看板 Gossiping作者 HellyStrike (硫磺燃燒的火坑)標題 Re: [新聞] 法務部:菲國開槍明顯透露故意殺人企圖時間 Fri May 17 11:25:50 2013
由於小弟英文不是很好,還希望強大的 PTT 鍵盤翻譯家不吝指正
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Daily Telegraph: mynews@telegraph.co.uk
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CBS: tips@cbschicago.com
半島電視台: transparency@aljazeera.net
Euronews: press@euronews.net
法新社: philippe.massonnet@afp.com
德國之聲: info@dw.de
若還有其他家國際新聞台也可轉寄的也請提供 email~~謝謝!
Ministry of Justice of Taiwan has released the inquisition report
of the incident which Philippine coast guard attacked Taiwanese fishing
Ministry of Justice of Taiwan has released the inquisition report of
the shooting incident yesterday morning on 5/16 Taipei time, which the
fishing boat of Taiwan were shot by Philippine coast guard and one
Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead.
The attacked fishing boat is called "Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28" (廣大興28號),
andthe dead 65-year-old fisherman is Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成).
Here are the schematic diagrams released by Ministry of Justice of
Top view of the shooting directions and positions
Rear view of the shooting directions and positions
Points of impact of front larboard
Points of impact of back larboard
Points of impact around the cockpit
Points of impact of the stern
Points of impact of the prow
Original source: Press release of Ministry of Justice of Taiwan:
There are 7 pictures in this album:
1.Top view of the shooting directions and positions
2.Rear view of the shooting directions and positions
3.Points of impact of front larboard
4.Points of impact of back larboard
5.Points of impact around the cockpit
6.Points of impact of the stern
7.Points of impact of the prow
The following is translated from the above press release of Ministry
of Justice of Taiwan by cyber pals and me, not the official English
Hung Shih-cheng was suffered a deadly gunshot wound from lower left
section of the neck through the left carotid artery, trachea and
esophagus, and 2nd to 6th thoracic vertebras were ruptured and cut
across, and aorta, left upper lobe, right upper lobe and right lower
lobe were burst and suffered a large amount of bleeding, causing
pneumothorax, hemothorax, hypovolemic shock and died of respiratory
failure. And since the 2nd to 6th thoracic vertebras of the dead were
ruptured and cut across, it can be determined that
this gunshot wound
was shot by high-speed or more powerful firearms, such as machine guns
or rifles. The manner of death is "homicide".
Criminal police forensic officers examined the fishing boat "Kuang Ta
Hsing No. 28", carring back warheads, and they identified them as the
7.62mm caliber warheads. The warheads were then viewed by by the
personnel of Criminal Investigation Bureau and the Department of
Defense. Considering Philippines a U.S. aided country and referring to
Jane's yearbook, they judged the guns to be
M14 rifles, M240 or M60
machine guns, but other guns with 7.62mm caliber were also possible.
(刑事警察局鑑識人員勘驗「廣大興28 號」漁船,攜回彈頭,認係口徑7.62mm
參考詹氏年鑑資料研判後,應以M14 步槍、M240 及M60 機槍可能性較大,然亦
不排除其他適用7.62mm 口徑槍枝所造成。)
The re-explored result of the fishing boat was that
there are a total
of 45 shots and no significant impact marks on the exterior appearance
of the boat.
(船隻經複勘結果遭射擊共計45 發及外觀未發現有明顯撞擊痕跡。)
Preliminary conclusion:
There is no significant impact mark on the exterior appearance of
"Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28", thus
eliminates the possibility that the
fishing boat impacted Philippine ship before the incident which
caused the Philippine law enforcement officers shot back for defense.
(本件「廣大興28 號」漁船外觀並未發現明顯撞痕跡,因此排除案發前撞擊菲
In accordance with international law and practice, even if the
Philippine coast guard was on duty, the rights of warning, visiting
or hot pursuit should have been performed first, but it wasn't. There
were 45 bullet holes on "Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28" (the fishing boat was
moving, so the number of misfire shots was unknown), and
there is
concentrated fire toward the position where the crew was hiding, which
is the cabin under the driver's seat at the left rear side of the boat.
Also, the wounds that the dead was suffered were all high-speed
penetrating gunshot wounds,
the action that Philippine perpetrator
swept the crew position should be viewed as intentional homicide.
權等程序,卻未為之。經勘驗「廣大興28 號」後,發現遭擊中45 發入口彈痕
(因船舶在行動中,未擊中之發數不明),又多集中朝船員4 人躲藏之漁船左
傷,可見菲國行為人係持槍朝非武裝之「廣大興28 號」漁船船員所在位置掃
The actual location of the incident: According to the VDR of "Kuang
Ta Hsing No. 28", during 10 am on May 9th, the ship speed was
accelerated from 3.31 to 11.819 (the ship's position was 122° 55'41.37"
E and 19° 59'47.27" N), and the speed was kept around 11-13 until 11:30.
