看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [評論] 【艾未未】覺得經濟制裁會讓中國困擾?那你就卡在過去的政治思維中了 - 衛報評論 #西茶翻譯組
時間 2020-08-09 Sun. 05:06:52

Think 'sanctions' will trouble China? Then you're stuck in the politics of the past | China | The Guardian
The complex history of how China and the US once embraced each other should inform how the current showdown is tackled.

Ai Weiwei
Thu 6 Aug 2020 10.00 BST
 Last modified on Thu 6 Aug 2020 10.01 BST

The Trump administration has floated the idea of sanctioning Chinese officials and members of the Communist party of China. Before we ask whether this is a good idea, let’s ask how Sino-US relations got to this stage.


The US cold war with the Soviet Union was over ideology, but today’s standoff with China is different. The Chinese state has no ideology, no religion, no moral agenda. It continues wearing socialist garb but only as a face-saving pretence. It has, in fact, become a state-capitalist dictatorship. What the world sees today is a contest between the US system of free-market capitalism and Chinese state capitalism. How should we read this chessboard?


> [參見] 美國vs中國:這是另一場冷戰的開端嗎?(2020-6-22) [英文連結]

The post-Mao dictatorship in China has lived by the principle of "repress at home and be open to the world". It has imported knowhow from abroad. There are an estimated 360,000 Chinese students currently enrolled who have come through America's open door. Over 40 years, at least a million have returned to China and fed their new technical knowledge into the existing authoritarian structures that have built the dictatorship. It might be the most momentous personnel transfer in history.

後毛澤東時代的獨裁中國以「在家壓抑,對世界要敞開」(repress at home and be open to the world)之原則在過活的。中國從海外引進了秘訣(knowhow)。目前有約36萬中國劉學生走進了美國敞開的大門。過去40年,至少有一百萬名學生回到了中國。他們將獲得的科技知識餵給現行集權力結構──這個這個建立了獨裁體制的「權力結構」。

When I applied to study in the US in the 1980s, I filled out a questionnaire that asked if I had ever been a member of the Communist party. The point of the question was presumably to avoid ideological risks. But it is beyond doubt that the Chinese students coming in with me included many party members who were headed to some of the US’s finest schools, often with scholarships. Americans generally assumed that these students would feel the appeal of liberal values, which they would then take back to China. What happened more often, though, was that Chinese students were quick to see the cultural differences between the two countries, and to draw the very logical conclusion that American values are fine for America but would never work in the Chinese system.


If those US hopes for the exportation of values had panned out, much of China would have been won over by now. But what has actually happened? Returnees are now leaders in much of Chinese business and industry, but anti-American expression in China is as strong today as it has been since the Mao era.


Washington bears much of the responsibility for what has happened. In the years after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, administrations of both parties touted the absurd theory that the best plan was to let China get rich and then watch as freedom and democracy evolved as byproducts of capitalist development.
#六四天安門事件 #六四事件 #六四屠殺 #八九學運
> [參見] 到底西方國家是怎麼搞錯中國的? - 經濟學人(2018-3-01) [英文連結]

But did capitalist competition, that ravenous machine that can chew up anything, change China? The regime's politics did not change a whit. What did change was the US, whose business leaders now approached the Chinese dictatorship with obsequious smiles. Here, after all, was an exciting new business partner: master of a realm in which there were virtually no labour rights or health and safety regulations, no frustrating delays because of squabbles between political parties, no criticism from free media, and no danger of judgment by independent courts. For European and US companies doing manufacture for export, it was a dream come true.

via #菲律賓 #越南 #中國 #泰國
> [參見] 川普與亞洲極權領袖建立了關係 - 衛報國際版(2017-5-01) [英文連結] via https://www.plurk.com/p/m7ouif

