看板 Gossiping
作者 unique681 (tw)
標題 [問卦] 阿多仔撞到你說sorry 怎麼回比較酷?
時間 Tue Aug 25 12:37:30 2015


阿多仔馬上轉頭跟我說 sorry

小弟英文不好 但想說回什麼勒次ok太弱了





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[問卦] 阿多仔撞到你說sorry 怎麼回比較酷?
08-25 12:37 unique681.
woodyyo5566: wanna have sex?1F 08/25 12:38
homeman: 咩2F 08/25 12:38
tensinya: Im five thanks3F 08/25 12:38
kenike: 你要不要信教?4F 08/25 12:38
LoveMakeLove:  Kick ass5F 08/25 12:38
Okonkwo: 維大利6F 08/25 12:38
PPmYeah: make sure gun more7F 08/25 12:38
Leeng: fuck off8F 08/25 12:38
liang120317: Fuck off9F 08/25 12:38
GSHARP: make show gun more10F 08/25 12:38
RaphaelJr: 癡漢不要碰我的手11F 08/25 12:38
kairi5217: What are you fucking doing?12F 08/25 12:39
UenoJoe: What the fxxk !!13F 08/25 12:39
shadowdio: 亞拉娜伊卡14F 08/25 12:39
hitoshiki: i will sue you15F 08/25 12:39
johnwu: 咩修...16F 08/25 12:39
chihh96338: 義大利17F 08/25 12:39
rhox: 咩修幹某?18F 08/25 12:39
bourne5566: ggdincoco19F 08/25 12:39
a14141a: how do you turn this on20F 08/25 12:39
Invec: you twat21F 08/25 12:39
yzfr6: fuck each others?22F 08/25 12:39
Carrarese: 撞三洨23F 08/25 12:39
Julian9x9x9: Hey!I like Justin Bieber too!24F 08/25 12:39
Ashuya: 看三小 不服來辯25F 08/25 12:40
viable: 我頭有點暈 這樣回呢>\\\<26F 08/25 12:40
ArSaBuLu: 我都說costco27F 08/25 12:40
superdrift: screw u28F 08/25 12:40
xxx5566xxx: 幹你娘,選我正解29F 08/25 12:40
JasonX5566: please fuck my asshole30F 08/25 12:40
invader2006: Asshole bitch, are you blind?然後搭配一個拳頭31F 08/25 12:40
peter5599: Yeeeeee32F 08/25 12:40
msk127: go fuck yourself justin bieber33F 08/25 12:41
mdkn35: 幹零糧 目洨喔34F 08/25 12:41
cena59473: Hi whole ~( 七個小矮人35F 08/25 12:41
jma306:   衝蝦小36F 08/25 12:41
ElizabethXIV: 發Q!逼蛆!37F 08/25 12:41
max52001: fuck me38F 08/25 12:42
dunhiller: it's good to drink39F 08/25 12:42
mqhung: lee see le long sun xiao .....40F 08/25 12:42
stu2005131: it's all gay41F 08/25 12:42
mydeargod: 東賣42F 08/25 12:42
steventsaijj: 槓林剌啊43F 08/25 12:42
plastichorse: 咩修敢莫44F 08/25 12:42
jameslovesq: beh siong kan bo45F 08/25 12:43
ewhurst: My pleasure46F 08/25 12:43
jeremy7986: Never mind.(認真回)47F 08/25 12:43
ggod861203: ggininder48F 08/25 12:44
lin21396: 有聽過安麗嗎49F 08/25 12:44
baddad: fuvk u50F 08/25 12:44
crossover103: This is a book.51F 08/25 12:44
fatman5566: 中指比出來52F 08/25 12:44
s903320: No worry53F 08/25 12:44
kps1247: suck my dick54F 08/25 12:45
alan1943: idiot?55F 08/25 12:45
Homedoni: never mind56F 08/25 12:45
fox1986: Is it good to drink?57F 08/25 12:45
icrticrt1682: oh,that my dick!58F 08/25 12:46
j205617686: 你有點讓我想要check it out59F 08/25 12:46
tarjan33167: fuck off biatch60F 08/25 12:46
gm2867: Making love will be better61F 08/25 12:46
jaceda: damn you62F 08/25 12:46
Beanoodle: gan lin lao si lay63F 08/25 12:46
SaintsRow: shot the fucking up64F 08/25 12:47
gm2867: Are u ma in joe?65F 08/25 12:48
rain33: 身為鄉民當然是回:I see you66F 08/25 12:48
