看板 car
作者 bearland (夜鷺食穀)
標題 [外電] 過度自動化生產 拖累Model 3產量和品質
時間 Sun Apr  1 17:39:16 2018

  Tesla Model 3的產量進度和組裝品質一直不如車廠預期,

  去年Tesla原本計畫到了2017年底,每週要生產5000輛Model 3,


  根據Bernstein Research的研究報告,這是因為Tesla過度追求機器人自動化生產所致

  ,讓Tesla Model 3的生產進度、成本和組裝品質都被過度自動化給嚴重拖累了。


  美國老牌汽車雜誌Car & Driver的試駕報導也說,Model 3的組裝品質不如預期。

  "the questionable build quality we've learned to expect."

  (圖) Tesla Model 3 每週生產量統計圖,這個星期已達生產1214輛。
  (source: Bloomberg)

  (圖14) 自動化程度與生產成本關係曲線圖





  According to the Bernstein analysts Max Warburton and Toni Sacconaghi,
it's the robots that can't pump out Tesla's highly anticipated Model 3s
fast enough. The whole process is too ambitious, risky, and complicated.

  分析師Max Warburton,他在進入華爾街金融界之前,





  因為 1. 自動化的成本昂貴

  2. 統計顯示,自動化程度跟生產品質高低成反比關係。

  Warburton, who spent his career before Wall Street at the International
Motor Vehicle Program — a partly academic, partly commercial organization
based at MIT — wrote that "automation in final assembly doesn't work."

  Bernstein adds that the world's best carmakers, the Japanese, try to
limit automation because it "is expensive and is statistically inversely
correlated to quality." Their approach is to get the process right first,
then bring in the robots — the opposite of Musk's.


  以下是Bernstein Research研究報告,部份內容的簡譯



  "It has ordered huge numbers of Kuka robots. It has not only automated
stamping, paint and welding (as most other OEMs do) — it has also tried
to automate final assembly (putting parts into the car). It talks of two-level
final lines with robots automating parts sequencing. This is where Tesla seems
to be facing problems (as well as in welding & battery pack assembly)."




  Excessive automation actually raises costs beyond a point, as Exhibit 14,
from academics Gorlech and Wessel tries to explain. The problem is automation
is expensive — and usually proves far less effective, highly inflexible
and creates quality problems further down the line.



  In welding, mistakes and inconsistencies go unrecognized — but the machine
powers on and builds cars with the wrong geometry or bad spot welds in key
locations. These are only found later — when for instance the windscreen
is inserted, or a door re-attached. Have you wondered why Tesla doors don't
align, or hoods don't fit, or windscreens are prone to cracking?
Now you have your answer.

  In final assembly, robots can apply torque consistently — but they don't
detect and account for threads that aren't straight, bolts that don't quite
fit, fasteners that don't align or seals that have a defect. Humans are really
good at this. Have you wondered why Teslas have wind noise problems,
squeaks and rattles and bits of trim that fall off? Now you have your answer.


  (註:精益(精實)生產 Lean Production 或稱豐田式生產 Toyota Production System)




  Anyone familiar with automobile assembly likely knows this.
It's common knowledge that Japanese OEMs are incredibly careful about
what they automate. The principles of lean production emphasize human
involvement and the value of human checks and balances.

  Automation is, in many ways, contrary to the principles of lean production.
Lean production — or the Toyota Production System to be more specific
— focuses on human empowerment, human decision making and human ingenuity.
Lean factories typically have less automation not more. Fewer robots.
Fewer complicated handling systems. Fewer body stores. Fewer queues.
Less spending, And better productivity and quality.

  (圖) 報告作者 Max Warburton之前曾在汽車產業研究機構工作過

  (圖) 報告作者 Toni Sacconaghi


  (圖) Tesla股東投票通知書




  就產品本身而言,Model 3是物有所值的好車,也是Tesla成長茁壯的重要關鍵,



  生產Model 3的過程也要穩紮穩打,先追求產量和品質,爾後再講求高科技生產自動化


  The robots are killing Tesla
Tesla: Robots are killing it - Business Insider
OPINION: In a rare win for humans, a Bernstein analyst posits that Tesla may actually be over-automating its much-lauded factory in Fremont, Californi ...


  Tesla's Model 3 problems reveal a hidden cost in electric cars
Tesla's Model 3 problems highlight expensive battery cost - Business Insider
The battery in a Tesla is a very costly component and complicated to put together. ...


  Model 3 的電池組的生產自動化程度遠比Model S高。

  Battery production for the mass-market Model 3 will be far more automated
than it has been for Tesla's previous vehicles, the Model S and the Model X.

