看板 Gossiping作者 takase (............)標題 [新聞] 日本轉向擁抱燃煤發電時間 Sun May 13 13:06:24 2018
business insider
One developed country is moving back to coal
*Japan is moving back to coal.
*The move would make 26% of the country's electricity come from coal by 2030.
*A 2011 meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station partly
spurred the policy change.
*The coal industry may actually be revived for the moment, as China and
India are also using more coal.
As the developed world moves farther and farther away from coal-fired energy,
one major economy is breaking the trend. Japan, in a move that few could have
foreseen, has opened at least eight brand new coal-burning power plants in
the last two years and has plans for at least 36 more in the next ten years.
This ambitious return to coal far outstrips any other developed nation, and
it's only speeding up. Last month the Japanese government made major
advancements to officially adopt a national energy plan that would see 26
percent of the country's total electricity come from coal in 2030, directly
contradicting a previous directive to cut back coal usage to just 10 percent
of total electricity.
之前規劃 壓低燃煤發電到總發電量10% 徹底翻盤
One major reason for the stark turnaround in policy is the 2011 meltdown at
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The tragedy provided a huge blow
to the Japanese public's support for nuclear energy. After the Fukushima
disaster, all 54 of Japan's nuclear reactors were shut down as they awaited
new rigorous safety standards. To date, just seven of the 54 have reopened
for business. In order to fulfill demand, the nation has turned to natural
gas and, more surprisingly, coal.
數關閉 等待 新的安全標準通過
However, despite all the love lost for nuclear, there are also plenty of
critics to Japan's new direction, who say that the government is being weak
on renewables and that the return to coal guarantees a major rise in air
pollution, standing in direct conflict with Japan's pledges to cut its
greenhouse gas emissions. As it stands now, the country is responsible for a
whopping 4 percent of global emissions, and that's before the impending
construction of 36 coal plants over the next decade.
(按照協議),目前日本需負責減排 溫室效應氣體總量的4%
In addition to its bullish building plans, Japan is also backing off on
previous promises to shutter existing coal facilities. Instead of looking to
clean up coal and invest in aging infrastructure, local power company
Electric Power Development Co Ltd. recently announced that they would forgo a
previously announced plan to replace two ageing coal-fired power plants with
newer, more efficient facilities in the Takasago region of Western Japan.
Instead of moving forward with their plans to construct two 600-megawatt (MW)
coal-fired power generation units the company will continue to use facilities
that are now nearly 50 years old.
除了加速建設燃煤電廠的計畫外,日本也放棄了先前 要關閉既存煤電廠的承諾
以 "清潔燃煤" 與 更新老化的設備 代之
日本電源開發股份有限公司 (日本最大的特許發電發電業者) 打算繼續使用
已運轉50年的 高砂火力發電廠,並引進更新,發電效率更高的設備
Japan's hunger for coal is not purely domestic--last month the government of
Wyoming announced that the Japan Coal Energy Center and Kawasaki Heavy
Industries intend to spend $9 million in grant funding for research of carbon
capture near the U.S. city of Gillette. Japan's relationship with Wyoming
coal, however, is nothing new. In 2016 Wyoming governor Matt Mead signed an
agreement to collaborate with the Japan Coal Energy Center for coal research
and technology. As the U.S. continues to move away from coal despite the
administration's coal-positive rhetoric, the interest and research money
coming from Japan is a breath of fresh air in a dying industry.
In addition to their research on carbon innovations in Wyoming, Japan is also
looking for other ways to greenify coal, including looking into the fossil
fuel as a possible source of energy for hydrogen-powered cars. In fact,
Japanese engineering firm Kawasaki Heavy Industries has partnered with
Australia to turn their cheap coal into hydrogen gas in a new Melbourne-based
$390m pilot plant.
