看板 Gossiping作者 salaw (風)標題 Re: [爆卦] 台中鄉民站出來時間 Sun Dec 13 06:59:38 2015
12/12 大約12點多左右抵達costco
進去時忘記推車 (平常習慣不推車 才不會擠來擠去)
於是決定出去先推猴霸 吃飽好上路(?
結果熬了半小時 推著車來到冰箱前
甘霖老蘇的 空 空 如 也 !!
本魯太廢 想說老娘跟你耗上了 反正在家也是廢 不如在costco廢
找了個不擋路的人少角落 窩著滑手機
1點40左右 好不容易看到補上了 馬上衝回藏車處 推車殺過去
BUT!! 就差這幾秒 眼睜睜看著媽媽級路人拿走一瓶
本魯趕緊接著卡位 開始一瓶瓶搬
真是枉費我老木把我養這麼大隻 只是搬了區區壹拾陸瓶
卻覺得背快斷了 (被路人眼神插到斷)
這時 盡責優秀的costco員工馬上過來關心本魯 是否營業用
我回說我要用的 他又走了
本魯身邊又多了位歐巴桑路人 看著車上的全脂林肥淫 垂涎欲滴
還不死心問我 全都要嗎?
哼哼 先搶先淫沒聽過嗎 才不分你勒
前往結帳途中的吱吱蛆蛆 哀北教母就不提了 總之是順利結帳
為了不引起紛爭 又為了不讓costco有戒心不補貨
我一路享受路人眼神關愛 走到室外停車場去
是der 很弱 不滿一車
可能因為我長太醜 趕快送走我比較不傷眼
退貨速度很快 一句話不問 也沒有高層的關愛 (長的歪臭惹嗎)
本魯就只好順著人潮 又回到破機車上坐著 時間大約是2:40
過沒多久 aliceyjl正妹就獨自殺進去了 成功掃到20瓶
(辛苦你塞車趕來了 但是我忘記你帳號是啥 囧)
我帶他進場時 大老遠就看見顧門口的 多了一個沒穿紅背心的人
走近後 一看見我 馬上抓起對講機吱吱蛆蛆
那時還以為我太自戀 想太多 本魯這麼歪 怎麼可能是跟我有關
閒晃時還在想 平常假日來瞎拚 想找個員工詢問事情都得找很久
今天人手怎麼拿~摸~滴~充足 左一個右一個 到處都是
所以我決定先出去等 說不定有其他人需要帶入場
不過這次懶得下樓 就在二樓露臺等
正在當個稱職低頭族時 不經意看到出口處
咦 好眼熟 怎麼又是剛才入口處那個 不用穿紅背心的對講機先生
因為在等aliceyjl正妹出來玩戳戳樂 所以暫時不管他跟對講機吱吱蛆蛆
後來才知道 發生了包圍錄影事件
本魯才恍然大悟 長得太歪也是會被盯上der 不過只能分配到小咖多看我兩眼
真是皇恩浩蕩 魏國爭光啊!!!(握拳
此時大約4:00 本魯因為 或許 可能 咩比是被盯上了 只好撤退
回家看到詳細描述 越想越不甘心
所以溫拿代筆 寫了一封比較長但也比較溫和的信如下:
(附圖有弱弱狗翻譯截圖 請溫拿們海涵)
To Anyone May It Concern,
First of all, thank you for regarding this important message considering the rights of Costco members. The aim of this mail is at delivering our anger at inappropriate attitudes from employees of Costco Taichung, Taiwan on December 12th, 2015. However, as said event taking place today resulted from another incident lasting for several months already, please kindly be noted of the following explanation, which, with great efforts, is condensed for faster understanding already.
Due to Taiwan Food Scandal happened in 2014, Wei-chuan Food Corporation is known a notorious company cooperating with a Chinese corporation called Dingxin located in the mainland; the two companies have been legally accused for inserting toxic and prohibited ingredients into foods including milk and other products. Moreover, because the lawsuit still remains unsolved till now, plus the two companies never planned to retrieve problematic products, equaling to harming consumers’ health continuously
and deliberately, people in Taiwan have started an activity called “Mie-ding” (meaning to “terminate Dingxin”) recently.
“Mie-ding” is simple: buying food products of Dingxin/ Wei-chuan, and refund; to be more specific, bringing loss to the companies, and even influence on other consumers to stop purchasing products of the two companies aforementioned. On the other hand, the measure that Taiwanese consumers take is that they get the products from main purchase channels, including Costco, Carrefour, RT-Mart, and others; then they unseal the products, pour out a little, and then refund. Every procedure is done in
accordance with the refund policies of all channels above, suggesting that said activity is absolutely obedient to any regulations, laws, or policies possible.
