看板 Gossiping
作者 aloba (aloba)
標題 [爆卦] 請幫高調,自己的核四自己看
時間 Sat Apr 26 13:06:02 2014






Dropbox - 防輻射電纜
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 儀控電纜共管
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 建廠期間專案管制報告
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 定期視察報告
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 設計及品質管理視察報告
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 測試報告
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 初始測試視察報告
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 人員訓練專案視察
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 反應爐基座製造品質案相關報告
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...

Dropbox - 初期安全分析報告書相關審查資料
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...


        總連結  (要下比較久)
Dropbox - AEC
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...







Dropbox - index_03_e-41.pdf
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file again! ...


        請記住,這些都只是原能會的『安全品質監督  > 資訊公開』


長的越帥,責任越重                         ○-
難怪這一生我活著都沒什麼壓力..           ■)﹥

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1398488765.A.9A9.html
※ 同主題文章:
[爆卦] 請幫高調,自己的核四自己看
04-26 13:06 aloba.
davild54849:高調1F 04/26 13:06
FIRZEN45:幫高調2F 04/26 13:06
TCSSH1637:高調3F 04/26 13:06
sd09090:原能會4F 04/26 13:07
colorsplash:推5F 04/26 13:07
acer758219:6F 04/26 13:07
funnypeter:手動置底劣退掰掰7F 04/26 13:07
tachibanadi:爆吧8F 04/26 13:08
freeway1023:我算特定帳號嗎?9F 04/26 13:09
MacOSX10:蓋的人怕轉下去會被究責才叫大家別運轉 不轉就河蟹掉了數錢就好 沒有後遺症10F 04/26 13:09
weirdgrape:一直重複發文 好奇特的id12F 04/26 13:09
Handway:難道黨工住國外? 核電漏了一個也跑不掉13F 04/26 13:10
andyao1562:高調14F 04/26 13:10
FIRZEN45:咦 之前沒有公開資訊整理吧 重複發文?15F 04/26 13:10
Ashley1988:高調16F 04/26 13:11
rocksoul:17F 04/26 13:11
totomo168:高調18F 04/26 13:12
Cold5566:推19F 04/26 13:13
nofu2002:快高調20F 04/26 13:13
homeboyJC:反核四不等於反核能就算我要核能我也不要一個會出事電廠21F 04/26 13:13
monica0812:高調22F 04/26 13:13
yisdl:幫高調23F 04/26 13:13
dian9:24F 04/26 13:14
jokebbs:高調25F 04/26 13:14
shan0412:高調      我剛還在想幹麼刪文26F 04/26 13:14
silentence:Z>B27F 04/26 13:15
katsumi32:高調28F 04/26 13:15
after1:如果核四品質不要這麼嚇人. 鬼才有空反核咧29F 04/26 13:15
eyesss:推30F 04/26 13:16
phoon1103:高調31F 04/26 13:16
imdai:高調32F 04/26 13:16
llflly:Z>B33F 04/26 13:17
syk1104:高調喔~34F 04/26 13:17