> [參見] 川普的亞洲之旅揭露了他對專制君主的贊同之可望 - 衛報評論(2017-11-03) [英文連結]
#勞權 #壓榨與剝削 #職場 #環境衛生規範 #環安規範 #環境安全
#東突 #新疆 #中國人權議題
#Disney #迪士尼爭議
> [參見] 「增進大眾意見」中國國營媒體將合併成為政宣巨人 - 衛報國際版(2018-3-21) [英文連結]

Money rained down on parts of China, it is true. But the price was to mortgage the country’s future. Society fell into a moral swamp, devoid of humanity and difficult to escape. Meanwhile, the west made their adjustments. They stopped talking about liberal values and gave a pass to the dictatorship, in which Deng Xiaoping’s advice of "don't confront" and Jiang Zemin's of "lie low and make big bucks" made fast economic growth possible.
金錢有如雨一般地降到了中國多處地方。這是真的,但是有一個代價:用這個國家的未來當抵押品。社會摔入了一個道德沼澤中──這是一個缺乏人性且難以逃脫的沼澤。同時,歐美國家做出了調整:他們停止對於自由價值觀的討論,並給了獨裁政權一張通關證,使得鄧小平的「韜光養晦」[?](don't confront;不要正面衝突)與江澤明的「低調賺大錢」[?](lie low and make big bucks)起了作用,讓中國的經濟成長能夠快速地突飛猛進。

European and American business thrived in the early stages of the China boom. They sat in a sedan chair carried up the mountain by their Chinese partners. And a fine journey it was – crisp air, bright sun – as they reached the mountain’s midpoint. But then the chair-carriers laid down their poles and began demanding a shift. They, too, sought the top position. The signal from the political centre in China changed from "don’t pick fights" to "go for it". Now what could the western capitalists do? Walk back down the mountain? They hardly knew the way.


Covid-19 has jolted the US into semi-awareness of the crisis it faces. The disease has become a political issue for its two major political parties to tussle over, but the real crisis is that the western system itself has been challenged. The US model appears to others as a bureaucratic jumble of competing interests that lacks long-term vision and historical aspiration, that omits ideals, that runs on short-term pragmatism, and that in the end is hostage to corporate capital.

> [參見] 【武漢肺炎】拜登告訴川普:「趕快做好你的分內事」 - 衛報實況串(2020-8-04) [英文連結]
#共和黨 #民主黨 #RNC #DNC #年會 #政商掛勾 #金錢綁架政治

Are sanctions the way to go? A foreign ministry spokesperson in Beijing recently remarked words to the effect that the US and China are so economically interlocked that they would amount to self-sanctions. The US, moreover, would be no match for China in its ability to endure suffering. And there he was correct: in dictatorships, sacrifices are not borne by the rulers. In the 1960s Mao said: "Cut us off? Go ahead – eight years, 10 years, China has everything." A few years later Mao had nuclear weapons and was not afraid of anyone.


> [參見] #割韭菜 via https://www.plurk.com/p/mnrkw6
沒有法治、沒有人權的人治國家就是可以用這種作弊方式。 #美中貿易大戰 

The west needs to reconsider its systems, its political and cultural prospects, and rediscover its humanitarianism. These challenges are not only political, they are intellectual. It is time to abandon the old thinking and the vocabulary that controls it. Without new vocabulary, new thinking cannot be born. In the current struggle in Hong Kong, for example, the theory is simple and the faith is pure. The new political generation in Hong Kong deserves careful respect from the west, and new vocabulary to talk about it.
#博愛主義 #鬥智 #比聰明 #切莫守舊 #墨守成規

"Sanctions" is a cold war term that names an old policy. If the US can't think beyond them, the primacy of its position in this changing world will disappear.


