看板 Gossiping
作者 NKUHT (國立高雄餐旅大學)
標題 [新聞]在川蔡通話後,中國應計劃以武力拿下台灣
時間 Thu Dec 15 17:11:35 2016

the guardian 衛報

China should plan to take Taiwan by force after Trump call, state media says

China should plan to take Taiwan by force and make swift preparations for a
military incursion, a Communist party-controlled newspaper has said, after US
president-elect Donald Trump broke decades of diplomatic protocol in the


Before he even assumes the presidency, Trump has called into question the
longstanding US foreign policy of maintaining formal relations with Beijing
instead of Taiwan, which China considers a breakaway province. He also spoke
directly with Taiwan’s president, the first such contact since 1979. Both
moves have infuriated China.


In response, the Global Times, a state-run tabloid that sometimes reflects
views from within the Communist party, said on Thursday that China should
rebalance its stance towards Taiwan to “make the use of force as a main
option and carefully prepare for it”.


“The Chinese mainland should display its resolution to recover Taiwan by
force,” the paper wrote in an editorial. If Taiwan were to declare formal
independence, it went on, “the Chinese mainland can in no time punish them


China has worked in recent years to deepen trade ties with the democratic,
self-governing island with an eye toward an eventual unification. But the
ruling Communist party has taken a tougher stance on Taiwan since the
election earlier this year of President Tsai Ing-wen, whose party is seen as
less keen on cosying up to mainland China.


“The military status quo across the Taiwan Straits needs to be reshaped as a
response and punishment to the current administration of [Tsai],” the Global
Times said.


Chinese officials have already used less drastic “punishments”, such as
limiting the number of mainland tourists to Taiwan and hinting at curtailing


But while Taiwan is already feeling the brunt of China’s rage, the US could
be next after Trump moves into the White House.


The president-elect has said he may use the One China policy, under which the
US formally recognises Beijing over Taiwan, as a bargaining chip in future


“I fully understand the One China policy, but I don’t know why we have to
be bound by a One China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do
with other things, including trade,” Trump said in an interview with Fox

China swiftly responded to the comments, describing the One China principle
as the “political bedrock” of ties between the two countries.


 “We urge the incoming US administration and its leaders to fully recognise
the sensitivity of the Taiwan question … [and] to properly deal with
Taiwan-related matters in a prudent manner so as not to disrupt or damage the
overall interests of the bilateral relationship,” China’s foreign ministry


The Global Times suggested pointing more missiles at Taiwan as leverage in
negotiations with the island.


“If the Chinese mainland won’t pile on more pressure over realising
reunification by using force, the chance of peaceful unification will only
slip away,” it said. “Peace does not belong to cowards.”


The threat of military action has loomed over Taiwan’s population since the
1950s. In the most dramatic confrontation, China fired missiles into the
waters separating it from Taiwan in the run-up to the first free elections in
1996. In response, the US sailed an aircraft carrier through the strait in a
show of solidarity.


On Wednesday, China’s ambassador to the United States said Beijing would
never bargain with Washington over issues involving its national sovereignty
or territorial integrity.


Cui Tiankai, speaking to executives of top US companies, said China and the
United States needed to work to strengthen their relationship.


Basic norms of international relations should be observed, not ignored,
certainly not be seen as something you can trade off,” he said.


“And indeed, national sovereignty and territorial integrity are not

bargaining chips. Absolutely not. I hope everybody would understand that.”


He did not specifically mention Taiwan or Trump’s comments.