cksonic:1高調35F 04/26 13:17
wesley3721:高調36F 04/26 13:18
eetheend:~~37F 04/26 13:18
micsue:高調!!!!!!38F 04/26 13:18
hsin627:推39F 04/26 13:18
myfriends:只好退一個40F 04/26 13:18
pict404:先高調!41F 04/26 13:19
Sougetu:42F 04/26 13:19
Ratalie:高調43F 04/26 13:19
shizukuasn:高調44F 04/26 13:19
rungh:高調45F 04/26 13:20
jingle2:推46F 04/26 13:20
HowWhy99:高調~47F 04/26 13:20
ngzero:幫高調!48F 04/26 13:20
serengeti:推49F 04/26 13:21
whalebaby:高調50F 04/26 13:21
afish513:高調51F 04/26 13:21
ariel780102:高52F 04/26 13:21
k901254:高調53F 04/26 13:21
dadawution3:push54F 04/26 13:21
silentence:蛆蛆大概沒做過實驗  變因越多結果越難控制55F 04/26 13:22
nangle: 幫推56F 04/26 13:22
iron76111:高調57F 04/26 13:22
silentence:換成工程  包來包去最後出問題誰都無法處理58F 04/26 13:22
miwa870421:1高調!59F 04/26 13:22
daryl051892:看一半先推60F 04/26 13:22
acont:高調61F 04/26 13:22
applesweety:62F 04/26 13:22
brilliantye:高調63F 04/26 13:23
silentence:真好奇他們的監工是下班後去狂歡才開始嗎64F 04/26 13:23
linhsiuwei:拜託大家真的點進去看好嗎...不要那邊沒看卻瞎幫高調65F 04/26 13:23
Fiendyux:自己的核四自己看!66F 04/26 13:23
linhsiuwei:他裡面明明有說已經勒令限期改善了好嗎....67F 04/26 13:24
SHIU0315:你不要指著國民黨的ATM跟我說它可以發電。68F 04/26 13:25
shien807548:高掉69F 04/26 13:25
andyandyandy:利益集團巴不得蓋好不要用 拿錢 品質也不會被看破70F 04/26 13:25
M9407120:辛苦啦71F 04/26 13:25
formosa1979:恐怖72F 04/26 13:25
smonkey:73F 04/26 13:26
Csir318:高調74F 04/26 13:26
lonelyshit:高調75F 04/26 13:27
wuhaha13116:高調~76F 04/26 13:27
Solony:push~~77F 04/26 13:27
orioh:高調!!台灣自己的救!78F 04/26 13:27
hiokchi:推79F 04/26 13:28
xxyxx:80F 04/26 13:28
s0022:推81F 04/26 13:29
pilih:推82F 04/26 13:29
unioly:幫說明下 總連結檔案 196MB83F 04/26 13:29
rabbitrobert:84F 04/26 13:29
nicola7:高85F 04/26 13:29
TJLai:台灣人真的好強~甚麼領域都懂!!專家全被打臉!我只是魯蛇..@@86F 04/26 13:30
fanlander:高調87F 04/26 13:30
lkjhvcxz2002:高調88F 04/26 13:30
TabrisDirac:高調89F 04/26 13:30
ChenYi84:高調90F 04/26 13:31
destroyed:91F 04/26 13:31
emiyakonoha:推92F 04/26 13:31
Roarwolf:高調93F 04/26 13:31
knight30115:這篇怎麼變長了94F 04/26 13:31
lwowl:高調95F 04/26 13:32
umano:推96F 04/26 13:33
qfu04:高調!97F 04/26 13:33
Sanish:推 當台灣人民真的很辛苦,什麼都要懂 orz98F 04/26 13:33
viscount:推啊99F 04/26 13:33
On1y:推100F 04/26 13:33
johnyang:高調101F 04/26 13:34
davidaustin:push102F 04/26 13:34
layala:103F 04/26 13:35
applesweety:104F 04/26 13:35
yupzhe:黨工快出文章對死他阿105F 04/26 13:35
chiachikusa:高調106F 04/26 13:35
jimraynor:推107F 04/26 13:36
