看板 Gossiping
作者 reddude (reddude)
標題 [爆卦] IS說爆炸是他們幹的
時間 Tue May 23 20:22:10 2017


IS承認在Manchester 的爆炸是他們幹的


Manchester Arena explosion: ISIS claims responsibility for suicide attack that killed 22 at Ariana Grande concert - The Washington Post
Authorities believe a lone attacker denotated a bomb that killed at least 22 people, including many teenagers, leaving the concert. ...

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HarukaLoveu: 瓜花是啥1F 05/23 20:22
Kay731: 20個字2F 05/23 20:22
adad48362: 嗯 什麼爆炸都是他們幹的3F 05/23 20:22
suger77: 過年鞭炮也都是他們賣的哦 揪咪4F 05/23 20:23
XZXie: 又在邀功了  跟我的機八同事有87%像5F 05/23 20:23
blairkimi: 阿拉花瓜!6F 05/23 20:24
Tchachavsky: 有種承認南部蜂炮也是他們幹的7F 05/23 20:24
dubwat: 我家狗烙賽也是他們幹的阿8F 05/23 20:24
kenny949: 反正全世界有爆炸都第一個跳出來承認就對了9F 05/23 20:24
Simakui: 大家都知道 這些垃圾為啥不去死一死10F 05/23 20:24
newstarisme: 無恥11F 05/23 20:25
kenet2: 網址好像點不進去耶12F 05/23 20:25
mystage: 我工作進度爆炸大概也是IS害的13F 05/23 20:26
bonfferoni: 了不起,負責!14F 05/23 20:26
ott: http://disp.cc/b/18-a3uH (Allahu Akbar 阿拉花瓜 - ott板 -15F 05/23 20:26
Allahu Akbar   阿拉花瓜 - ott板 - Disp BBS
  是一句阿拉伯文 , 中文譯解為讚主讚聖詞 ( Allahu - akbar - 真主至大 ). Allahu Akbar
kevabc1: 縮個網址 很難是嗎16F 05/23 20:27
arrenwu: 什麼爆炸都是IS幹的 你現在才知道嗎?17F 05/23 20:27
a856445: 跟白海豚相反,不是我說的18F 05/23 20:28
xzcb2008: 了不起19F 05/23 20:29
reddude: http://goo.gl/QDVHWz20F 05/23 20:29
Manchester Arena explosion: ISIS claims responsibility for suicide attack that killed 22 at Ariana Grande concert - The Washington Post
Authorities believe a lone attacker denotated a bomb that killed at least 22 people, including many teenagers, leaving the concert. ...

reddude: 縮好了拍謝21F 05/23 20:29