Nonetheless, employees of Costco Taichung, Taiwan do not seem to agree with the point of “maintaining customer rights” according to the member terms and conditions; in other words, your employees, Mr. Yie Bing-hung (葉秉宏), the duty manager; and Ms. Wang Pin-xian (王品仙), the vice store manager, not only violated such rights via video filming a female customer for 10 minutes, attempting to record her refunding process, but also humiliated and frightened this member during the entire process.
Please kindly be noted that according to many market researches in Taiwan, Costco has always been reputed for great services and objective attitudes when processing refunds; in our opinion, such incidents of frightening members could cause serious damage to your reputation, and consequence in withdrawals of membership. To be honest, many other customers spotting the scene were frightened as well; considering withdrawing their membership could thus be likely to happen. We, upon writing you this mail,
have been thinking about doing it, too.
Another thing we would like you to be kindly noted is, protecting vendors whilst sacrificing members’ rights is simply unbelievable and unendurable; that is to say, according to our understanding from this incident, Costco Taichung, Taiwan attempts to protect Dingxin and Wei-chuan instead of your members. Honestly, this is relatively strange; as mentioned earlier, Dingxin and Wei-chuan are two notorious companies with lawsuit unsolved currently; yet consumers do not seem to have rights not to
choose proper, legal and safe products in a great purchase channel like Costco. In other words, the necessity for Costco to continue operations in Taiwan does not seem large, since member rights could be neglected. If not, why would consumers encounter harsh conditions when refunding following all policies by Costco? Not to mention they have to pay for membership; if they could buy safe products from other channels without needing to pay for the membership, lapsing consumers for Costco would be the
matter of time only.
We are dreadfully sorry for making this mail really long for you; please kindly accept our apology. In fact, all that we aim for is that higher management ranks of Costco could regard this issue severe, and protect your own reputation by terminating the cooperation with Dingxin and Wei-chuan; we sincerely believe that selecting food products from suppliers or vendors with good reputations seems relatively wiser if a brand like Costco seeks longer operations. At the same time, we also sincerely hope
to see practices of employee training improvements, as Costco members always welcome faculties with proficiency, objective attitudes, and good services.
We look forward your kind reply.
Best Regards,
A Member from Costco Taichung, Taiwan
我覺得不需要附不自....欸? 一大早誰敲鐵門啊? 來了來了~
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12-12 23:22 schizophrena.