nae:  ??????108F 04/26 13:36
maggie821231:高調109F 04/26 13:36
nae:  沒有想爆卻爆不了的文章。110F 04/26 13:36
deepdish:高調111F 04/26 13:36
nae:  只有不夠認真的黨工。112F 04/26 13:37
applesweety:113F 04/26 13:37
ctjh900805:讓我看黨工要怎麼對114F 04/26 13:37
linfish:推115F 04/26 13:37
Sonnoy:高調!116F 04/26 13:37
rotusea:推整理117F 04/26 13:37
QQdragon:推~118F 04/26 13:37
FIRZEN45:高調119F 04/26 13:37
legendrl:這真的會爆炸吧120F 04/26 13:38
yunfeeling:安全第一啊…121F 04/26 13:38
BlackBass:原能會122F 04/26 13:38
kiritaniayum:高調123F 04/26 13:38
deathsheep:高調124F 04/26 13:38
dnkofe:幫高調125F 04/26 13:39
happytowork:2011年原能會謝得志一反對,馬下就下台了126F 04/26 13:39
songla1204:高調127F 04/26 13:39
yinling0105:高調128F 04/26 13:39
cttw19:黨工:造謠129F 04/26 13:40
mpppppp:130F 04/26 13:40
bryant1228:131F 04/26 13:40
remember16:...真的很誇張132F 04/26 13:42
white07:本來就很恐怖了,白癡黨工133F 04/26 13:42
XuanA:推134F 04/26 13:42
ryan334:推135F 04/26 13:42
inaina:高調 要反核提出替代能源,擁核也要提出核廢料如何解決阿!136F 04/26 13:43
tanya0601:高調137F 04/26 13:43
ferocious:推138F 04/26 13:43
※ 編輯: aloba (, 04/26/2014 13:44:21
hohaiyanyan:139F 04/26 13:43
fjdkqp:從中獲利的人遠走高飛 核四一爆(很有可能)不分藍綠一起完蛋140F 04/26 13:44
prince374:太神辣141F 04/26 13:44
tomomi0706:高調142F 04/26 13:46
ck0413:誰相信狗名黨的限期改善啊==143F 04/26 13:47
kmte019:...所以這些不是會開缺失,然後改正嗎..有啥好怕的?144F 04/26 13:47
kazake:白癡黨工  這也是攸關你們性命的大事 別傻傻的145F 04/26 13:47
woodiewoodie:高調146F 04/26 13:47
jessica007:高調!147F 04/26 13:48
sagakey:推148F 04/26 13:48
showyuhkimo:高調149F 04/26 13:48
yyhbala:特定ID怎不去吃屎!150F 04/26 13:49
edinie:高調151F 04/26 13:50
y90413:152F 04/26 13:50
真的好傻好天真啊~153F 04/26 13:50
userpeter:高調156F 04/26 13:52
KCKCLIN:根本呵呵 KMT也壓根不想讓核四運轉,反正能和氣生財就好了157F 04/26 13:52
applesweety:本人人生幸福美滿絕對不自殺,謝謝158F 04/26 13:52
iknowkizuna:高調159F 04/26 13:53
KCKCLIN:某些人若分不到油水也要幫護航的實在呵呵160F 04/26 13:53
mramos6796:天阿 確定要蓋這樣的東西 ?161F 04/26 13:53
KCKCLIN:用LP想想就知道,蓋完安檢過再決定要不要公投,就直接先公162F 04/26 13:53
silentence:限期改善 = 屁話163F 04/26 13:54
satolove:高調164F 04/26 13:54
KCKCLIN:頭決定要不要繼續阿165F 04/26 13:54
fujiayumi:166F 04/26 13:54
vivienne88:167F 04/26 13:55
cappa:有問題就改善阿 怎麼了168F 04/26 13:55
yeh0216:推!!!169F 04/26 13:56
panhoho:真的出事,整座島都不安全了。170F 04/26 13:57
wxtab019:有些東西如果一開始就是歪的 想扶正也很難 尤其是精密機雖然你可以讓他看起來像正常 不過實際上還是不會比一開始就是好的東西還要來的安全 實用171F 04/26 13:57
luckyBF:推  晚點看174F 04/26 14:00
billybbb:高調175F 04/26 14:00