While prosecutors were doing autopsy, the captain told that after the
ship was shot, the boat immediately fled in autopilot mode. And
referring to the reported location of the boat from Coast Guard
Administration, the time and the location which the incident occurred
were the time and the coordinate position described above, which is
the economic zone of Taiwan. Therefore, It can be determined that
fishing boat did not cross into the Philippine territorial waters.
(In other words,
Philippine coast guard had chased "Kuang Ta Hsing No.
28" for an hour. Source:
http://ppt.cc/fpu8 )
(本案確實案發地,依據「廣大興28」號航程記錄器(VDR)顯示,5 月9 日10
時許,該船航速從3.31 節加速至11.819 節(當時該船位置為東經122 度55 分
41.37 秒、北緯19 度59分47.27 秒),並維持11 至13 節速度,至11 時30 分
Please release this official report from Ministry of Justice of Taiwan
to public. Thanks!
Here is another video illustrating the fact:
Another schematic diagram made by Taiwanese news media "Apple Daily":
(The person shown in red is the dead)
Kind regards,
※ 引述《HellyStrike (硫磺燃燒的火坑)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源: ETtoday 東森新聞雲 & 法務部
: 2.完整新聞標題/內文:
: 法務部勘驗報告:菲國開槍明顯透露故意殺人企圖
: 廣大興 28 號漁船遭射擊方向俯視示意圖
: http://static.ettoday.net/images/306/d306461.jpg
: ▲法務部提供的示意圖中可看到,菲國大多朝駕駛室開槍,殺人意圖明顯。
: (圖/法務部)
: 廣大興 28 號漁船遭射擊方向後視示意圖
: http://static.ettoday.net/images/306/d306460.jpg
: 政治中心/綜合報導
: 法務部在 15 日發布新聞稿,公開調查「廣大興 28 號」後的完整報告。從
: 詳細附圖中可看出,該船被槍械掃射多達 55 處彈孔,45 個入口彈痕,加上
: 沒發現明顯撞擊痕跡,幾乎可斷定菲律賓第一時間反應說謊,廣大興沒有衝
: 撞菲國公務船,且證實菲國故意朝人躲藏的駕駛艙開槍,明顯透露殺人意圖。
: 在法務部調查報告中,先判定洪石成死因是遭「貫穿性槍傷」,第2-6 胸椎
: 爆裂橫斷,主動脈、左上肺葉、右上及右下肺葉破裂,大量出血及氣胸、血
: 胸,低血容性休克及呼吸衰竭死亡。
: 而在船身勘驗方面,則以多張示意圖,從上、下、左、右分別標記出射擊方
: 向,經鑑識為口徑7.62mm彈頭,考量菲律賓為美援國家,並參考詹氏年鑑資
: 料研判後,應以 M14 步槍、M240 及 M60 機槍可能性較大,然亦不排除其
: 他適用 7.62mm 口徑槍枝所造成,複勘結果遭射擊共計 45 發。
: 鑑識結果並未發現明顯撞痕跡,因此排除案發前撞擊菲國船艦,以致造成菲
: 國執法人員開槍防衛之可能。而依國際法慣例,菲國船隻即使執行公務,亦
: 應先行警告、登臨或行使緊追權等程序,卻直接開槍。
: 且 45 發入口彈痕(因船舶在行動中,未擊中之發數不明),又多集中朝船
: 員 4 人躲藏之漁船左後側駕駛座下方之機艙方向掃射開槍,死者所受之槍
: 傷均為高速貫穿性槍傷,可見菲國行為人係持槍朝非武裝之「廣大興28 號」
: 漁船船員所在位置掃射,有殺人故意。
: 為釐清案情,法務部將派國際及兩岸法律司陳文琪司長、法律事務司鍾瑞蘭
: 副司長及國際及兩岸法律司楊婉莉主任檢察官、屏東地檢署林彥良主任檢察
: 官、劉嘉凱檢察官、曾士哲檢察官及張宏瑞書記官,在交部安排下於 16 日
: 出發前往菲律賓。
: 3.新聞連結: http://www.ettoday.net/news/20130515/208322.htm
: 4.備註:
: 另補法務部新聞稿:
: 法務部就明日將與外交部及其他相關機關派員共同至菲律賓調查「廣大興
: 28 號」案,提出說明