stu00184: 樓上推文各種奇葩英文都出來了67F 08/25 12:48
g007: kiss my penis68F 08/25 12:48
gg8n8nd34ss: UCCU69F 08/25 12:48
taker627: so林娘老雞掰 死阿都啊幹破你娘勒70F 08/25 12:49
frank0771: suck my dick71F 08/25 12:49
kanoki: Hey guys (拉高音72F 08/25 12:50
tino40carter: 台女:晚上來我家吧!73F 08/25 12:50
chrisjay: 說fuck off阿 pupu最愛說這句74F 08/25 12:51
kait: good luck75F 08/25 12:51
HXH051: motherfucker76F 08/25 12:51
insominia: Never mind.77F 08/25 12:51
icou: yer muthafucka78F 08/25 12:52
Neps: r u lonely tonight?79F 08/25 12:52
ewhurst: ccr都會說My pleasure 真的啦,人家最愛跟外國人溝通,不會錯80F 08/25 12:52
ku399999: it's all gay82F 08/25 12:52
IronWolf: 步要說話 直接跟他握手然後摳他手心83F 08/25 12:53
older: r u free tonight?84F 08/25 12:53
nickblack326: did you ever heard Amway~85F 08/25 12:53
derric: watch out dude,you wanna get fucked up ?86F 08/25 12:53
XZXie: You are so HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT87F 08/25 12:54
et633: do you want to buit a snowman88F 08/25 12:54
Trick: 乾李良89F 08/25 12:54
hcuo: 正解,fuck off90F 08/25 12:54
abjeffop: 用食指戳他然後說"ET"91F 08/25 12:54
linchear: no worries~~92F 08/25 12:54
BlueSausage: you're welcome!93F 08/25 12:54
FantasyRyu: 楽しいでしょう?94F 08/25 12:55
kinnsan: WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!95F 08/25 12:55
mos47: 這個時候大家英文都變好了!96F 08/25 12:56
wei1120: Banana babanana97F 08/25 12:56
xein: It's cool98F 08/25 12:56
andrewyachu: FUCK YOU MORON99F 08/25 12:56
a2654133: gg din coco X D D D D D D D100F 08/25 12:56
garcia: 當然是拿雙節棍出來尻他101F 08/25 12:56
vn509942: fuck u due , suck my dick right now102F 08/25 12:57
nickblack326: 對他大喊Ka~Mei~Ha~Mei~Ha~~~~~~~!老外很迷Dragonball103F 08/25 12:58
thereisno: Never mind105F 08/25 12:58
actuy: 問他你有聽過安麗嗎106F 08/25 12:59
cielcrosss: Gan Lin Lau Ale107F 08/25 12:59
Comebuy: 跟他說我有愛滋病108F 08/25 12:59
KSHLO: notice your step, white neck109F 08/25 13:00
frankshyu: I'm fine, thank you, and you?110F 08/25 13:00
jerry123456: 外國人應該會說exq斯米吧111F 08/25 13:00
lun46: Fuck me maybe112F 08/25 13:01
heureuxseed: Are you blind??113F 08/25 13:02
Fallen27: Hakuna Matata114F 08/25 13:02
jason17748: Ain't talkin' 'bout shit115F 08/25 13:02
OK8066889: 阿哇呾喀呾啦116F 08/25 13:03
djyunjie: one night you and me117F 08/25 13:03
Ponimp: UUU ㄜㄜㄜ u r so handsome118F 08/25 13:04
joestoman:  yo~119F 08/25 13:04
AllenYAYA: 哩林誇賣耶嘛 厚某?120F 08/25 13:04
yuinghoooo: Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo121F 08/25 13:04
plbroum88: you fucking bastard122F 08/25 13:05
asd2260123: may show gun more123F 08/25 13:05
ChiuYi5566: mei sho gan mo124F 08/25 13:06
ak47ilike: ball ball you open car small heart one point125F 08/25 13:06
darkyan: make sure gun more?126F 08/25 13:06
virusket: No probl127F 08/25 13:07
blooms3089: Are you ready fucking with me?128F 08/25 13:08
e1q3z9c7: 估辣可129F 08/25 13:09
