看板 Gossiping
作者 Anddyliu (安滴滴)
標題 [FB] 台東衝浪店:開店以來發生最扯的事情
時間 Thu Dec 22 12:32:04 2016







派出所還不到半小時,他們改掉他們的道歉聲明.... 他們完全違反了雙方互信和解的意義

Early in the morning today two people who we did not know and were not custome
rs snuck into our shop and took 2 boards and 2 wetsuits without our permission
 One of our staff later noticed them with our boards trying to surf at Jinzun
, a heavy break with strong currents and tetrapods, despite the fact that they
 were beginners. They had no consideration for our property, endangered themse
lves and damaged the boards on the rocks near the breakwater. Thinking that th
ey were customers, our staff advised them for their own safety not to surf the
re, but received only rudeness and derision in response, so he decided to take
 the boards back.

Back at the shop upon further investigation we realized that no boards or othe
r equipment had been rented out and confirmed with our security cameras that t
hey had illegally entered our property and taken our equipment without our per
mission (a clear case of felony break-and-enter, theft). When we confronted th
em and told them to come to the shop to explain themselves, they refused to co
operate. There was an altercation and the police were called in. The matter wa
s settled by local authorities with the two signing an official legal agreemen
t to apologize publicly on Facebook with an agreed-upon statement and to pay $
8800NT ($7000NT for board repair, $1800 for equipment rental). We truly hoped
that the matter was settled once and for all, and to give these two a quiet ex
it without further trouble, but now we find they had the audacity to alter the
 statement and mendaciously re-tell the story in their own favor, a clear viol
ation of a legal agreement with the authorities, and unfortunately this matter
 is no longer in our hands, it's now for the judicial authorities to decide.

The most frustrating part of this incident is how despite the brazen criminal
manner in which these two grown-up adults acted and the fact that we had clear
 proof that they were in the wrong, they had no clue about their wrongdoing an
d were totally unapologetic; in fact they tried to bend the facts and put the
blame on us. These people lack simple common sense, basic decency and respect
for other people.

We welcome people of all kinds to our place, but please remember that wherever
 you travel in the world, to please treat local people with respect as you are
 a guest. Always treat others as you would have them treat you.


Taitung Surf Shop


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OMrT7-6 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1482381127.A.F86.html
z80520xx: 外國人不意外 刪文還騙1F 12/22 12:32
iouhsu: 支那不意外2F 12/22 12:32
BK201DTB: 狼性3F 12/22 12:34
purplebfly: 你可以再告啊,和解書沒有用,提告再撤告才真的不能再告4F 12/22 12:34
amos30627: White trash&Chinese pig5F 12/22 12:34
amethystboy: 有受傷嗎?受傷要去驗傷6F 12/22 12:35
eatingshit: 浪漫不意外7F 12/22 12:35
planethell: 提告啊8F 12/22 12:35
chivalry70: 垃圾9F 12/22 12:35
edouard09: 支那不ey10F 12/22 12:36
oeg619: 臉書道歉可以刪文,改用報紙啊11F 12/22 12:36
jyekid: 直接提告囉!12F 12/22 12:36
crashtrx: 螂性13F 12/22 12:37
kauosong: 這大概就是和解收場14F 12/22 12:37
jyekid: 侵入住宅+竊盜罪15F 12/22 12:37
peiring: 可以多告一條告毀謗罪16F 12/22 12:37
wangray1769: 我是瘦小的女孩子XDDDDD17F 12/22 12:38
TwinkyLee: 幫高調18F 12/22 12:39
drigo: 白人+中國人19F 12/22 12:40
wangray1769: 在臉書道歉了http://i.imgur.com/Smde0WK.jpg20F 12/22 12:41


My boyfriend and I went into the shop before it opened and borrowed surfboards
 and a suit without proper leasing procedures. It was incredibly rude and reck
less, and we apologize sincerely to the shop owners and staff.

