By David C. Chou:
杜魯門總統痛罵蔣介石家族那一段出現在該書{Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman
By Merle Miller
(Berkley Books, New York, 1974)}第24章,那章的標題是”Firing the General”(把麥帥解職)。
(Merle問杜魯門) Mr. President, I know why you fired General MacArthur, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to hear it in your own words.
(杜魯門回答) “------- Whatever they did, they’d be more trouble than they were worth, and any money we spent to support them would end up ---- a good deal of it would end up in the pockets of Chiang and the Madame and the Soong and Kung families.”[麥帥與宋美齡在華府的中國遊說團希望我讓蔣介石的部隊參加韓戰,但蔣的殘兵敗將只是一群窩囊廢,哪能派上用場?蔣介石那幫人只會給我帶來麻煩,根本沒什麼鳥用,我們支持他,給他錢,那些錢只會----- 那些錢多半會跑到蔣介石、宋美齡以及孔(祥熙)宋(子文)家族的口袋裡。]
(Merle問杜魯門) Mr. President, did you ever meet Chiang Kai-shek?
(杜魯門回答) “-------But ole ‘Vinegar Joe’ Stilwell ----- came to see me, and he said, ‘You know, Mr. President, that Chiang Kai-shek is nothing but a damn son of a bitch,------. “ [ 史迪威將軍來拜訪我,他跟我說,總統,您知道,那蔣該死只不過是一個他媽的狗娘養的。]
(Merle接腔說) “In the Army they used to call him, the GI’s who were over in China called Chiang Chancre Jack. And In England during the war they had a radio program; I believe it was a radio program with a character name Cash-my-Check. A Chinese general.” [在中國的美國大兵管蔣介石叫做「梅毒傑克」,在英國,他被稱影射為專門挖我們的錢、只會把我們的支票拿去兌換現金的中國將領。] (注: 在蔣介石擔任孫文創辦的黃埔軍校的校長的時期,被人稱為校長夫人或蔣夫人的是陳潔如,由於蔣要娶宋美齡,所以把陳流放美國,陳在美國寫了一本回憶錄,說蔣罹患梅毒。]
(杜魯門繼續開罵) “------I discovered after some time that Chiang Kai-shek and the Madame and their families, the Soong family and the Kungs, were all thieves, every last one of them, the Madame and him included. And they stole seven hundred and fifty million dollars out of the thirty-five billion that we sent to Chiang. They stole it, and it’s invested in real estate down in Sao Paulo and some right here in New York.------“ [在不久之後,我就發現蔣介石、宋美齡以及孔(祥熙)宋(子文)家族都是偷美援的賊,他們每個人都是,包括宋美齡與蔣介石,他們從350億美援中偷了7億5千萬元,他們偷了那些錢,然後在巴西聖保羅投資房地產,有一些則投資在紐約。]