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amurox: XD 愚人節?1F 12/15 17:12
CavendishJr: 笑死了,台灣都不講話,一直恐嚇要打2F 12/15 17:12
fku5566: 衛報也去找環球這種糞報發言當新聞  太墮落了3F 12/15 17:13
aclock: 沒通話預計怎麼拿下台灣?4F 12/15 17:13
peter308: 打個屁 ? 把蔡英文送給對岸就好了啊 兩岸和平get~5F 12/15 17:13
waijr: 所以以前中國都沒有計畫以武力拿下台灣?6F 12/15 17:14
y8202231: 玻璃可以破了又破,破了又破嗎?7F 12/15 17:14
LAAPujols: 衛報稱蔡英文為President 官網不知道會不會被屏蔽8F 12/15 17:14
peter308: 好好的兩岸關係經營了八年你蔡英文一上來就搞得水火不容不用出來負責嗎??9F 12/15 17:14
zerosky: 有句沒錯 和平不屬於懦夫 只會跪舔 是 得不到和平的11F 12/15 17:15
Murloc: 我正想用樓上那句嗆那位12F 12/15 17:15
raviyen: 引用環球時報,環時就軍事五毛意淫大本營13F 12/15 17:15
Daz2005i: 甚麼時候中國沒放棄武力攻台了?14F 12/15 17:15
lovew811159: 有打阿 用嘴打仗 呵呵15F 12/15 17:16
jympin: 會吠的狗不咬人16F 12/15 17:16
peter308: 為什麼老百姓要為民進黨和蔡英文去跟對岸拚你死我活啊?17F 12/15 17:16
king1776m4: 愚人節笑話集18F 12/15 17:16
zerosky: 中國要侵略台灣 台灣人不自己保護自己 不然要幹嘛?19F 12/15 17:17
peter308: 兩岸開打 蔡英文被彈劾100次都不夠 民選總統還弄到打仗20F 12/15 17:17
TIGER228: 是為了台灣 不是為了dpp和蔡英文21F 12/15 17:17
rainf: 每天都在講 吱吱慌了沒?22F 12/15 17:17
peter308: 無能到極點 比阿扁還不如23F 12/15 17:17
king1776m4: 不要跟支那ID計較,牠們看不懂的24F 12/15 17:18
zerosky: 為什麼中國年輕人要為共黨北七 死在台灣海峽呢25F 12/15 17:18
peter308: 沒人會去打的 不會有人為了民進黨這些政客去送死的26F 12/15 17:18
thindust: 蔡並沒有做獨立的動作啊 所以不舔共就叫獨立?27F 12/15 17:18
jorden: 咬人狗不會吠28F 12/15 17:18
puam4444: 支那慌了 開始口不擇言29F 12/15 17:19
zerosky: 但會為了台灣 以及這土地所珍視的一切 抵禦入侵30F 12/15 17:19
amwkscl: 森7了31F 12/15 17:19
TIGER228: 某id應該是黨工或426吧32F 12/15 17:19
bruce2248: 汪汪汪33F 12/15 17:19
LAAPujols: 其實這是路透社報出來的 衛報只是引用xd34F 12/15 17:20
smalljacky03: 中國人有閱讀障礙?35F 12/15 17:21
Krishna: 啊說了一堆不就維持現況36F 12/15 17:21
youthyeh: 真的開打中共會被政變嗎?為這種小事引發WW3真的滿智障37F 12/15 17:22
bemily32: blue惹 blue惹38F 12/15 17:24
youthyeh: 中共就智障政權。說真的啦,如果對岸是個不這麼智障的政權,和中國大陸聯手創造最強華人國家還滿不錯的39F 12/15 17:25
kilig: 所謂文攻武嚇 也只有這幾招啊 台灣人已經被嚇麻痺了41F 12/15 17:25
night957: 在國際上也沒人支持台灣,台灣人大概也有一半親中,有時想想甘卻統一算了42F 12/15 17:26
chivalry70: 害怕44F 12/15 17:27
x04nonesuchx: 喔喔 好怕喔  拜託不要打過來45F 12/15 17:27
sionxp: 要打快打。支持統一46F 12/15 17:30
windbomb: 只好在海堤架設T90機槍,迎接天朝軍隊囉47F 12/15 17:30
Zeroyeu: 喔?          好~48F 12/15 17:31
Grothendieck: 給你錢,快點打49F 12/15 17:31
wsx26997785: 快計畫好 別到時渡海失敗 免強登島的也死一堆50F 12/15 17:34
cheetahspeed: 喔 好怕喔 9.2嚇到閃尿了51F 12/15 17:34
tetsu327: 快打啊 求求你 別嘴了快點52F 12/15 17:34
ajemtw: 人家把環球翻成英文,你再翻回中文,是在鬼打牆喔53F 12/15 17:34
j68345517: 環球時報,自爽髒話報@@54F 12/15 17:35
route22: 這標題是哪個人搞的 要引用應該要整句話都引啊
state media says難道不用翻嗎55F 12/15 17:35
a00948872: 像北韓恐嚇南韓,沒在怕。我們有覺青57F 12/15 17:36
payneblue: 87 中國敢動武 準備被國際制裁58F 12/15 17:36
route22: 這種中翻英然後再英翻中 不簡單耶59F 12/15 17:36
payneblue: 北韓表示60F 12/15 17:36
OpenGoodHate: 這計畫我給87分61F 12/15 17:36
Joeng: 果然兩岸最大的亂源還是媒體..62F 12/15 17:37
route22: 噓原po誤導63F 12/15 17:38
flyagainst: 玻璃渣64F 12/15 17:38
linceass: 會叫的狗不咬人65F 12/15 17:39
vivihk215: 聽那麼久的恐嚇,9.2還會怕,孬66F 12/15 17:39
jason0829: 廢聞不需要透過外國報紙再POㄧ次67F 12/15 17:41
XX9: 哀 哀 其實美國邪惡本質還是存在的68F 12/15 17:41
chiguang: 要打就來吧,我特戰參戰…69F 12/15 17:43
sendicmimic: 開打不錯喔,能再次看到西方國家貪婪地瓜分中國利益70F 12/15 17:47
hohohoha: 26比我們還怕開戰好嘛71F 12/15 17:53
cho1986: 某ID崩潰噓 美國總統也是民選的啊
他們就不打仗?72F 12/15 17:53
leosthanatos: 一通電話可以崩潰幾個禮拜我也是笑了74F 12/15 17:56
jason000: 來啊 幹75F 12/15 17:59
kamichu: 開打後,第一個入侵中國的就是俄,到時看憤青崩潰76F 12/15 18:02
foxey: 有種去和俄羅斯討地啊 不是不准當籌碼?77F 12/15 18:09
excia: 每天都望穿秋水 就是不肯來打78F 12/15 18:18
st2913sbck: 來 快打79F 12/15 18:20
peterhuo: 嘴炮來囉80F 12/15 18:21
l700922: 我好怕哦~XD81F 12/15 18:27
avaricious: 小時不讀書,長大學北韓82F 12/15 18:29
freakclaw: 笑你不敢.83F 12/15 18:36
morphology: 死左膠84F 12/15 18:38
black13cat: 你敢打 就打你廣東 打你上海 打你北京
要死一起死 台灣人不會屈服85F 12/15 18:41
getfull: 滅殺支那共匪賤畜舔共賣台廢物十億合情理法87F 12/15 18:47
jfriendtw: 支那吠狗88F 12/15 18:56
ironaxe: 很吵...夾尾狗也要處理89F 12/15 18:58
qazwsx176: 中共買了多少媒體阿,怎麼媒體都好像共產黨開的一樣90F 12/15 19:05
tn00710191: 拿下之後問題一堆 原本沒理由 這下有理由打了91F 12/15 19:13
rial: 地動山搖92F 12/15 19:15
ryan100100: 弱智支那豬 笑你不敢打93F 12/15 19:37
a1qazbgt5: 講個笑話  中國有種開戰94F 12/15 19:42