  [金融時報] 馬斯克26億美元薪酬方案遭股東服務集團反對

  為股東提供諮詢服務的機構股東服務集團(Institutional Shareholder Services)
全力反對Elon Musk創紀錄的26億美元薪酬方案。


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QmAZDyG (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1522575565.A.F10.html
※ 編輯: bearland (, 04/01/2018 17:50:02
s605171995: 特斯拉還是有做出成品,而且生產設備應該還很有價值1F 04/01 17:41
dslite: 機器人動作還會慢?2F 04/01 17:41
s605171995: 真的轉不過去可能就換個老闆而已3F 04/01 17:41
SakuraHana: 電動車這麼簡單的東西還生產這麼慢?4F 04/01 17:44
j401f2: 翻成精實生產比較好5F 04/01 17:44


s605171995: 我也記得電動車不是號稱零件簡單好修好生產嗎?6F 04/01 17:45
insingW: 好文章給推7F 04/01 17:46


hugh509: .....8F 04/01 17:51
librasky: Musk被吹捧太高了9F 04/01 17:53
tangolosss: 講一大堆屁話 機器人24小時在組裝 人工是能裝幾小時??10F 04/01 17:53
hugh509: https://youtu.be/4rlcMKzLt6E  寶馬有幾個步驟人工?11F 04/01 17:54
BMW 5 Series (2017) PRODUCTION - YouTube
BMW Brilliance Automotive (BBA) today opened the newly-built north section of its automotive plant in Dadong/Shenyang, China. The first long-wheelbase versio...

tangolosss: 等量產成功 這篇會變「機器人組裝太快 車價太便宜」將影響全世界勞工權益   反正怎樣都有屁話可以講12F 04/01 17:55
hugh509: 說成本大幅提高,這廢話  但說產量被拖累根本毫洨
生產管理問題,推到自動化身上  這根本笑死人14F 04/01 17:56
JEON: 應該是管理tune機台問題 跟機器本身沒關係16F 04/01 17:58

※ 編輯: bearland (, 04/01/2018 18:11:55
piyopiyolee: 講幹話,BMW也是全自動生產線17F 04/01 18:12
motan: BMW無人工廠表示:18F 04/01 18:15
whizz:   大概深知美國工人的組裝可能比機器人還慘19F 04/01 18:21
TaiwanNeko: 這速度還以為是純手工20F 04/01 18:24
lqr84060: 樓樓上XD21F 04/01 18:39
cwilliams: 汽車工業大概是僅次於半導體跟食品外最適合導入自動化的產業了22F 04/01 18:46
lwamp: 馬斯克還沒找到褲子呀24F 04/01 18:52
berice152233: 不過發那科都用機器人組機器人了,我想只是技術沒成熟的關係吧,再繼續發展應該可為25F 04/01 19:02
lordcolus: 樓上一堆人大概以為機器人很神 問題是現在那些只是"機器手臂" 並沒有所謂的AI加持 如果這間公司本來的產線效率低品質差 那規劃出來的自動化產線一定也不會好 然後又不像豐田等車廠有老經驗的員工幫忙Debug 那當然只有慘 能順利大量生產本身就是一種技術 傳統車廠開發會拖那麼久是有原因的27F 04/01 19:10
tzba13: 應該是生產線沒規劃好
可能是生產設備大量採用德國庫卡才會被這樣酸33F 04/01 19:16
inwindwei: 過個三五年再看吧  剛開始有問題很正常吧35F 04/01 19:22
lordcolus: 還有一種可能就是Model 3的設計不利於自動化生產 那就怎麼改產線都有限 都從設計端改善才有救36F 04/01 19:24
callmelanpo: 就車廠年齡而言.特超級嫩.其他車廠都是一甲子以上的38F 04/01 19:48
ru04hj4: 是阿 之前德國大廠 請退休阿伯回來裝一下 裝的好又快39F 04/01 19:48
callmelanpo: 不斷精進生產流程.所以等著看40F 04/01 19:48
yuleen123: 機器人速度是比人類快, 但是裝完後公差過大又要仰賴
人類修正, 一來一往效率就差了41F 04/01 19:50
callmelanpo: 朋友的model x光是回廠就不下10次
組裝公差收邊都還沒列入瑕疵考量呢43F 04/01 19:53
dslite: 步進馬達會有公差?45F 04/01 20:32
JEON: 過個三五年? tesla能不能撐過今年都是問題了....46F 04/01 20:32
OrzOGC: 零件公差吧,金屬零件常有的47F 04/01 20:39
callmelanpo: 都說收邊部位了還扯到馬達...好蚌48F 04/01 20:54
berice152233: 為何馬達會沒有公差,任何東西都會有公差49F 04/01 21:05
syterol: 原始設計,零件檢驗,人員組裝失誤,都有可能產生公差50F 04/01 21:10
callmelanpo: 光是肉眼看的出的對齊線沒有精準.一台400多萬的車.實在是要很有冒險精神.還是指望傳統大廠的電動車吧51F 04/01 21:26
maxeffort: 我也覺得設計不利自動化,又不請教自己本國傳統車廠53F 04/01 21:45
egh: 目前自動化最多的還是衝壓和熔接吧,內裝大多還是要人工54F 04/01 21:52
JLintopPG: 只能說特斯拉根特粉都太過小看傳統車廠的生產技術了55F 04/01 22:42
Barolo: 其實自動化生產這目標是對的 但特斯拉太急進 粉絲則太盲目真以為其他車廠是吃素的傻子 不懂自動化的好處 只可惜
粉絲到現在還是盲目 要麻說最近產率有顯著提昇唷
要麻說都是其他協力廠商不給力害的 都不是特斯拉的錯XD56F 04/01 23:54