alice1226:反核四176F 04/26 14:01
cc920404:推177F 04/26 14:02
iceworld25:高調178F 04/26 14:02
RawiyaL:高調179F 04/26 14:05
teresa925:推180F 04/26 14:07
evan410:高調181F 04/26 14:07
onlyhuman:182F 04/26 14:07
gaga06:高調183F 04/26 14:07
newPipe:只能推了184F 04/26 14:08
IamGoodX:這些報告是原能會以監督者的身分所寫的,會看到待改善事項也代表原能會有確實在做監督,但在原能會網站可能找不185F 04/26 14:08
LyoBei:幫高調187F 04/26 14:09
IamGoodX:到改善後的成果,只看這些會不會有點太片面呢188F 04/26 14:11
ab32110:高調…189F 04/26 14:12
gowellplayer:推阿!190F 04/26 14:12
klandakuei:黨工滾,幫高調191F 04/26 14:13
LyoBei:傭合人:不管啦反正官方說一定會弄到好就是會弄到好啦192F 04/26 14:13
eastmountain:高調193F 04/26 14:15
samuraibin:194F 04/26 14:15
lampardoRio:目前八卦版有1.5K核能專家195F 04/26 14:16
Aquariussoul:196F 04/26 14:16
kazeritsu:推197F 04/26 14:18
cool1978:推198F 04/26 14:21
Rusifer:......................................................199F 04/26 14:21
qphone:核四停建廢核能.200F 04/26 14:22
dtdon1699:推201F 04/26 14:22
momocom:推202F 04/26 14:22
a77942002:支持核四 立即啟動 房價歸零 利大於弊203F 04/26 14:22
shan0412:之前那些鍵盤核能專家哪去了?!204F 04/26 14:23
crossroad:高調205F 04/26 14:23
turbomons:推206F 04/26 14:23
angel67899:推推!207F 04/26 14:24
hopert:超級誇張!208F 04/26 14:26
ikumi0225:幫高調209F 04/26 14:26
cappa:官方核能專家說會改善 鍵盤核能專家不信210F 04/26 14:27
tonyhu:講這個?請告訴人民核能1.2.3.4全停之後的配套在何方就好211F 04/26 14:27
ppm100:認真監督 蓋一個好一點的核五吧!!!212F 04/26 14:27
l2l:看到都傻眼 這種施工品質還敢啟用 拿全國人民性命開玩笑213F 04/26 14:28
ppm100:核能應該存在 台灣需要核能發電 但核四真的不敢恭維214F 04/26 14:28
jackietom:我覺得最好的方法就是請老共發射導彈,把核四炸了,然後繼續反中反服貿!215F 04/26 14:30
KCKCLIN:官方的保證能信,執政以來政見全跳票表示:217F 04/26 14:31
jaeomes:高調218F 04/26 14:32
closekern:高調219F 04/26 14:33
jaeomes:雖然我們常地震 核123廠至少還很安全 但是核4就不敢恭維220F 04/26 14:33
applesweety:初驗(須拍照)→缺失→改善→複驗(須拍照)→計價221F 04/26 14:35
BloomchordS:高高222F 04/26 14:35
applesweety:有缺失照片,就一定會有複驗照片啊,至少要提供出來至於很多機關的複驗照片是如何照假這邊就先忽略了223F 04/26 14:36
withfrog:高調 感謝分享 等下來看225F 04/26 14:36
本人人生幸福美滿,絕對不會自殺,謝謝226F 04/26 14:37
irenehuang15:推229F 04/26 14:40
anise:一流的台電,超值得信任的啊230F 04/26 14:40
dnkofe:一個蓋了20年以上的東西,我才不相信沒有老化等其他問題咧231F 04/26 14:44
toki:限期改善? 323打人的警察找到了沒啊? 好像一個月了耶232F 04/26 14:46
yef7591:高調233F 04/26 14:48
rainbowC:高調234F 04/26 14:50
lobelia:推235F 04/26 14:52
minaminojill:高調236F 04/26 14:52
urreed:我大膽猜測 會去認真看完的人很少很少 還是推你的熱心整理237F 04/26 14:53
lovejamwu:高調238F 04/26 14:54
n64tw:推239F 04/26 14:54
