看板 Gossiping
作者 cheinshin (那就這樣吧)
標題 [問卦] 「靠北逆啦!」要怎麼翻譯成英文?
時間 Mon Aug 10 14:02:51 2020





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VCECDwU (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1597039373.A.E9E.html
alcpeon911: costco1F 08/10 14:03
serding: da faq?2F 08/10 14:03
a27588679: mdfk3F 08/10 14:03
balacha223: ikea4F 08/10 14:03
NTULioner: president xi5F 08/10 14:03
Black8910: sit down please6F 08/10 14:03
ppptttqaz: President Xi7F 08/10 14:03
Luciferspear: NBSL8F 08/10 14:03
DFM5566: father may cry9F 08/10 14:03
joy462110: jobless10F 08/10 14:03
AOA2: WTF11F 08/10 14:03
nges10310: costco ikea12F 08/10 14:03
kaodio: kbnl13F 08/10 14:03
foolfighter: NBSL?!14F 08/10 14:04
boulard: ikea15F 08/10 14:04
poggssi: president xi16F 08/10 14:04
SinShih: give it a damn17F 08/10 14:04
sookie: da faq homie18F 08/10 14:04
blessbless: president xi19F 08/10 14:04
kopuck: Father cries cries20F 08/10 14:04
antonny: Are you President Xi. ?21F 08/10 14:04
muchu1983: nmsl22F 08/10 14:04
easyfish: By north inverse la.23F 08/10 14:04
s710262: shut out 碧池24F 08/10 14:04
yyc210: is your father crying?25F 08/10 14:04
muchu1983: 更正nbsl26F 08/10 14:04
foolfighter: CBNL27F 08/10 14:04
samlin92303: Colombia28F 08/10 14:05
cloudshine: Fluke off29F 08/10 14:05
Kazetachinu: cry r30F 08/10 14:05
phina005: Ikea,發音問題,別嘴31F 08/10 14:05
soarling: mdfk32F 08/10 14:05
Pet: abi @@33F 08/10 14:05
ishowhand: Keep it possible34F 08/10 14:05
akway: cow bay ni la35F 08/10 14:05
DFGCE: north please36F 08/10 14:05
wsxwsx0426: kefen eat shit37F 08/10 14:06
DIDIMIN: fuck up38F 08/10 14:06
Wolfgang9527: Are you kidding me? Do you take me for fool?39F 08/10 14:06
flux: holy xhit40F 08/10 14:07
akuma183: Cheap tower book to put topic, but cheap tower
doubt to put topic.41F 08/10 14:07
loxic: ru fucking kidding me43F 08/10 14:07
s155260: park44F 08/10 14:07
garybawbaw: 媽的法克啊45F 08/10 14:08
DeltaSoBird: カウベ二ラ46F 08/10 14:08
cchsiao: WTF47F 08/10 14:08
touchbird: 供蝦餃48F 08/10 14:08
tikusa844: pizza49F 08/10 14:08
banbee100: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!50F 08/10 14:08
cloud1017: NBSL51F 08/10 14:08
a58702152: r u cry father52F 08/10 14:08
qk3380888: R  u crying53F 08/10 14:08
movieghost: Romania54F 08/10 14:08
darkholy: closed to the North and reverse la55F 08/10 14:09
sunsam: fuck my ads56F 08/10 14:09
exceedMyself: Xi day cow bay ni na57F 08/10 14:09
koflll: KAO BE NI LA58F 08/10 14:09
Sofasobad: excuse me59F 08/10 14:10
littenVenus: WTF60F 08/10 14:12
mark23197794: 你哥61F 08/10 14:12
echoo: Cow Baby Nina62F 08/10 14:12
Cyuhsuan: cowbay ni la63F 08/10 14:12
rimfire: it's science64F 08/10 14:13
ericinttu:   CF is my Daddy65F 08/10 14:13
kosuke: Heil KP66F 08/10 14:13
a0986188522: I like cf67F 08/10 14:14
SupCat: I am TMD68F 08/10 14:14
ihczfu: NMSL69F 08/10 14:15
jim543000: 7414741470F 08/10 14:15
piece1: cowbell nina!71F 08/10 14:16
Hohenzollern: Taiwan People's Party72F 08/10 14:16
gx9900824: Call me xi da da73F 08/10 14:17
jeffrey0929: are yo kinddin me!?74F 08/10 14:18
harkk2001: cry for father thought ?76F 08/10 14:19
seastar1982: your daddy cry cry QQ neeela.77F 08/10 14:21
XDDDpupu5566: Don't fuck with me!78F 08/10 14:21
kinki999: NBSL79F 08/10 14:22
seastar1982: your KO CF Dada is crying crying neeeeeeeeeeeela80F 08/10 14:23
fcuhua: cowbenila81F 08/10 14:25
ENJA: how r u? I'm fine thank u.82F 08/10 14:25
lemocat: CouBae83F 08/10 14:25
theskyofblue: MF84F 08/10 14:27
hw1: may show gun more85F 08/10 14:28
organ63521: kau be ni ra86F 08/10 14:30
jass87987: wrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy87F 08/10 14:33
wadx1035: Errrrrrrr88F 08/10 14:36
u8702116: 英文先FK就對了89F 08/10 14:37
bigfatchang: are you crying for your father90F 08/10 14:39
Yuwuen: shut up beach91F 08/10 14:43
super10000: get lost92F 08/10 14:44