除了懷俄明州的案例,日本也在尋找其他 "綠化" 煤能的手段,包含將石化能源
打算在墨爾本投資3.9億美元,建設 將 劣質煤碳轉化為氫氣的實驗工廠
Just a few years ago, any expert would have told you that Japan's coal
industry was on its last legs as well. The nation was leaning heavily into
nuclear power, with plans to cut by half what was a 25 percent dependency on
coal in 2010 and increase atomic energy from 29 percent to 50 percent by
2030. Now, that trend has done a full 180° .
不過幾年前的光景,任何專家都會跟你講 日本的煤業壽命將盡,這個國家正大力投入
Unlike other developed nations that now depend heavily on cheap natural gas,
for Japan the math works out to coal's benefit. Since the island nation has
to import natural gas in its relatively pricey liquid form, coal is the more
fiscally savvy option.
So far, the turn has been a boon to the economy. In one example, Japanese
trading house Itochu Corp recently announced a 13.7 percent boost in annual
net profit, and they attribute a large portion of it to higher coal prices
thanks to the newfound demand. They've predicted that the current financial
year will also be one of their best.
Against all odds, coal is making a comeback in at least one major global
market, and with China and India (two of the largest markets in the world)
continuing to depend heavily on coal, it looks like the once-ailing industry
may have some life left in it after all.
至於中國和印度(兩個最大的煤碳市場) 仍然重度依賴煤碳能源
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推 Areso: 深澳勢在必行1F 05/13 13:06
→ lolic: 看吧 連日本都不敢用核電 就是怕海嘯地震2F 05/13 13:07
推 ipadmini6: 我有生之年可以看到地球阿黑顏的樣子嗎?3F 05/13 13:07
→ aa1052026 …
→ aa1052026: 飯盒環團一直罵的發電 結果上頭日本媽媽都在用4F 05/13 13:07
推 zhttp: 台灣乾淨煤領先全球5F 05/13 13:07
→ LICENSE: 搞了半天不是回去擁核就是擁煤6F 05/13 13:07
→ Clarkliu: 台灣燃煤機組被放在人家官網上晒 ccc7F 05/13 13:07
推 allnation: 說個笑話:日本不敢用核能?結果人家2030要20%以上核能8F 05/13 13:07
推 ilwe106: 地震帶用核電本來就是在賭博阿....何況島國炸了就滅國了10F 05/13 13:08
噓 hugo123: 反觀台灣。還在幹嘛?11F 05/13 13:08
推 i376ers: 就說吧 皇民們快跟上12F 05/13 13:09
推 allnation: 在說個笑話,核電廠爆炸,台灣周圍那麼多國家也有
核電廠,要不要立法叫他們不要用,怕爆炸wwwwwwwwww15F 05/13 13:10
推 kenco: 台灣:落後的日本,2兆風電笑你們不敢17F 05/13 13:10
推 wands: 說個笑話 台灣反核 反燃煤 反天然氣18F 05/13 13:11
噓 asagi777: 可以繼續燒進去台灣人的肺裡面為你的政策解套沒關係24F 05/13 13:14
推 auskin: 林佳龍可以分享經驗27F 05/13 13:15
→ RCFLNS: 日本會怕核能很正常,發生過了災害才知道那種痛,不過會回頭用燃煤發電倒是讓人挺意外就是31F 05/13 13:17
推 linja: 反核高潮33F 05/13 13:17
推 tsgd: 這下反對基載發電的都該閉嘴了35F 05/13 13:18