※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 05:06:52 (台灣)

Main: https://www.plurk.com/p/nyckqt

#歐美不懂中國 #只有中國人才懂中國人 #為了面子 #假社會主義國家 #沒有宗教 #沒有意識形態 #國家獨裁 #將吃到的洋墨水科技回饋給極權政府 #中國留學生 #文化衝突 #跪著賺錢 #韜光養晦 #低調賺大錢 #割韭菜

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 05:15:55 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nu3sk4 香港淪為一國一制!中國欲在香港實施中國《國安法》,「分裂國家」、「顛覆人民政府」將入罪!

https://www.plurk.com/p/nufciw 「港人別被誤導」國民黨桃園市議員:台灣年輕人感覺快樂是因奴性重! #造謠破壞台灣形象

https://www.plurk.com/p/nw2hnl 美參院通過香港自治法 盼用制裁阻北京推國安法

https://www.plurk.com/p/nw9u1o 【沃草Watchout】[沃草快訊] 香港《國安法》生效!非香港人也適用!

https://www.plurk.com/p/nwmyt3 香港國安惡法管很大 可要求台交涉港資料 不從罰款判刑

https://www.plurk.com/p/nwmyxg #今日8.4嘴臉

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-10 03:21:00 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/lb0cf0 【王立第二戰研所】帝國不是建立在石油上



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 05:15:55 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/ktgwyl 【陳破空】外國人不了解中國人

https://www.plurk.com/p/mmfzij 卡馬喬和中國式契約精神

https://www.plurk.com/p/mnz3fp 到底西方國家是怎麼搞錯中國的? - 經濟學人

https://www.plurk.com/p/ng2krw 【cheap】最大的民主國家? 一次搞懂中國的選舉制度 有選舉..但是... #專制資本主義國家

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-10 02:13:26, 03:00:57 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/kubeev 中國最新出口商品:送富小孩去寄宿學校

https://www.plurk.com/p/lme8f1 【國際為什麼】美大學變「中國城」 中國學生太多影響教學

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-10 02:13:26, 03:00:57 (台灣)

http://www.plurk.com/p/kk4dry 首屆網路大會登場 中國:打造全球網路監管系統

https://www.plurk.com/p/lcxnpc 中共〈有關整頓境外刊物與媒體〉 (全面收購台灣傳媒和刊物出版等)

https://www.plurk.com/p/m5lm2i 狼真的來了──台灣NGO工作者李明哲失蹤案看中國「境外NGO管理法」效應

https://www.plurk.com/p/nxfkeh 管很大!中國推「數據安全法」 要外商交出境外資料

https://www.plurk.com/p/neugpa 【黃瑞霖】這次,他們明著眼地來了。


https://www.plurk.com/p/nf2zl3 別讓中國愛國五毛的手伸進維基,台灣維基社群呼籲正視問題與開發偵測不當

= 分隔線 =

https://www.plurk.com/p/l93d3q 「有些國家操縱自己在聯合國的權力,妨礙正義的行動」:教宗訪聯合國,提世界五大錯誤和三種解方

https://www.plurk.com/p/m89ljh 帝國建設?中國領導人花了9千億在絲路願景上 - 衛報頭版

https://www.plurk.com/p/mnfxh3 中國推一帶一路 德外長:民主與獨裁之爭

https://www.plurk.com/p/mn10t8 德報告:中國藉投資 影響歐盟決策

https://www.plurk.com/p/mlalnd 亞洲經濟正在「中國化」

https://www.plurk.com/p/indr0i 李登輝︰不看好中國能領導全世界

https://www.plurk.com/p/mp52dq 梵蒂岡:歡迎中國主導全球事務

https://www.plurk.com/p/iogqov 【自由評論】中國夢 霸權夢

https://www.plurk.com/p/kf4iio 【自由評論】誰要穿你的臭鞋?