: http://www.moj.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=305771&ctNode=27518
: (以下已由原 PDF 轉檔為 JPG)
: 左舷前段彈著點示意圖
: http://i.imgur.com/WUEiBmE.jpg
: 左舷後段彈著點示意圖
: http://i.imgur.com/Ehd5taV.jpg
: 駕駛艙周圍彈著點示意圖
: http://i.imgur.com/pbP2nyM.jpg
: 船尾彈著點示意圖
: http://i.imgur.com/TL3uRl9.jpg
: 船頭彈著點示意圖
: http://i.imgur.com/I3Bn6t3.jpg
: 看到最後的示意圖後整個有快要腦溢血的感覺了
: 是可忍,孰不可忍!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 GoNow:推有心且付諸行動3F 05/17 11:27
→ basicnet:直接把軍鑑開到菲國24海哩裡面 斷航 所有菲籍立刻遣返12F 05/17 11:30
推 asusbenq:昨天都開到20海哩外了...13F 05/17 11:30
推 basicnet:全面性的貿易中止、特定物資禁運、人員禁入21F 05/17 11:32
推 Saikiss:推阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!24F 05/17 11:32
推 Hanababa:推推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!27F 05/17 11:33
推 aatai:幫高調33F 05/17 11:33
推 a600tw:幫高調!!!38F 05/17 11:34
→ Microscft:有人發就好了 不要幾百個人發被人家當神經病46F 05/17 11:34
推 iamlazy:這一定要挺的,我能力不足只能推你了54F 05/17 11:35
→ Microscft:你自己想一下你的信箱被上百封一樣的信炸你會不會火大56F 05/17 11:36
推 heyra:推!!!72F 05/17 11:40
→ todaybear:菲國司法局否決聯合調查,菲總統卻大演願掏心表誠意的雙77F 05/17 11:40
推 celet:專業推 台灣的國格靠各位高手守護78F 05/17 11:41
→ todaybear:面人嘴臉的新聞,也應該翻譯放送讓國際知道菲國的虛偽。79F 05/17 11:41
→ Microscft:鄉民這不是在懇求 是在逼迫 自己三思80F 05/17 11:41
※ 編輯: HellyStrike 來自: (05/17 11:43)
推 vjuko:有心 推108F 05/17 11:47
推 steed:Official vessel建議改成coast guard(海巡)110F 05/17 11:47
推 yksix:辛苦了111F 05/17 11:47
推 iamOsaka:大推!!辛苦了! 感謝您的付出!112F 05/17 11:48
噓 jimmy12332:菲菲的重點擺在我們的船越界捕魚被打活該 偏偏老外信了113F 05/17 11:48
→ coya:推!! 重點不能只是自己認為有理~~要放出去!!118F 05/17 11:49
※ 編輯: HellyStrike 來自: (05/17 11:54)
推 md183:推!123F 05/17 11:50
推 JUDO610:台灣人一定要推 菲律賓欺人太甚126F 05/17 11:52
推 pulibird:重點是菲菲 不敢 公佈錄影帶!!!!!!!127F 05/17 11:53
推 mio8390:半島電視台影響力也很大134F 05/17 11:56
推 steed:可以另外強調一下被追了多久135F 05/17 11:56
(In other words, Philippine coast guard had chased "Kuang Ta Hsing No.
28" for an hour. Source:
http://ppt.cc/fpu8 )
推 oidkk:推141F 05/17 11:59
推 KF3625:推!! 希望能夠強調「沒有進入菲經濟海域」這個事實148F 05/17 12:02
推 nosay:幫推 .. 要寄信記得給我 ~ 我幫忙寄mail150F 05/17 12:03
推 wste:把你的能力應用在此刻,水啦!!151F 05/17 12:03
推 ZenQ:推,有心人!153F 05/17 12:07
推 egro:用心給推~155F 05/17 12:09
推 yoyie:推推喔 自己的立場一定要給別人知道~158F 05/17 12:11
推 steed:請問Last morning是指昨天早上嗎?建議用yesterday morning感謝您辛苦翻譯166F 05/17 12:15
感謝 steed 大大不吝指正!!