rbgspydm:幫推,DropBox真的有點慢240F 04/26 14:55
gold11001:推241F 04/26 14:57
kimky:推242F 04/26 15:01
dian9:推243F 04/26 15:02
kevfire:高調244F 04/26 15:03
Bokolo:有整理推,不過原能會的資料去他網站找就有?245F 04/26 15:07
morgan168:推246F 04/26 15:08
wood0108:高調247F 04/26 15:10
dululu:高調推248F 04/26 15:16
billy4305:推推249F 04/26 15:19
yosichan:幫高調250F 04/26 15:19
mikuru:251F 04/26 15:21
xul327:請馬政府提出核災時會在第一時間進駐善後的長官與人員名單252F 04/26 15:27
FRX:253F 04/26 15:27
hsm926:高調 水泥圍阻體都能發現有寶特瓶在裡面了,就還是有人不254F 04/26 15:34
tk0952:高調255F 04/26 15:36
summerleaves:高調256F 04/26 15:41
chx64:bahamutuh快出來打臉阿  不是很嗆?257F 04/26 15:45
moonh4:高調 258F 04/26 15:48
monononoke:幹,現在人民要納稅還要自己審核四 這政府怎麼不去吃屎259F 04/26 15:49
madgame:260F 04/26 15:49
HermesKing:轉錄至看板 PublicIssue                               04/26 15:53
wmtsung:高調261F 04/26 15:53
jayclub:高調262F 04/26 15:57
birdskingla:高調263F 04/26 15:57
eethel:推264F 04/26 16:02
john2557:。265F 04/26 16:09
rinsoukan:高調266F 04/26 16:12
a45806722:高調267F 04/26 16:16
teleoldmom:268F 04/26 16:17
groundtall:  269F 04/26 16:25
hulamg:高調270F 04/26 16:26
wingl:推271F 04/26 16:28
cestbon:高調!272F 04/26 16:29
faxy:!!!273F 04/26 16:35
tksq:1高調推274F 04/26 16:39
sakey:高調275F 04/26 16:39
wowkg21:高調276F 04/26 16:46
xxxxxxxxxxxx:高調!!不要會爆炸的核四!!277F 04/26 16:48
TheDark:高調一下278F 04/26 16:48
mkai:高調推  這品質真的很可怕279F 04/26 17:17
bluebugi:推 擁核的看一下280F 04/26 17:25
Entropy1988:看來核能真的不適合台灣人281F 04/26 17:26
kaye1228:推282F 04/26 17:32
nergal126:多爬點文==283F 04/26 17:41
brawl:高調284F 04/26 18:06
woeshit:恐怖喔285F 04/26 18:34
ryosuke:他媽的搞屄?台灣人要懂的未免也太多……286F 04/26 18:53
leosally:高調287F 04/26 19:05
peichiaC:超優資料288F 04/26 19:19
lion410202:高調289F 04/26 19:25
Kamiya:一起推動阿克西斯290F 04/26 19:28
loki1789:推,弊案叢生的蓋四291F 04/26 19:48
Kanecart:為了下一代,務必要仔細檢視核四292F 04/26 19:53
faststar:高調推~~~293F 04/26 20:08
whyy:高調294F 04/26 20:18
linkg:高調295F 04/26 20:25
tako0988:Push296F 04/26 20:25
s29748740:高調297F 04/26 20:39
embracepl:PUSH298F 04/26 21:20
rkbey:高調299F 04/26 21:31
aa840325:推300F 04/26 21:44
tpfmpm:幫高  黨工下去領500啦301F 04/26 21:49
Marqquet:下去看97616篇302F 04/26 21:57
tonylui1515:高調303F 04/26 21:58
w82320:高調304F 04/27 00:14
bubunari:高調305F 04/27 00:16
fle0717:高調306F 04/27 00:57
a0918169058:高調!307F 04/27 02:42
O97:能公開的官方資料都這樣了 ...308F 04/27 20:20
esteec:推309F 04/27 21:31
