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作者 sampsonlu919 (SNL應該在PTT有專版)
標題 [新聞] 新影集「高譚市」 戈登警官變主角
時間 Sun Feb  9 23:13:51 2014

新影集「高譚市」 戈登警官變主角 | 娛樂 | 即時新聞 | 聯合新聞網
「高譚市」雖然不以漫畫迷更熟悉的蝙蝠俠、貓女、小丑等為主角,卻有可能隨劇情需要,出現上述這些人氣角色的青少年時代,噱頭十足,被看好將有機會締造收視佳績,粉絲也好奇在男主角人選確定後,還有哪些令人興奮的名字會出現在演員名單上? ...

新影集「高譚市」 戈登警官變主角


,回溯「黑暗騎士」系列中的戈登警官(James Gordon)年輕時在高譚市執法的遭遇,曾經
是福斯台柱青春偶像劇「玩酷世代(The O.C.)」男主角班麥肯錫(Ben McKenzie),再次




‘Gotham’ casting: Ben McKenzie to star as James Gordon in new Fox show
‘Gotham’ casting: Ben McKenzie to star as James Gordon in new Fox show | Hero Complex – movies, comics, pop culture – Los Angeles Times
"Gotham" has found its Jim Gordon. Actor Ben McKenzie, known for roles in "Southland" and "The O.C.," has been cast in the lead role of "Gotham," the upcoming Fox series that centers on the experiences of James Gordon before he became the famous police commissioner and key ally of Batman, accor... ...

心得:恭喜Ben McKenzie,不曉得未來會不會邀到「動作女神」Summer Glau加入此劇?

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◆ From:
crywolfer:The OC!! 天呀我的啓蒙影集1F 02/09 23:17
vicario837:最後也要Fox pick up 才行2F 02/09 23:50
lazzier:可以求夜翼嗎3F 02/10 00:26
pablo1126:我記得漫畫好像Gordon有婚外情4F 02/10 01:32
exastray:DC版的agent of shield5F 02/10 08:39