drigo: 昨天看新聞, 有兩個白人遊客在印尼某小鎮偷腳踏車被捉到,後來是掛牌子遊街道歉21F 12/22 12:41
kevabc1: 告到底23F 12/22 12:42
COOLTARO: 說個笑話:賤畜會道歉,24F 12/22 12:43
Ipadhotwater: 行為“像“小偷?25F 12/22 12:43
kagaline: 吉他26F 12/22 12:44
zozoz: ㄈㄈ尺母豬跟魯蛇高加索人的組合 吉死他們啦27F 12/22 12:45
ellisteng145: 像小偷? 你們他媽就是小偷28F 12/22 12:45
Moratti: 報警29F 12/22 12:45
loveluthien: 中國人不是很有錢,怎麼連板子都租不起要用偷的30F 12/22 12:47
Ipadhotwater: 還玩文字遊戲呢,臉書道歉好處就是可以一直改文章31F 12/22 12:47
Absioute: 白人跑來台灣交中國人33F 12/22 12:49
faycos: 為什麼有錢出國玩沒錢付租金?見鬼34F 12/22 12:49
※ 編輯: Anddyliu (, 12/22/2016 12:53:28
Ipadhotwater: 某兩個族群:原諒他們吧35F 12/22 12:51
kinki999: CCR又要護洋屌了36F 12/22 12:52
iewix: 就小偷啊37F 12/22 12:53
canblow: 外國人不意外38F 12/22 12:53
DJZwei: 高調39F 12/22 12:55
yannjiunlin: 提告了再說~不要臉書討拍40F 12/22 12:55
k33536: 根本湘南暴走族的劇情啊XDDD41F 12/22 12:56
orange7986: 高加索加中國人 以為台灣人好欺負膩 吼系啦42F 12/22 12:57
Nuxx: 吉到底43F 12/22 12:57
an94mod0: 幫高調44F 12/22 12:58
agostina: 這女的臉書用的是漢語拼音  是支那人好嗎! 別扯到台灣人頭上   莫名其妙45F 12/22 13:00
devilmanamon: 快跟美國隊長講我們找到他的死對頭了!!47F 12/22 13:01
Pietro: 支那賤畜48F 12/22 13:02
sunnybody907: 支那賤貨不意外49F 12/22 13:02
handsomecat: 兩個外國人,不要以為台灣人好欺負!50F 12/22 13:04
eipduolc: 道歉文寫得好機八51F 12/22 13:05
didi3789: 遇到奧客 幫老板QQ52F 12/22 13:05
sikadear: 支那+白人 垃圾組合53F 12/22 13:07
jcwang: https://www.instagram.com/surelyxu/  ?這個54F 12/22 13:10
tapiyake: 幫高調55F 12/22 13:10
Rhapsody: 誇張56F 12/22 13:11
ms07b3: 凸( ゚д゚)凸57F 12/22 13:11
tyifgee: 雙寶欸58F 12/22 13:13
didder: 高調~59F 12/22 13:16
shan2420EE: 支那人到民主國家不適應,難免的!60F 12/22 13:16
XseraphimX: 吉,都吉61F 12/22 13:19
ZBeta: 吉下去62F 12/22 13:21
pneumo: 大吉大力63F 12/22 13:22
Ycosmos: 蛤  超沒品64F 12/22 13:25
compre: 女生大約一個月前有發cs的request給我  我也答應要接待他們  後來也還有傳給訊息  到接待當天他卻跟我說他忘記了65F 12/22 13:25
Ycosmos: 什麼像小偷,就是小偷啊67F 12/22 13:27
coldlee: 支那人不意外68F 12/22 13:29
chichung: 這個組合好強大69F 12/22 13:30
morphology: 推70F 12/22 13:33
cjtv: live a great story71F 12/22 13:34
huntergirl14: 就是小偷阿72F 12/22 13:36
bigbite: 幫高調73F 12/22 13:36
cargo: 垃圾滾回去好嗎 台灣海峽沒加蓋74F 12/22 13:37
vasia: 對中國人有什麼期待?75F 12/22 13:41
paul51134: 高調76F 12/22 13:42
SMIN: 那就是小偷阿幹77F 12/22 13:42
tissuetime: 支持店家提告78F 12/22 13:44
colenken: 不要留顏面了,告官讓他重罰,免得回國再改道歉文抹黑你79F 12/22 13:45
taker627: 幹你娘 男的肛刑女的當肉便器喇80F 12/22 13:45
p01777: 支那女人+渣白人 不意外 支持提告81F 12/22 13:47
jaywall: 當賊還要什麼羞恥心?82F 12/22 13:49
ii378: 都是垃圾83F 12/22 13:52
darkcake: 支那人你意外嗎? 沒把店裡當茅廁拉屎就不錯了84F 12/22 13:53
leoon: 推個85F 12/22 13:54
Woolf: 那女的長得不怎麼樣86F 12/22 14:03
colinfeng: 中國加白人87F 12/22 14:05
john701966: 以下歡迎CCR和9.2聯手護航88F 12/22 14:11
mocca000: 心軟咧 偷竊公訴 留什麼顏面 正常人會跑進人家店拿東西嗎?這種的你放她走 她不會感激等等回去就抹成你的錯89F 12/22 14:12
cloudin: 滾91F 12/22 14:14
hipnos: 恩...很糟糕92F 12/22 14:16
tonyfenny321: 兩個外國人來亂的 不意外93F 12/22 14:18