lolucky531: You need to open your asshole when you say sorry130F 08/25 13:09
ain8311: 我都念costco131F 08/25 13:09
josh24311: This is a pen132F 08/25 13:11
jason17748: You jizz in your pants133F 08/25 13:12
iWatch5566: Are you fucking blind nigger  遇到黑人用法134F 08/25 13:12
quicknick: I will kobe you.135F 08/25 13:12
james1022jk: do u want to bulid a snowman136F 08/25 13:14
b10012013: Are you Justin Bieber?137F 08/25 13:14
kuanstyle: you will be138F 08/25 13:15
Cervelo1995: gun lin nian!!!   ga may luai !  ding go gi la139F 08/25 13:15
arbee: go fuck yoursele140F 08/25 13:15
cloud72426: 認真回 No Worries141F 08/25 13:16
llI: 衣蝶142F 08/25 13:16
goitaly:143F 08/25 13:16
ontherun3325: U only want to fuxx taiwan puma144F 08/25 13:19
dyps: YAMALUBE145F 08/25 13:19
IO8OP: My pleasure 哈哈哈靠北146F 08/25 13:21
tudougou: 不用禮貌啊 人家在國外都比中指跨街吼亞洲猴的147F 08/25 13:21
ANSREC: on my way!148F 08/25 13:21
weichiu1: GG din coco XDDDD149F 08/25 13:22
ElbowKobe105: fuck you white trash150F 08/25 13:23
RFV123: Obama shut up151F 08/25 13:25
pig4306: 洗哩馬洗 來阮家洗152F 08/25 13:26
merceralex: SONY153F 08/25 13:26
sbflight: fuck you faggot154F 08/25 13:27
kevin6677: 桑鵝扶碧曲155F 08/25 13:27
Ghamu: i fine thank you and you?156F 08/25 13:28
wth47152001: GGININDER157F 08/25 13:28
ybz612: No close west158F 08/25 13:28
vicky0038: what the fuck159F 08/25 13:29
lianpig5566: GG din coco是啥小啦 XDDDDDDD160F 08/25 13:30
c7683fh6: I will find you161F 08/25 13:32
laserguy: KAWABANKA!!!!!!!162F 08/25 13:32
benjason: 陳菊 is good163F 08/25 13:33
hjch0601: Ass hole~164F 08/25 13:33
moonh4: 認真回you're alright或no worries都很常見165F 08/25 13:34
gungrandpa: 認真回,no big deal166F 08/25 13:36
monkeywind: 有笑有推167F 08/25 13:36
wade0130: 回沒關係啊,你在國外撞到人跟他說對不起他會回你中文嗎168F 08/25 13:39
yunsworld: I am fine,thank U169F 08/25 13:39
airjaguar: fuck you, what are you blind?//you're good170F 08/25 13:41
s8338127: may sure gun more171F 08/25 13:42
adriano7431: Piss off ...172F 08/25 13:45
liuZC: 甩啊,幹173F 08/25 13:45
lunqun35: be friendly to CCRs174F 08/25 13:46
rickcoo: Yoo~ bitch175F 08/25 13:48
saint01: 你不會跳SJ的sorry sorry sorry176F 08/25 13:48
chloeslover: i am a simple man i see boobs i press like177F 08/25 13:49
Nerv: Mother Fxxxer178F 08/25 13:54
jamesadobe: suck my ball!179F 08/25 13:55
choco7: 大丈夫180F 08/25 13:55
bagacow: No! You're not sorry!!!181F 08/25 13:55
ShutODown: 好奇問 三樓那是什麼意思?_?182F 08/25 13:58
phoenician: I'm fine 故意講成I'm five 懂?183F 08/25 13:59
tang83814: 快被推文笑死184F 08/25 14:01
bryan21xxx: 跟他說 I have ebola 嚇死他185F 08/25 14:01
rinsoukan: XDDDDDDDD186F 08/25 14:02
jkhz: 有笑有推187F 08/25 14:03
dslite: fuck me188F 08/25 14:04
sunnycutie: no worries 或是 that's alright都可以189F 08/25 14:04
VieriKing: yo~bro...MDFK!!190F 08/25 14:05
bakapika: Gばいしょしょ191F 08/25 14:07
jeffwang7: yamalube~192F 08/25 14:08
