看板 Gossiping作者 Antler5566 (鹿茸五六)標題 Re: [新聞] NASA 公布 「EM DRIVE」實驗成功時間 Mon Nov 9 14:08:36 2015
※ 引述《okura (大倉)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:
: 英國dailymail
: 2.完整新聞標題:
: Is deep space travel a step closer to reality? Nasa reveals successful test
: of 'impossible' fuel-free engine that breaks the laws of physics
: 3.完整新聞內文:
: 摘要:
: EM Drive Fuel-free engine could take a spacecraft to Mars in 10 weeks.
: Creates thrust by bouncing microwaves in chamber, using solar power.
: Nasa has conducted more tests using an improved experimental process.
: Test designed to remove errors from earlier study but still produced thrust.
: Scientists still aren't sure how this happens as it defies the laws of physics.
: 全文:
: An 'impossible' fuel-free engine, which could take a humans to Mars in just
: 10 weeks, is still defying science after another batch of tests by Nasa
: suggested the thruster does work.
: The so-called EM Drive creates thrust by bouncing microwaves around in an
: enclosed chamber, and uses only solar power.
: When the concept was first proposed, it was considered implausible because it
: went against the laws of physics - and subsequent tests of the engine have
: shown that the idea could revolutionise space travel.
: March posted on the Nasa Spaceflight forum in reply to an unpublished paper
: that claims the unaccounted thrust is generated by something known as the
: Lorentz force.
EM Drive原理宣稱是利用勞倫茲力產生產生衝力
: The Lorentz force is the force that is exerted by a magnetic field on a
: moving electric charge.
各位修過普通物理, 應該知道移動電荷在磁場受力
_ _ _ _ _
F=q (v x B) = q [(ds/dt) xB ]
但是要讓太空船加速, 此磁力必須作功來產生動能
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
W= F.s = q (v x B). s = q [(ds/dt) xB ]. s = 0
而磁力跟位移的外積, 再跟位移取內積必為零
這則新聞裡提到動力來源是羅倫茲力, 肯定是錯的
看到這邊, 已經可以知道這則新聞必定是唬爛
NASA 證實"不可能"的太功船嗎? 一句話,
Did NASA Validate an “Impossible” Space Drive? In a Word, No.
壞科學, 壞科學記者: EM Drive
Bad science, bad science journalism: the EmDrive
沒有跳躍引擎: NASA對EM Drive不予重視
No Warp Drive Here: NASA Downplays 'Impossible' EM Drive Space Engine
It's tens of micronewtons, less than the weight of a snowflake," Siegel told
Space.com. Specifically, Siegel said he is seeing reports of anywhere between
50 and 70 micronewtons. The error bar of measurement, however, is reported as
between 15 and 30 micronewtons.
NASA測試EM drive, 結果得到 數十微牛頓的衝力
歹年冬, 猴肖人
EM drive 是糟糕科學家跟不專業的記者一起搞出來的笑話
推 vajra0001: 從佛洛依德的角度來看 母女關係有種天生的緊張 10/24 02:10
推 worshipA: 就會騎上去 10/24 02:11
→ vajra0001: 人生夥伴 相信她母親心中會有很大的不安 這種不安轉化10/24 02:11
→ vajra0001: 成防衛機制 往往會做出一些不近人情的舉動 來讓哪個女10/24 02:11
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MG3Xhqf (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1447049323.A.D29.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [新聞] NASA 公布 「EM DRIVE」實驗成功
11-09 14:08 Antler5566.
推 yyff: 我承認我有看沒有懂 囧3F 11/09 14:10
推 h4k: 快推以免人家說我們看不懂5F 11/09 14:12
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→ L0v35: DailyMail就是假外媒阿 水準跟台媒差不多12F 11/09 14:15
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推 DVW: 呃..這是中文?27F 11/09 14:25
→ sagarain: 哎 我以為大家都知道就沒說28F 11/09 14:25
推 rayxg: 嘿,怎麼跟我想的一樣32F 11/09 14:33
噓 face0079: 這篇只用高中的物理來論述 大家是在推啥?33F 11/09 14:33
推 iceyeman: 所以NASA需要跟元老院刷存在感!35F 11/09 14:35
→ face0079: em是時變場 憑一個高中公式就能斷然否定?鄉民根本盲目36F 11/09 14:37
噓 p72910: 這篇釣出很多高職生 哈哈哈哈37F 11/09 14:38
→ dnek: 啊所以人家不是說原理不明嗎?怎麼這麼肯定就說錯?38F 11/09 14:39
推 ak5618: 高中物理還會看不懂?40F 11/09 14:43
→ face0079: 文組鄉民完全不用想一下就猛推?41F 11/09 14:44
噓 nalaculan: 把磐石佔據那麼久的鬼組織~~還不斷的送人去死42F 11/09 14:47
→ face0079: maxwell's equations 要不要先帶入? 沒代入解啥電磁坡43F 11/09 14:49
推 RLH: 看不懂 分組的時候選錯惹46F 11/09 15:17
實驗上, 量到的推力只比誤差大一倍
※ 編輯: Antler5566 (, 11/09/2015 15:30:06
→ eiw123: 那東西都說原理不明了48F 11/09 15:45
推 SuperUp: 真貼心 有照顧到end的我 推一下49F 11/09 15:46
→ face0079: F=q(E+u聇) Lorentz's force equation50F 11/09 15:51