→ SnakeO: DPP能源政策領先全球36F 05/13 13:18
推 allnation: 日本2030要多少核能發電比例?人家當然怕核能?但為了國家能生存下去,那又如何?還是繼續拚
反觀台灣,工業都打不過了,還在搞大躍進..37F 05/13 13:18
推 sid300: 難怪台灣跟日本一起邁入衰退41F 05/13 13:20
→ allnation: 難不成日本是台灣狗輪黨派來的,還是日本也是9.2?42F 05/13 13:20
推 JT0624: 不用核就是燒炭啊43F 05/13 13:20
推 sunchen0201: 2025年非核家園50%天然氣 看來落伍啦~燃煤發電正夯!45F 05/13 13:22
推 rainf: 覺青表示不服,先檢查是不是DPP的新聞46F 05/13 13:23
推 yeap193: 台灣人只要能發電的東西都可以反 只剩下愛了47F 05/13 13:23
推 aegis43210: LNG真的很貴,不像美國、歐洲,接管線直接用53F 05/13 13:27
推 nalaculan: 擁盒:日本人低端文組不E外,理盲吸飽吸滿用愛發電。54F 05/13 13:28
→ aegis43210: 蓋深澳也是考慮到未來液態天然氣會漲到人民受不了55F 05/13 13:28
推 allnation: 日本當初快50%天然氣,然後呢?請自己去看56F 05/13 13:29
→ allnation: 為了賺風力錢沒差,但騙不缺電弄死核4,只為了賺自己58F 05/13 13:30
推 dimw: 深澳是舊的 不是新蓋的59F 05/13 13:31
→ allnation: 風力的錢,那是拿台灣人死活來賺,操60F 05/13 13:31
噓 lovecut: 大家一起用肺來過濾空氣超讚!!!!!62F 05/13 13:36
推 adagiox: 火力大勝利 擁核擁綠哭哭喔 哈哈哈65F 05/13 13:43
噓 skyexers: 日本目標26%燃煤 叫做擁抱燃煤? 要不要看台灣燃煤幾%?68F 05/13 13:45
→ DarkHolbach: 日本核能到2030估計是20%左右,比台灣現在還多69F 05/13 13:46
推 Areso: 從日本國土比例來看 的確跟台灣差不多70F 05/13 13:47
推 wklxbiwee: 反正不是蓋在台北 南部人命比較不值錢 南電北用讚讚讚南部燃煤給我蓋好蓋滿72F 05/13 14:01
噓 lspci: 2025火力家園 PM2.5 PM10 PM100通通吸飽吸滿74F 05/13 14:02
推 showgo: 支持核廢料 給使用者自行拿回家存放76F 05/13 14:08
推 starport: 日本真是落後國家啊... 不像我國還有乾淨煤技術 無汙染77F 05/13 14:08
推 LOVEMS: 核電廠到底要怎麼爆炸?78F 05/13 14:09
推 hs80186: 支持火力發電廢氣給反核自己帶回家吸80F 05/13 14:16
噓 ryuter: 這個來源.......83F 05/13 14:30
推 duo0518: 日本的燃煤是要用來取代綠電跟燃氣的 不是用來取代核能84F 05/13 14:31
→ duo0518: 就跟深澳電廠從燃氣改燃煤一樣而已87F 05/13 14:35
推 st89702: 地熱表示:當我死人?90F 05/13 15:08
推 pieceiori: 不要打臉我大吱吱 吱障正高潮中 別掃興 謝謝91F 05/13 15:08
推 woopoo: 台灣領先,嫩92F 05/13 15:09
推 chaunen: 美國腹地這麼大 核電廠放沙漠 附近又沒夠強的敵國
反觀臺灣 日本 島國多山 腹地小 臨中國93F 05/13 15:10
推 aegis43210: 核電廠放沙漠?請多google好嗎?
散熱需要很大量的水95F 05/13 15:13
推 sdyy: 台灣又領先世界了97F 05/13 15:28
→ darknote: 說要增核的 眼睛是長到哪?99F 05/13 15:29
推 cca1109: 智障擁核幫又被打臉100F 05/13 15:31
→ lin961213: 台灣就一堆智障反智要用愛發電啊呵呵呵101F 05/13 15:40
推 Absioute: 從全燒天然氣改成核能+燃煤 這打臉的邏輯真棒103F 05/13 15:56
推 nildog: 老實說,台灣光核廢料處理就吵不完了...104F 05/13 16:02
推 tmuaircat: 真的無法蓋無人島或人工島電廠嗎?106F 05/13 16:29
→ srwhite: 台灣領先世界 永和人要森氣了107F 05/13 16:30
推 kirinstar: 日本考量的是福島事件的衝擊及經濟因素,臺灣呢?地理政經不同,評估被無視,最後決策重要因素是決策者既有立場,那又何苦拿別國來比較108F 05/13 16:34
推 meredith001: 核終工讀生崩潰 風向帶了老半天 結果燃煤還是正解111F 05/13 16:43
→ DarkerDuck: 日本好落後喔,為什麼不跟台灣一樣把東海插滿風機就好112F 05/13 16:45
推 DarkHolbach: 增核沒錯啊,1%變成20%不是增?
