看板 Gossiping作者 Rainlilt (秋山小~~雨)標題 [新聞] CNN 正式報導了時間 Thu Mar 20 02:10:55 2014
Hundreds of students occupy Taiwan's Legislature to protest China pact
By Ray Sanchez, CNN
March 19, 2014 -- Updated 1727 GMT (0127 HKT)
(CNN) -- Hundreds of students remained barricaded in Taiwan's Legislature
early Wednesday in protest of the ruling party's push for a trade pact with
China, which demonstrators claim will hurt the island.
The protesters, mostly university students, entered the main assembly hall
inside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei on Tuesday night and blocked the
entrances with chairs, according to images and accounts filed from the scene
with CNN iReport.
Police responded but had not dispersed the protesters, who also filled the
streets around the Legislature in the center of Taipei.
The students said they plan to occupy the Legislature until Friday's session,
when the pact was to be deliberated.
Taiwan's state news agency reported that 38 police officers were injured when
more than 400 protesters took over the Legislature.
Four protesters were arrested in two unsuccessful attempts to evict them, the
news agency reported. Police said there were more than 2,000 protesters both
inside and outside the building, with a equal number of officers on the scene.
"We do not want to clash with the police," said protester and iReporter
Shanny Chang, 19. "We just have to let the government know that never try to
fool the people."
One CNN iReporter said that after the protesters took over, hundreds gathered
outside the building, with some making speeches and singing songs.
In a video, a young woman sings Bob Dylan's song "The Times They are
a-Changin'," which many associate with the protest spirit of the 1960s.
"She played the Dylan song because she thinks the lyrics match the ongoing
events happening in Taiwan," an iReporter identified only as breadgeorge
wrote. "Bob Dylan isn't really that popular in Taiwan, especially not to the
8th grade generation, what Taiwanese call children born after 1991, but to
the older generations I think he isn't a stranger to them."
The trade pact was signed last year in Shanghai with the intention of easing
investment and trade between the two longtime adversaries, mainland China and
But opponents have voiced concerns that not only will Taiwan's economy be
hurt as businesses and investments flow to China, but the island's democratic
system could be undermined by closer ties with the mainland.
"The trade agreement was not supervised by the people of Taiwan, and benefits
only big companies and harnesses our jobs," wrote iReporter George Chang, 24.
"But I do agree we need to open Taiwan to the world, even China too. But NOT
this way, not by signing an agreement that is not fair to us and was
negotiated by people who have no profession in these territories. We must
rewrite the agreement and make it work for the both of us, towards a peaceful
future between the strait of Taiwan."
An iReporter identified as kwarrior, an Asian-American living in Taiwan,
wrote that the government's handling of the trade agreement "was
unconstitutional and a blatant violation of the people's rights. ... I care
deeply because my parents are Taiwanese and they always loved their nation
like no other. I am personally affected because I value the rights of the
people to voice and make changes in a democratic country."
In a statement, Amnesty International urged security forces to show restraint.
"The situation is clearly tense. ... While police have a duty to maintain
order and to protect the safety of the public, the response must only be
proportionate to the threat. Force should only be used as a last resort. The
authorities must ensure the rights of all those protesting are upheld and
respected," said Roseann Rife, the group's East Asia research director.
Last month, Taiwan and China held their highest-level talks in more than six
decades, marking the first government-to-government contact since the pair's
acrimonious split in 1949.
Wang Yu-chi of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, which oversees the island's
China policy, met with his mainland counterpart, Zhang Zhijun of China's
Taiwan Affairs Office.
After the meeting, China's state news agency Xinhua said the two sides had
agreed to open a regular communication channel.
"We should both be resolute to not let cross-strait relations suffer any more
twists and turns and never let (the relationship) go backward," Zhang was
quoted as saying.
Previous contact between the two sides has been conducted through
semi-official foundations or through political parties, not by government
ministers acting in their official capacities.
Beijing considers Taiwan a breakaway province and has never ruled out the use
of force to achieve reunification.
Taiwan also calls itself the Republic of China.
Relations between the two sides have improved since Taiwan President Ma
Ying-jeou came to power in 2008. On Wednesday, Ma called for the passage of
the trade pact.
這次不是投書 也不是論壇
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→ OLM:搜尋Taiwan關鍵字就可以看到36F 03/20 02:12
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→ f204137:翻譯一下啦... 不然會被刪文52F 03/20 02:14
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推 alamabarry:文法不錯~~~修辭算用的還蠻好的~~~~恩恩61F 03/20 02:14
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推 voyhanxu:嗯嗯,很客觀的報導,很中肯(跪求翻譯)74F 03/20 02:15
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推 sh050562:報導真是一針見血(跪求翻譯姬)86F 03/20 02:16
推 beontop:非常中立 據實報導 推90F 03/20 02:17
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推 kenro:快推,不然人家都以為我們看不懂93F 03/20 02:17
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推 wilson78225:很收斂保守的報導,幾乎都是事實描述,沒有自身評論。108F 03/20 02:18
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推 a84885640:=======單純引用鄉民的話 沒用美國立場講話 ====115F 03/20 02:20
推 silentence:marking the first government-to-government contact116F 03/20 02:20
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推 fallen01:看完了 寫得不錯 超中立客觀 但是選擇題在哪135F 03/20 02:22
→ drmartens:就看個一半吧,但是受傷的員警有這麼多喔???136F 03/20 02:22
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→ sosad0128:學生們說他們計畫要佔領立法院直到周五會議審議服貿為止143F 03/20 02:24
推 germing:嗯 接軌1960年代的學運…接的很聰明 這樣外國人很快就能理解這個運動的想法147F 03/20 02:25
→ sosad0128:台灣媒體報導當超過400名抗議者佔領立法院時,有38名員警受傷
樓下幫翻 感恩150F 03/20 02:27
推 KingKingCold:正式報導!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!153F 03/20 02:28
推 r0930:黑箱似乎是沒提到156F 03/20 02:30
推 Honor1984:根本沒提到支那豬黨立委在這件事情幹的齷齪事157F 03/20 02:30
推 hydroer:好慢。BBC早就報了。還是推159F 03/20 02:31
→ r0930:提到協定都是靠一些非專業人士還有並未受到人民監督下簽訂162F 03/20 02:32
推 shadowdio:實際上黑箱事實是怎樣也沒確定 不能亂報出來163F 03/20 02:32
噓 speedup:CNN根本就不知道導火線就是Ma和他的走狗 鳥報導
還歌功頌德 超弱的報導165F 03/20 02:32
推 r0930:其實有些內容都是引用iReport上的發言167F 03/20 02:34
推 r0930:倒數第四行確實.. 兩岸關係有進展還不是馬娘狂賣台..171F 03/20 02:39
推 ALVISS:第三張紫衣妹在新聞裡蠻正的啊 @^@176F 03/20 02:52
推 inept:推!179F 03/20 03:00
推 ooadd:說得真是淺顯易懂,很好!181F 03/20 03:15
噓 nkaf61:紅明顯 漏了大重點 「偷渡」「黑箱」都沒提到
推回來184F 03/20 05:46
噓 adst513:都是英文 看不懂啦186F 03/20 06:33
※ 同主題文章:
[新聞] CNN 正式報導了
03-20 02:10 Rainlilt