Here is a map of the area affected by the #tsunami that has hit Sunda Strait
in Indonesia, leaving dozens of people dead, hundreds injured and many
Hingga 23/12/2018 pukul 07.00 WIB, data sementara dampak tsunami di Selat
Sunda: 43 orang meninggal dunia, 584 orang luka-luka dan 2 orang hilang.
Kerugian fisik meliputi 430 unit rumah rusak berat, 9 hotel rusak berat, 10
kapal rusak berat dan puluhan rusak.
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) 2018年12月23日
危機管理局(Disaster Management Agency)指出,爪哇萬丹省(Banten)班迪格蘭區域 的災情最為慘重,其中包括烏戎庫隆國家公園(Ujung Kulon National Park)和沿岸的 海灘,共計33名死者死於此區。
Data sementara dampak tsunami di Pantai di Kab Pandeglang, Serang dan Lampung
Selatan hingga 23/12/2018 pukul 04.30 WIB: tercatat 20 orang meninggal dunia,
165 orang luka-luka, 2 orang hilang dan puluhan bangunan rusak. Data korban
kemungkinan masih akan terus bertambah.
Penyebab tsunami di di Pandeglang dan Lampung Selatan adalah kemungkinan
kombinasi dari longsor bawah laut akibat pengaruh erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau
dan gelombang pasang saat purnama. BMKG masih meneliti lebih jauh untuk
memastikan penyebab tsunami.
#Anak #Krakatoa #tsunami, potentially triggered by an underwater / subaerial
#landslide + tide (14:00 UTC, Dec. 22nd)? Southern flank seems to fit best
(see animation). Remark: source is not confirmed, but #tryingtosolveit,
#Indonesia @UKEQ_Bulletin @infoBMKG @volcanodiscover
A tsunami that hit beaches in Indonesia killed at least 43 people, the head
of public relations at Indonesia's National Disaster Mitigation Agency says
— CNN International (@cnni) 2018年12月23日
Our thoughts & prayers are with those affected by the #Tsunami that struck
coastal areas around the #SundaStrait following the erruption of #Krakatoa in
#Indonesia. #Taiwan stands ready to assist the #NewSouthboundPolicy country
with rescue & recovery efforts.
New York Post
@nypostTsunami leaves 20 dead in Indonesia after volcano eruption
— 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) (@MOFA_Taiwan) 2018年12月23日
Sotiri Dimpinoudis
@sotiridi#Update: SHOCKING VIDEO - Another video of the #Tsunami hitting the shores in #Indonesia and slamming into a "Band" playing in a tent near the shore when the waves hit.