Re: [爆卦] 台中鄉民站出來
12-13 06:59 salaw.
推 Rhomb: 今天週日繼續奮戰 有要開團嗎? (ps台中店明顯挑女生下手1F 12/13 07:06
→ thuash: 這翻譯…多念唸書比較實在2F 12/13 07:07
→ Rhomb: 照規定走還要如此惡質的刁難 真的很丟臉這事發生在我們台中4F 12/13 07:08
推 jyekid: thuash 多念書的你翻譯個幾行來看看6F 12/13 07:11
推 spark0409: 有勇氣很好 不過這英文真的要加油...11F 12/13 07:14
推 jyekid: 弱弱狗的英文程度就這樣了12F 12/13 07:16
推 spark0409: 寫英文文章 要點是簡潔扼要 寫太複雜只會讓人覺得搞剛14F 12/13 07:17
推 g7063068: 某樓是要叫估狗要多唸書ㄇwwwww 幫觀眾餵狗還嫌17F 12/13 07:19
很多人都懶得看原文 甚至懶得翻譯
溫拿有空可以幫翻譯 我整晚沒睡想睡覺了 只能這樣比較快
※ 編輯: salaw (, 12/13/2015 07:23:29
推 cul287: 推你的用心18F 12/13 07:21
推 spark0409: 他是寫英文 骨狗翻中文吧 這跟骨狗翻譯程度有關?19F 12/13 07:21
推 dropboss: 看完整系列台中高雄鄉民真讚!!20F 12/13 07:24
推 biarg: 推26F 12/13 07:26
推 dddc: 棒棒34F 12/13 07:36
推 joe00477: 有行動給推 比大多數人有勇氣35F 12/13 07:37
推 hfh28: 推36F 12/13 07:37
推 domo307: 丟狗翻譯有點好笑XD38F 12/13 07:38
→ domo307: 說狗翻譯要多唸點書就更好笑了XD41F 12/13 07:40
→ leo424yy …
推 leo424yy: 遠離無良黑心,關心秒買秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]44F 12/13 07:40
推 purplebfly: 推ㄧ個,這樣等於下架林鳳營,因為他們不敢上架了47F 12/13 07:42
推 skyringcha: 我覺得英文信要告訴美國頂新在台灣做的惡劣事,然後再告訴台中台南costco發生的惡劣情事,在委婉請他們下架,最後暗示不處理就寄信給cnn和全球媒體costco販賣這種廠商的商品和會對要退貨的人威脅恐嚇和報警比較好!這篇很好,但太多場面話的贅詞了!48F 12/13 07:42
推 PPPGGG: 同樓上...53F 12/13 07:43
推 jaceda: 台中好市多毛也是一堆,fuck55F 12/13 07:43
推 umum29: 英文書信文筆很不錯 推!56F 12/13 07:46
推 orfan: 希望有認真的回覆啊~ 不然又被拿去酸投到總公司也沒用了XD57F 12/13 07:47
推 corhe: 大推58F 12/13 07:47
推 favoryung: 推你的行動力!! 有些狗在吠就不必理牠了60F 12/13 07:49
推 ewei001: 推你 超有勇氣的!!61F 12/13 07:50
推 agong: 推63F 12/13 07:51
推 ueu966: 推,想看到回信是怎樣64F 12/13 07:52
推 kkman2: 感謝你站出來!69F 12/13 07:54
推 SeTeVen: 可是目前牛奶沒毒,這樣會不會造成誤會?76F 12/13 08:01
推 usoe: 連狗翻譯都看不出來實在有點好笑81F 12/13 08:03
推 ljqq: 認真給推83F 12/13 08:06
噓 mraaa: 你前面第一段就有問題,味全什麼時候被控訴使用有毒原料?而且你這封信美國看了只會要員工取消你的卡,原因很簡單,84F 12/13 08:07
推 OOUOO: 推!!87F 12/13 08:08
→ mraaa: 因為你明知道產品有問題還去買它在退貨,你是站不住腳的!88F 12/13 08:08
推 gfneo: 推89F 12/13 08:08
→ mraaa: 好市多退貨政策是基於你買了以後權益受損或不滿意!
但是你卻是刻意如此!我覺得你寄這封信也達不到你預期的訴求的!90F 12/13 08:09
→ hsiuying: 信太長,講太多和退貨無關的事98F 12/13 08:13
推 mengche: 推推。對惡劣的服務人員,就該不適用汰除99F 12/13 08:15
推 Altas: 好像有點優秀100F 12/13 08:15
噓 colchi: 三重鼎是三小?XD滅鼎吧?101F 12/13 08:15
推 wuhoho: 謝謝你!105F 12/13 08:18
→ leo424yy …
噓 leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,關心秒買秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]109F 12/13 08:25
推 papro: 他們太超過了 當我們好欺負110F 12/13 08:25
推 jonwei: 推英文信!112F 12/13 08:26
推 maesww: 推幹淋老蘇113F 12/13 08:26
推 baozi: 推114F 12/13 08:27
推 yamiyodare: 英文文筆很好,中文是自動翻譯機啦,看不慣的回頭看英115F 12/13 08:30
推 td770715: 看起來主要訴求是針對內部員工拍攝並騷擾顧客這件事情122F 12/13 08:37
推 jaguars33: 偶像 謝謝你們 請加油 台灣加油~125F 12/13 08:38
推 BabySatan: 我覺得那個歐巴桑路人這麼想喝就讓給他一瓶吧
只要正常人別喝到就好了(?)126F 12/13 08:38
推 renfro928: 謝謝您為其他生存在這塊土地的人的付出129F 12/13 08:40
推 maxn86: 辛苦你還要承受異樣眼光131F 12/13 08:41
推 cbr0627: 大推!!讓黑心廠商倒141F 12/13 08:48
推 akstyle: 想噓有點歪....143F 12/13 08:50
推 ims531: 推你的熱血 台灣謝謝你144F 12/13 08:52
推 turgnev: 推!!!英文的部份哈哈,我看請專業鄉民幫忙潤一下好了148F 12/13 08:54
推 g9911731: 症腐無能,人民自救,臭了嗎?推爆妳149F 12/13 08:55
