看板 Steam
作者 LeafLu (小葉)
標題 [限免] Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator
時間 Fri Jan 29 09:35:47 2021

【  遊  戲  名  稱  】: Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator


Save 100% on Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator on Steam
Here is a sandbox like no other. Create massive battles with absolutely no limits. Want to see 10,000 chickens fight an army of Romans?? Sure, why not ...


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到2/1 10:00

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W4sPtX6 (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1611884151.A.846.html
DrizztMon: +1 感謝1F 01/29 09:45
deray: 以下開放Epic警察噓鴿子2F 01/29 09:56
makami9871: 已領,感謝3F 01/29 09:57
meishan31: Epic你先領4F 01/29 10:02
Angesi: 有+1有推5F 01/29 10:03
adi5566: 個資…等等6F 01/29 10:05
a7426891: 又是Epic7F 01/29 10:06
markhbad54: Epic給噓8F 01/29 10:07
tgenie: 可惡的Epic 已有9F 01/29 10:08
ice76824: Epic粉快領啊10F 01/29 10:08
kizajan: 個資換...欸11F 01/29 10:15
jeck0625: 有領有推12F 01/29 10:16
alanjiang: 推啊,領啊哪次不領的13F 01/29 10:17
TotalBiscuit: 真的是EPIC XD14F 01/29 10:20
linyi520: 有領有推15F 01/29 10:20
LeafLu: 16F圖 XDD17F 01/29 10:46
leo19981: EPIC好興奮18F 01/29 10:46
shinogi: 有領有推19F 01/29 10:48
Kenqr: 有領有推20F 01/29 10:50
aver803bath5: 有領有推21F 01/29 10:54
blarc: 我跟16F一模一樣, 出去又進來才發現真的是steam+122F 01/29 10:55
Angesi: 怎麼沒有epic粉:不爽不要玩
快來護航呀 Epic粉們23F 01/29 10:56
Carrarese: EPIC我大哥25F 01/29 10:59
eva05s: 熊貓人meme的臉真的有夠好笑www26F 01/29 11:05
madcloud: 16樓...XD27F 01/29 11:05
roger840410: 個資換遊...咦28F 01/29 11:05
jkmbsbg: 笑死29F 01/29 11:07
sam40026: 不用個資就能夠有 epic,steam大雀躍,epic廚崩潰30F 01/29 11:09
a6234709: 又是Epic 噓~31F 01/29 11:18
easycat: 推16樓ww32F 01/29 11:23
HorseWing: 這真的是epic的遊戲啊XD33F 01/29 11:31
hlyf: 我還以為是epic,原來真的是epic34F 01/29 11:41
aaaa8247: 還以為是epic35F 01/29 11:42
jackq: 名稱有epic臭惹嗎36F 01/29 11:45
j53815102: epic 噁嘔嘔嘔嘔  …?37F 01/29 11:52
gekido: 推文圖會笑死XD38F 01/29 11:53
a79325416: 這好玩39F 01/29 12:14
BlackCoal: Epic不錯唷40F 01/29 12:15
jim8596: 等了三年終於讓我等到限免41F 01/29 12:28
sleepymic: 有領有推42F 01/29 12:31
ksjr: epic+143F 01/29 12:34
dsct: 感謝 +144F 01/29 12:49
loxa87036: 領推45F 01/29 12:53
NewbieShiba: 感謝46F 01/29 13:04
jery1760: epic我先...咦?47F 01/29 13:13