sin17: 支那水準94F 12/22 14:20
ekoj: 怎麼不填海?95F 12/22 14:26
Toris: White trash+雌支那96F 12/22 14:32
juiclykiller: 台女吃不到白屌在抹黑喔 叭叭97F 12/22 14:36
Peter521: 偷竊非告訴乃論公訴罪,ㄏ98F 12/22 14:36
i50523: 兩個支那人
都先道歉玩再簽比較好99F 12/22 14:39
qooisgood: 支那不意外101F 12/22 14:41
aheng6954: 小偷好像已經關臉書了102F 12/22 14:43
rebai: 告竊盜公訴罪不會膩103F 12/22 14:45
notbeloser: 這真的很扯104F 12/22 14:45
beryll: 支那 呵呵105F 12/22 14:48
bearq258: 這要看警局用毀損還是偷盜去辦
如果竊盜去辦理有和解比較低,問題這2個還要去台東出庭不過竊盜大概沒有限制出境,可能這兩個短期就會離台106F 12/22 14:49
salvador1988: 像小偷XDDDDD  玩文字遊戲最會了109F 12/22 14:53
princeguitar: 這位中國人吃屎吧 支那螂 回妳國家去好好發展吧110F 12/22 14:55
GodMuii: 所以告到怎樣111F 12/22 14:56
zeanmar: FB關閉流言了 IG是還可以留啦112F 12/22 14:56
Blitzkrieg63: 垃圾  支持店家吉好吉滿  順便把事寄信給女的公司113F 12/22 14:59
jespere: ig可以留言喔!
男生臉書沒關啊 還可以留言114F 12/22 15:02
a031405:116F 12/22 15:07
WindSucker: ccr117F 12/22 15:09
freshego: 唷 來台灣就會用FB啦 不會用祖國的人人就好嗎118F 12/22 15:11
oyaji5566: 幫高調119F 12/22 15:12
hsien1105: 幫高調120F 12/22 15:13
enjoytbook: 高調121F 12/22 15:13
jonwei: 超屌 幫你高調122F 12/22 15:15
MaBumblerQQ: 支那人正常發揮123F 12/22 15:21
yaieki: 支那人一堆沒羞恥心沒道德的啦 偷東西還說自己行為只是像小偷124F 12/22 15:23
thomaschion: 落後國家人民126F 12/22 15:28
jayang: 高調127F 12/22 15:40
xdctjh: 中國人不意外128F 12/22 15:43
aiguo: 直接報警以偷竊處理,以後就不得入境台灣了129F 12/22 15:45
as1100: 像小偷!? 就是竊盜阿130F 12/22 15:57
z83420123: 女的小偷在自己FB抱怨 ㄎ
小偷怪店家網路霸凌 ㄎ131F 12/22 15:59
momoisacow: 中國優良傳統文化133F 12/22 16:05
Liaooo: 兩個垃圾,偷東西還不承認,畜生,抓去關啦134F 12/22 16:06
derringer:135F 12/22 16:10
silver00: 垃圾支那136F 12/22 16:14
dnkofe: 幫高調137F 12/22 16:17
Liaooo: 越看越生氣,馬的,來台灣撒野還不道歉138F 12/22 16:17
lyu0001: 才收取八千多 真是便宜他們 要馬就五萬和解金139F 12/22 16:21
me1117: ……像小偷?啊不就是小偷了嗎140F 12/22 16:28
adifdtd: 人不要臉天下無敵141F 12/22 16:54
juice1028: 告死他們142F 12/22 17:08
N48212: 高調143F 12/22 17:12
yanis: 吉下去就對惹144F 12/22 17:16
wp972160: 就是偷東西啊145F 12/22 17:19
deadogy: 原來是支那母賤畜146F 12/22 17:21
yasai: 人家說不定是被支那人帶壞了  我認識的白人都很nice的<3
森77147F 12/22 17:40
ray221740718: 廠廠 外國人149F 12/22 17:54
littlestar66: 高調高調150F 12/22 18:37
loveyoucheng: 吉啦151F 12/22 19:56
Manaku: 我猜中國人是女的 白人是男的152F 12/22 20:35
icelagoon: 吉 都吉153F 12/22 21:03
KujiraKun: 支那人和白人就是垃圾
劣等賤畜竊盜犯154F 12/22 21:44
ccunii: 快吉156F 12/22 21:50
akay08: 支那小偷157F 12/22 22:12
satakolee: 幫高調158F 12/22 23:23
ghsu2012: 根本是小偷159F 12/22 23:56
s3926293: 自己行為不檢點還知道要害臊喔 笑死人160F 12/23 00:23
hjgx: 叫他們當場打一炮 折抵8700元161F 12/23 02:08
tadshift2: 臺灣人好欺負?162F 12/23 03:28
dudee: 推薦看中國原創小說寫到那些沒臉皮的行徑真的滿寫實的163F 12/23 05:33
telescope: 怎麼不滾啊死支那女跟白人豬164F 12/23 06:39
zz2895341: 垃圾支那豬165F 12/23 07:34
GW085: 426裝B,噁心哈羊屌不知恥166F 12/23 07:52
jwjc1424: 但她英文寫的自己沒犯罪啊?「沒經過完整的程序租借」跟「偷」就差很大。最後一段還說得被逼迫被威脅,言下之意很明顯在指著店家耍流氓。誰是誰非趕緊吉一吉好嗎?等後續167F 12/23 08:39
MattOwl: 垃圾171F 12/23 08:53