推 outzumin: To whom it may concern,153F 12/13 08:56
→ leo424yy …
噓 leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]156F 12/13 09:00
推 lloop: 加油163F 12/13 09:05
推 zp3m06: 加油.!165F 12/13 09:05
→ gwenwoo: 狗冥黨護航黑心油商!!~by國道收費員自救會167F 12/13 09:06
噓 runtmc: bringing loss to the company??? 哈哈 這句話一定要加171F 12/13 09:10
推 Lydia66: 推英文信,不過不知道他們會不會認真看完XD172F 12/13 09:11
推 Tahuiyuan: 還有人講牛奶沒毒哦?常溫放不壞,乳糖不耐不會過敏,沒毒?179F 12/13 09:19
推 justeit: 加油加油而且文章很有趣181F 12/13 09:19
推 windr: GJ185F 12/13 09:20
→ leo424yy …
噓 leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]187F 12/13 09:23
推 nikkiko: 推推。想知道回覆……188F 12/13 09:24
推 njrmp: 推190F 12/13 09:25
推 a28829424: 本公司NY老外的英文信還有錯字,tip寫成nip,所以原PO加油191F 12/13 09:25
推 mraznice: 有沒有人可以擬中文稿再請版上英文高手翻譯一下呢?193F 12/13 09:28
推 aimify: 推推推!你超用心的!!!!196F 12/13 09:31
推 xhung: 推 信雖長 明明英文就不錯啊198F 12/13 09:32
→ xhung: 連翻譯是餵狗也不知還來吵的 可以下去領500了200F 12/13 09:32
推 King510: 第一段的angerat.... 應該要空格為anger at
手機版看才會連在一起,電腦版有斷行所以不會201F 12/13 09:32
推 elyoje: 用心給推203F 12/13 09:34
推 graysea: 英文還ok,意思到就好了。204F 12/13 09:35
推 mocca000: 這是直接寫原文再用鼓哥翻中
英文很好207F 12/13 09:36
推 yo1atengo: 我伊媚兒系 開頭用to whom it may concern比較好!211F 12/13 09:39
推 randy68429: 我們國家有你們這群富有正義感的年輕人來救,看的我這位37歲大叔熱淚盈眶,妳們實在太棒了!!!212F 12/13 09:40
推 isrex: 推219F 12/13 09:45
推 lancer0960: 推!!味全現在連一個屁都不敢放!!其他人不用自以為是的護航了221F 12/13 09:47
推 bigko: good!224F 12/13 09:52
→ a777starmy: 用「選票」讓2016「國民黨」好看,下台225F 12/13 09:52
→ leo424yy …
噓 leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]234F 12/13 10:04
推 ebeta: 頂新快點死好嗎!235F 12/13 10:05
推 steed: 推!原po好正>///<240F 12/13 10:16
→ leo424yy …
噓 leo424yy: leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp[/url]244F 12/13 10:21
推 trlcer: 專業的鄉民站出來寫信好了!幫忙宣傳啊!249F 12/13 10:27
推 ikelo: 推251F 12/13 10:32
推 xoyster: 如果問是營業用的 是不是帶到別的地方給貨了?254F 12/13 10:41
推 uf1276: 推推推 你英文寫成這樣還叫弱 那我根本廢257F 12/13 10:47
噓 IPSN: 這種翻譯才該去領500258F 12/13 10:47
→ leo424yy …
噓 leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]260F 12/13 10:52
推 GanKer: 有行動有推267F 12/13 10:57
噓 thomas: 行惡卻沾沾自喜...270F 12/13 11:01
→ leo424yy …
噓 leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]278F 12/13 11:13
推 hellomo: ~~~工讀生繼續崩潰中~~~~285F 12/13 11:29
推 Anni3: 謝謝你!286F 12/13 11:31
推 sp056456: 推 英文超好的!!!!強287F 12/13 11:33
推 saul17: 有行動推288F 12/13 11:34
推 DOSR: 推289F 12/13 11:34
推 chiminglin: 推 樓上工讀生好多 帶不了風向味全股市大跌等著扣薪吧290F 12/13 11:39
推 letme: good295F 12/13 12:04
推 jack2324: 讚啦肥宅之光!乾拎糧工讀sen滾啦乾ob'_'ov297F 12/13 12:13
推 carpout: 先搶先淫XDDD推你的行動302F 12/13 12:26
推 nekomi: 三重鼎 XD303F 12/13 12:30
推 x137: 推304F 12/13 12:31
噓 kkoberyant: 純粹覺得應該用china而非mainland305F 12/13 12:38
推 evin: 推 辛苦了311F 12/13 12:58
→ leo424yy …
→ leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]312F 12/13 13:03
→ leo424yy …
→ leo424yy: 面對無良黑心,一起關心秒退行動 [url]http://j.mp/-tsfk[/url]319F 12/13 13:29
推 gs7er: 感謝你為下一代的付出323F 12/13 13:44
推 danny555361: 這翻的已經很好了 看到一堆沒念過書的在嗆就好笑XD324F 12/13 13:44
推 a61137w: 推 好強!!!!326F 12/13 14:08