https://www.plurk.com/p/mb56w0 直接否定《中英聲明》 中國外交部:只是歷史文件

有沒有考慮過,事實上可能是中國想的並不是「變成西方國家」而是「將文明的標準改成由中國定義」呢? by 鄭立
https://www.plurk.com/p/nwvxfi 擋華為5G還挺香港:中國將「懲罰」"公然藐視"他們的英國。我們需要盟友守住防線。 - 衛報評論



https://www.plurk.com/p/nl741o 【百田尚樹】21世紀會成為「中國vs世界」的對抗。




※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 05:16:12 (台灣)

https://disp.cc/b/261-bKGg 【整合】 中國人外送統戰惡行惡狀 #中國觀光客在海外無法無天嘴臉 #外送獨裁 #玻璃心

https://disp.cc/b/261-bKMA 【整合】 中國逼人跪著賺錢 #沒骨頭與膝蓋軟的商人 #以商圍政 #舔中舔共 #外送統戰玻璃心

https://disp.cc/b/261-bKNa 【整合】 中資全球到處竄&中國企業到處收購併購合併 #以商圍政 #經濟戰 #中國霸權擴張野心 #一帶一路殖民

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 05:15:55 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/nq5qth Brie Larson爆哭力挺《花木蘭》 網友:告訴Marvel把把木蘭放進《驚奇隊長2》吧!

https://www.plurk.com/p/nctxo6 【龍貓大王通信】已經沒有太多人看過完整65年份的哥吉拉電影了,如今連日本新生代觀眾,也已經可以快速坦然地接受好萊塢的哥吉拉電影,甚至不會意識到電影中有哪些向歷史致敬的彩蛋。



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-10 03:19:57 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/ny0uh7 武漢肺炎帶來的威脅應該激發全球合作 而不是對中國展開圍剿冷戰 - 衛報評論

https://www.plurk.com/p/nq9ihs 中國動員外交媒體 企圖改寫武漢肺炎歷史

https://www.plurk.com/p/nqfkob 「美國冠狀病毒」中國不斷推陰謀論與政宣帶風向 企圖將病毒起源帶向美國

https://www.plurk.com/p/nx3qq3 武漢病毒將把我們帶入「中國十年」 - 紐約時報



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-09 05:16:12 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-10 03:23:52 (台灣)


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-08-10 04:01:27 (台灣)

> https://www.plurk.com/p/mmfzij 卡馬喬和中國式契約精神






 【悲報】第一位歐洲一帶一路受害者:希臘最大港口Piraeus被中國國家企業重金買下接管後淪為逃稅天堂 慘遭開罰2億歐元 #中國不意外

#沒法治的雜種 #東西文化差異

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-09-29 05:01:39, 05:01:52, 05:02:14 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/o64ewc Elon Musk讚中國政府關心人民福祉 比美國「更有責任感」

美國電動車大廠特斯拉(Tesla)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)日前接受外媒專訪時談及中國,稱他在造訪中國期間,與中國政府官員交談時有「積極的體驗」,並稱讚中國政府很關心人民福祉,可能比美國政府對人民福祉「更有責任感」。

英媒《每日快報》報導,馬斯克日前接受《Business Insider》母公司Axel Springe執行長多芬納(Mathias Döpfner)專訪時稱讚中國在乎人民福祉,稱「當我與中國政府官員會面時,他們總是非常關心這些問題:人們會為這件事感到高興嗎?這件事真的會造福人民嗎?這看起來很諷刺,儘管有點一黨專制,但他們實際上似乎真的很關心人民福祉。事實上,與我在美國看到的情況相比,他們可能對公眾輿論更為敏感」。



報導指出,馬斯克去年7月接受汽車類Podcast節目「Daily Drive」時也曾讚揚中國,他當時稱讚「中國很棒」,並稱「中國的能量非常強大,那裡有很多聰明、勤奮的人」,他還抨擊美國人,尤其是洛杉磯、加州、紐約的人「自命不凡」和「自滿」。

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-01-07 12:27:35 (台灣)

> https://www.cna.com.tw/project/20190515-tiananmen30/qa.html

六四30年 美國戰略錯誤造就紅色帝國 | 中央社媒體實驗室

via https://www.plurk.com/p/oebcbu

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-06-04 17:42:53 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-07-10 12:31:36 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/onznio 一位從中國北京住40幾年回來的長輩說:


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-12-09 01:56:18 (台灣)