook Air - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The MacBook Air family is a line of ultraportable Macintosh notebook computers created by Apple Inc. They were designed to balance performance and portability; therefore, they have a full-sized laptop keyboard design and, at the same time, a machined aluminium casing with extremely low weight and th ...
leisurely:是我自己會錯意 P大有冒犯到 抱歉~18F 12/30 02:48
ah7675:leisurely打了好幾樓的臉 幹的好XDDDD19F 12/30 03:26
AdPiG:13吋Pro含Retina都是3210M 35w AIR是3427U 17W ...20F 12/30 10:02
leisurely:另外說一下,剛剛去燦坤問店員11'也有滿萬折千 殺爆了21F 12/30 13:17
windowgame:現在變成13&15的retina 在猶豫了xd22F 12/30 14:00
hugowski:是哪一間啊?昨天晚上去天母的燦坤,他們說沒有...23F 12/30 14:03
camino605:昨天也在燦坤買retina 真的很划算24F 12/30 14:28
今天週年慶最後一天,我同事剛剛去敗家了~ XD25F 12/30 14:37
