看板 car
作者 hanchueh (RaidenHC)
標題 [新聞] 車界首創 特斯拉解散公關部門
時間 Wed Oct  7 12:05:09 2020

Tesla dissolves its PR department — a new first in the industry - Electrek
Electrek can confirm that Tesla has dissolved its PR department — technically becoming the first automaker who doesn’t talk to the press. It’s somethi ...


Electrek氲an confirm that Tesla has dissolved its PR department — technically
 becoming the first automaker who doesn’t talk to the press.

It’s something that we have氽iscussed on our podcast several times over the l
ast few months, but now that澑eporters are publicly complaining about it, we t
hought we’d clear things up in an article.

Tesla hasn’t responded to a press inquiry in months. We have received the odd
 email here and there from former press people, but it almost seems to be in a
n unofficial capacity.

If you’re a reporter who isn’t getting a response from Tesla, don’t take it
 personally, because it’s due to the automaker having dissolved its PR team.

The move has been confirmed to啲lectrek乸t the highest level at Tesla with the
 source saying, “We no longer have a PR Team.”



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VVJvuWW (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1602043512.A.820.html
windzend: 老闆Twitter真的就夠了1F 10/07 12:06
suitup: 如果公關是像你這樣水準 那我特的確做了個正確決定2F 10/07 12:07
Jimmy540i: 這年頭很多人也不信公關或業配的東西3F 10/07 12:07
ErnestKou: 二樓XD4F 10/07 12:10
leona12: 難怪第一教主不見了5F 10/07 12:11
powyo: 鴕鳥?6F 10/07 12:12
bill97385: 咦!那特粉是哪裡來的?7F 10/07 12:12
chingyun8245: 公關葉配是整體形象啊,厲害的置入性或買風向可以做到讓你無感覺是葉配8F 10/07 12:13
QQ5566: 工程師風格真的超狂10F 10/07 12:14
poco0960: 有一堆義勇軍啊,當然省下來11F 10/07 12:15
v40311: 有自動駕駛技術 應該工程師可以做AI機器人公關呀12F 10/07 12:15
asukarei: 特斯拉目前沒太強的對手,自然不需要公關13F 10/07 12:16
SEEDA: 二樓說的真好,板上特粉很多是在降低評價的14F 10/07 12:18
nickyt: !!! 五樓一語驚醒夢中人 原來是這樣阿15F 10/07 12:18
mmppeegg: 教主哭了16F 10/07 12:20
nickyt: 不過已經培養了一群信仰者 可比美政治操作典範17F 10/07 12:20
dslite: 靠老闆推特就好18F 10/07 12:22
bcs: 挪威的新聞不是特被vw volvo電動車超越19F 10/07 12:28
CarsonLee: 板上有人要失業了?20F 10/07 12:28
bcs: 等傳統車廠電動車起來,特終究需要公關21F 10/07 12:29
jimmyyang: 公關戰爭才正要開始  想像trump 這樣自我毀滅嗎22F 10/07 12:33
arnbition: 品質價格口碑做起來消費者就是最好的宣傳23F 10/07 12:33
sted0101: 先得罪業務仔,再來就是媒體24F 10/07 12:34
QQ5566: 我文章看下來 特黑比特粉討厭
特粉狂信 特黑反智25F 10/07 12:36
sted0101: 特黑再怎麼無腦黑,車就賣的好啊,只能說可憐啊
表現反智,可能只是生意被搶了,不一定真的笨就是了,只是無力,只好這樣27F 10/07 12:37
CMLeeptt: 推二樓30F 10/07 12:39
geniept: 開發自動好評機器人31F 10/07 12:39
orange7986: 二樓XDDD32F 10/07 12:43
davidtai12: 二樓太兇了吧33F 10/07 12:47
luke2007: 二樓救了這一篇34F 10/07 12:47
qazxc312: 特斯拉股東太多了,股東就是免費的公關35F 10/07 12:55