上面那個2030耶,你要不要看仔細一點113F 05/13 16:45
→ DarkerDuck: 而且還不趁福島核災把所有核電廠判處死刑,真失望115F 05/13 16:47
→ DarkerDuck: 2030年控制在兩成多核電也是挺合理的,沒有特別偏廢117F 05/13 16:48
推 rupcj8: 風向好亂118F 05/13 16:48
→ DarkerDuck: 現在是燒天然氣燒到經濟根本撐不下去,只有DPP在幻想119F 05/13 16:49
推 Areso: 核終被看破手腳了120F 05/13 16:49
→ DarkerDuck: 可以靠風力和天然氣就可以讓台灣"大躍進"121F 05/13 16:49
→ DarkHolbach: 此次提出的2030年電力結構方案在重視經濟性的同時,將非常有助於減少溫室氣體排放的核電比例提高到了20~22%122F 05/13 16:50
→ DarkerDuck: 燃煤26%,核能20%,這跟台灣相比根本就是超級核電國125F 05/13 16:50
→ Anvec: 依照"目前的科技" 燃煤為主力是勢在必行的 為了減少燃煤的的汙染 所以一定要搭配一定比例的核電128F 05/13 16:53
→ Anvec: 然後為了應付尖載跟緊急情況 再搭配更小比例的天然氣
其實內文講的事 並不是打到永和的臉 實際上就是永和的想法真正打到的 是以為綠能跟天然氣可以當基載的反核北七131F 05/13 16:54
→ DarkerDuck: 日本的2030,大幅削減天然氣,增加核能
智障飯盒群起高潮嗆說日本放棄核電,笑歪了137F 05/13 16:56
→ Anvec: 其實以台灣現在的能源配置 是最恰當的139F 05/13 16:57
噓 sincere77: 想帶啥風向,別人吃屎我們也要跟著吃?140F 05/13 16:57
→ DarkerDuck: 放棄的明明就是現在DPP要搞的用大量燃氣當作基載
飯盒根本連稍微查證一下都不會,叫人看清楚 XDDD DDD141F 05/13 16:57
→ Anvec: 日本現在做的2030年規劃 根本就是跟現在的台灣看齊
燃煤 35% 燃氣 35% 核電 20% 剩下的其他 根本是現在科技下最好的搭配143F 05/13 16:58
→ DarkerDuck: 飯盒吃飽了嗎?日本放棄的是現在DPP要搞得大量燃氣
看清楚了嗎??146F 05/13 17:01
→ Anvec: 對啊 上面推文還在講核終 還在講永和 是看不懂對不對
看不懂不能怪你 但是看不懂也要一人一票 票票等值 ......拜託 可以看完內容 自己上網做功課 然後再去投票嗎
台灣快被這些政客拖垮了148F 05/13 17:05
推 hydralee: 福島前日本核電佔比約30%,所以20%已經算降低33%了153F 05/13 17:11
→ Oville: 飯盒看標題以為可以高潮,但實際看到日本核電佔的%數比台灣高好幾倍會崩潰154F 05/13 17:12
→ hydralee: 大概就是把被迫停機的開回來,還是臺灣政府錢多156F 05/13 17:12
推 zardmih: 台灣領先日本祖國惹 9.25毛又要出來崩崩惹 XDD157F 05/13 17:12
→ delaluna: 八卦永和反火就一堆無腦酸 講到核能就當作無敵神物
反正只有核能最經濟零風險 其他發電都是白癡
只能在網路上都科學教小圈圈 只有他們的科學算科學158F 05/13 17:15
推 fit8590: 再生能源直接砍一半去了163F 05/13 18:09