happyyizhen: 哈哈哈推文好好笑193F 08/25 14:10
legendmtg: no problem194F 08/25 14:11
tiger96363: excuse you195F 08/25 14:12
harrytuu: ching氲hang氲hong196F 08/25 14:12
icrticrt1682: Wait , you look like Justin bieber!197F 08/25 14:14
ru8m42266: XD198F 08/25 14:22
loneyrabbit: 推文超靠北199F 08/25 14:24
AustinDave: Scissor door?200F 08/25 14:26
Jasonpoppin: I'll be back201F 08/25 14:29
pandakill: I'm free tonight202F 08/25 14:29
Lydia66: You idiot?203F 08/25 14:33
Manzana5566: 笑到差點斷氣204F 08/25 14:33
ariadne: who's your daddy?205F 08/25 14:35
maydayholic: Watch where you're walking, stupid ass bitch.206F 08/25 14:36
sakon: 咩修桿某207F 08/25 14:38
bc015128: this is a pen208F 08/25 14:38
will8149: 跨三小209F 08/25 14:39
sakon: GG din coco害我笑到崩潰210F 08/25 14:41
sai007788: 跟她說“不要邊走邊看手機”(有雷)211F 08/25 14:43
techniclaire: 咩修乾某212F 08/25 14:43
dspswen: wood please213F 08/25 14:43
ristvakbean: 客氣的說幹你娘214F 08/25 14:45
ADIKILL: We need a shaman215F 08/25 14:47
wp972160: Can u fuck me216F 08/25 14:48
erosecs: 幹我笑到尿漏出來217F 08/25 14:53
kaworu0612: Say~ my~ name~~~~
英文不好的 回 this is a book就好了218F 08/25 14:53
MrCC: GG inin coco ?220F 08/25 15:01
bobo919: i love u221F 08/25 15:10
littlestar66: 雞雞已舊舊我拉拉let's go就讓你摸222F 08/25 15:12
Rosenkreuz: This is a book. 正解無誤223F 08/25 15:16
Drink43: 吶哇拉喀拉妲224F 08/25 15:18
SeanBoog: ======== chill nigga225F 08/25 15:19
DEATHKAZE: 身為台灣人請給他正確發音的三字經表達台灣味226F 08/25 15:19
S780122: banana ba nana nana ba nana nana~227F 08/25 15:20
snowbearli: one more plz228F 08/25 15:24
segga: Piss off229F 08/25 15:24
aposocu: I see you231F 08/25 15:27
wadevs14161: if u 賣銀 I'm 硬~232F 08/25 15:32
nouse1982: 哈累路鴨233F 08/25 15:38
simian0724: You wanna get high?234F 08/25 15:45
aabbccdd1232: fuck off235F 08/25 15:45
weboau: suck my cock236F 08/25 15:47
v32088964352: are you freaking kidding me?237F 08/25 15:56
goodjimmy: nerver mind238F 08/25 16:03
snoopy2832cc: Say my name239F 08/25 16:14
Beetch: 椅子歐給240F 08/25 16:27
marginal5566: Ready to work241F 08/25 16:36
soritamo: Suck my ass.242F 08/25 16:41
charro: 撞三小 肏林呆243F 08/25 16:44
luoren: give me five244F 08/25 16:48
willywu1011: tin tin play245F 08/25 16:55
ValerieQ: Do you want to build a snowman?246F 08/25 16:57
z01346795: Yee247F 08/25 17:00
M76: FINE248F 08/25 17:03
blueweak: Wellcome to Taiwan. wanna fuxk?249F 08/25 17:04
SSZXIQ96: 哞250F 08/25 17:07
CIIIO: long na shiao251F 08/25 17:26
leinru: its a common sense to expose ur tits when u feel sorry252F 08/25 18:01
boss0830: Make sure gun more?253F 08/25 18:11
kunagisa: NA>EU254F 08/25 19:13
clouddff7: 內心笑到肚子痛,但在辦公室看到這篇又不能大笑超痛苦255F 08/25 20:48
Aussielover: fuck u in the ass!256F 08/25 21:10
ccmite: Costco257F 08/25 21:19
gbasam: POLLO PAVONE258F 08/25 21:22
smallcar801: 認真no problem ,never mind 聽起來蠻介意的259F 08/25 21:26
Ranchofish: lt's my pleasure260F 08/25 22:01
