看板 Gossiping作者 yenchen1970 (nowhere man)標題 [爆卦] Win8當機導致北韓非但延遲發射時間 Fri Apr 12 09:39:48 2013
North Korean Missile Test Delayed by Windows 8 : The New Yorker
PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—North Korea’s official news agency announced today that the military’s planned missile test had been put on hold because of “problems with Windows 8.” Intelligence analysts said that the announcement gave rare insight into the inner... ...
APRIL 11, 2013
PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—North Korea’s official news agency
announced today that the military’s planned missile test had been put on
hold because of “problems with Windows 8.”
Intelligence analysts said that the announcement gave rare insight into the
inner workings of North Korea’s missile program, which until last year had
been running on Windows 95.
The announcement from the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) did not indicate
a new scheduled time for a missile test, saying only that it was “working
with Windows 8 support to resolve the issue.”
In the words of one intelligence analyst, “That means the test been delayed
A source close to the North Korean regime reported that Supreme Leader Kim
Jong-un is furious about the Windows 8 problems and is considering a number
of options, including declaring war on Microsoft.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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噓 sivle01:這種東西也信,智商也太低了24F 04/12 09:42
推 ykesha:搞笑吧 怎可能用WIN26F 04/12 09:42
推 IndianF4:幫高調 我想看腦殘記者來抄假新聞30F 04/12 09:43
※ 編輯: yenchen1970 來自: (04/12 09:43)
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→ tsmc1:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD沒生千脫處賓32F 04/12 09:43
※ 編輯: yenchen1970 來自: (04/12 09:45)
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推 hsiyafel:傻傻的,XP還可嘲再戰10年62F 04/12 09:57
推 Imbufo:推 我也想看記者抄這篇 XD64F 04/12 09:58
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→ kondoyu:微軟:我這個局設了10年66F 04/12 10:03
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推 tomlang:記者還不快抄?獨家要被搶走啦~70F 04/12 10:07
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