推 mymeo:推169F 05/17 12:15
推 wahaha99:幹,這政府到底要來幹麻,什麼都要人民自己動手171F 05/17 12:16
推 darkinly:推,那個海域是disputed waters,爭議性海域172F 05/17 12:16
→ darkinly:若以客觀的角度看,個人覺得"沒有進入菲海域"會站不住腳175F 05/17 12:17
推 dragonfox:一般英文慣用是以星期幾+morning 例Friday morning177F 05/17 12:18
感謝,鑑於各地時區不同,第一段我改成 has released... yesterday morning
on 5/16 Taipei time。
找不到法新社的 email,先寄到 Director of Information 的信箱好了,感謝。
http://www.newsalliance.org/Members/afp.htm )
推 speedup:建議還是由母語是英文(或程度接近)的人來翻 不然一堆
文法或慣用語的誤用 他們收到了 也不會看189F 05/17 12:33
推 dragonfox:建議用was shot dead (來自bbc相關報導用法) 可表明就是被射殺致死的191F 05/17 12:34
→ speedup:另外醫學檢定和彈道分析最好也是用他們內行人會用的文字總之 很麻煩就是 不過還是感謝原po的熱心193F 05/17 12:34
推 zzxtc:推!196F 05/17 12:36
→ dragonfox:新聞英文時態因要有強調作用和一般用法會有異 不確定該198F 05/17 12:37
→ dragonfox:如何寫的參考一下外電相關報導的用法即可200F 05/17 12:37
→ a600tw:這是euronews的嗎? press@euronews.net203F 05/17 12:38
推 tcpic:推行動205F 05/17 12:39
推 speedup:通常要寫姓+名的話會在姓後面逗號 Hung, Shih-cheng
要不逗號就是寫Shih-cheng Hung207F 05/17 12:41
姓名寫法是直接參考 Taipei Times 的寫法:
Fisherman killed in disputed waters - Taipei Times
A Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead yesterday during a confrontation with a Philippine vessel in waters in which the exclusive economic zones claimed by Taiwan and the Philippines overlap, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. ...
→ atbb:==========一定要呼籲各國共同譴責菲律賓呀!!!!!!!!=========這一點可以加上去嗎?218F 05/17 12:48
推 dragonfox:did not invade ----> did not cross into220F 05/17 12:49
→ dragonfox:speedup提出的姓名用法現在很多也是直接用原po原本的寫法而且可以被接受囉223F 05/17 12:51
→ speedup:目前學術論文還是如此 不知道其他地方是指?226F 05/17 12:52
推 loudness:太強了 台灣需要你這種人!!227F 05/17 12:53
推 dragonfox:BBC記者使用英文母語應該有大學畢業吧 s大說的傳統用法沒錯 只是原po的用法現在也被廣為使用及接受囉237F 05/17 13:11
推 kokq:The following is "transferred" ---> translated242F 05/17 13:19
推 isronny:給你一個大推推推推推!!!!!!!!243F 05/17 13:20
推 miy: 推!!244F 05/17 13:20
→ kokq:thus "excluding" the possibility ---> eliminates245F 05/17 13:21
推 ionchips:推推!!海域要強調,打臉菲的正當性說246F 05/17 13:22
推 xolox:推~~248F 05/17 13:24
推 vinven:推有心....我英文太差了><254F 05/17 13:35
→ wingl:cd中 有心啦258F 05/17 13:44
→ atobela:厲害, 直接寄到西恩恩如何259F 05/17 13:46
推 idesyo:幫推! 台灣人的正義之聲!!!262F 05/17 13:55
等下三點就會將信件 BCC 寄出了,再請英文強者幫忙做最後確認喔~~
感謝! <(_ _)>
→ speedup:正式場合還是用姓,名比較好 可以去看你的護照是姓名還是姓名266F 05/17 14:10
→ speedup:不是說它叫BBC就表示它用法是對的
bbc也說president Ma Ying-jeou那它會說
president obama barack嗎?269F 05/17 14:11
加入置頂心戰文中 daniel0922 的 youtube 影片於信末
感謝 daniel0922 大大!
(p.s. Here is another video illustrating the fact:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5JzRUQZdwo )
※ 編輯: HellyStrike 來自: (05/17 14:38)
推 lrn19:不推不行~台灣加油~275F 05/17 14:30
推 shinejay:廣大興28號 槍擊彈道示意圖277F 05/17 14:37
→ shinejay:sharpdaily.tw/news/article/headline/20130516/35021434279F 05/17 14:39
Another schematic diagram made by Taiwanese news media "Apple Daily":
(The person shown in red is the dead)
※ 編輯: HellyStrike 來自: (05/17 14:46)
※ 編輯: HellyStrike 來自: (05/17 15:07)
→ kevin0733:時間改成 on the morning of May 16288F 05/17 15:17
推 assunny1012:不推對不起自己 法務部應該支付你以及幫忙翻譯者酬勞289F 05/17 15:20
推 milker:這太強了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!291F 05/17 15:37
印尼 Jakarta Post editorial@thejakartapost.com
NY Times news-tips@nytimes.com
新加坡 The Straits Times stonline@sph.com.sg
香港南華早報 info@scmp.com
日本的 The Japan Times 則用該網站的表單 submit
推 circus7788:可以貼在各大新聞媒體他們的fb或者twitter嗎?296F 05/17 16:51
推 secand:這就是鄉民的正義啊!297F 05/17 17:06
※ 編輯: HellyStrike 來自: (05/17 17:25)