看板 Gossiping
作者 leoleovip (stranger)
標題 [爆卦] 史諾登對台灣跟南韓的監控抱持質疑
時間 Sun Apr 12 10:22:28 2020


上述網址是VICE NEWS針對本次新冠病毒疫情對史諾登所做的採訪



-The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention uses data
provided by local telecommunications companies.
-Taiwan is doing a "mobile fence," so-called,where, if they know you're
they're going to put a mobile fence around you,
and if you leave, you're going to get in trouble.It's basically the --
your mobile phone is your new ankle bracelet.
So are autocratic regimes better
at dealing with things like this than democratic ones?

記者: 韓國的疾病管理本部使用了當地電信公司所提供的資料。

-I don't think so. I mean, there are arguments being made
that China can do things that the United States can't.
Now, that doesn't mean
that what these autocratic countries are doing
is actually more effective.
There are really only two things that we know to be true.
One is that no one knows the true number of infected
because we can only in the absolute best case
know the confirmed cases
of people that we've actually tested.
And once you start to layer in this autocratic,
or I would argue, more authoritarian type
of policy structure,
what you end up seeing is that instead of policy
being guided by science and facts,
you begin to see things like information releases
becoming political decisions.

史諾登: 不,我不這麼認為,有人爭論說中國可以做有些美國不能做的事情,但那並不代

Now, this is not new.
In fact, the Spanish flu around 1918
did not actually originate in Spain.
It was actually spreading in World War I
through the trenches,
where everybody was in terrible conditions.
But the militaries of the day had imposed restrictions
on what the press could report
that could impact the war effort.
And so Spain, being a neutral country,
was publishing
what they were actually seeing in their country.
And so we just presumed, because they were the only ones
that were telling the truth, that it came from them.
Now we're a little further ahead than that today.
But that doesn't erase the fact that people in power
who see that there is a political advantage
to disguising or concealing or massaging
or denying numbers may choose to lie about it.
It's happened before and it's almost certainly happening now.

史諾登: 這不是新鮮事,1918年的西班牙流感事實上並非起源西班牙,在一戰時其實早已


We've seen in countries like Taiwan and South Korea
and spreading also into more Western countries,
and of course, in the United States,
where it has begun as well,
the tracking and monitoring of the movements
of the whole of the human population
through the movements of our phones.
And it is, I think,
something that should raise cause for concern,
because when we talk about the applications,
and I'm sure we will,
they're saying they're using it for contact tracing.
This person gets sick. Where did they go?
Who may they come in contact with precisely
so they can produce these kind of text messages
that you describe?
On its face, it seems like it might be a good idea.
There is, of course, a natural presumed benefit here.
And yet, this level of contact tracing,
this method of contact tracing does not really work
on a pandemic scale.

史諾登: 在台灣和南韓,甚至是西方國家、美國,我們都可以看到藉由手機定位對全體人

-When I think about the future,
when any of us look at where this is heading,
we need to think about where we've been,
and sadly, these kind of emergency powers
that are born out of crises
have a perfect history of abuse.
I mean, down the board,
whenever you look at these things,
the funniest part about it in a dark way
is that the emergency never ends.
It becomes normalized.

史諾登: 我想在未來,任何人回頭看現今的情況如何發展時,都必須思考我們曾經做了什


As authoritarianism spreads,
as emergency laws proliferate,
as we sacrifice our rights,
we also sacrifice our capability
to arrest this slide into a less liberal and less free world.
Do you truly believe that when the first wave, the second wave,
the 16th wave of the coronavirus
is a long-forgotten memory,
that these capabilities will not be kept,
that these data sets will not be kept?
Will those capabilities begin to be applied
to small-time criminality?
Will they begin to be applied to political analysis?
Will they begin to be applied
for doing things like performing a census?
Will they be used for political polling?
No matter how it is being used,
what is being built is the architecture of oppression.
And you might trust who is dealing with it,
you might trust who runs it.
You might go, "You know, I don't care about Mark Zuckerberg."
But someone else will have this data eventually.
Some other country will have this data eventually.
In your country, a different president
will have control of this data eventually,
and someone will abuse it.

史諾登: 當威權主義擴散,緊急法令暴增,當我們犧牲我們權利的時候,我們也犧牲了阻


Because these systems, if we do not change them,
will not simply be used to monitor our health.
They're going to make decisions for us on an automated basis
to determine who gets a job, who goes to school,
who gets a loan, who gets a home,
and who does not.
And we today are being asked
in a moment of extraordinary fear,
"What do we want these systems to look like?"
And if we don't make that decision ourselves,
it will be made for us.





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ARCHER2234: 白皮嫉妒了嗎?1F 04/12 10:23
iamgaylan: 他的疑慮很正常 但是現在特殊情況 大家願意配合2F 04/12 10:23
Lukesky: 害怕了嗎3F 04/12 10:23
jorden: 不然佛系防疫嗎?4F 04/12 10:24
deepdish: 無聊 中國不是更多人被監控5F 04/12 10:24
intrue: 可是Google跟Apple也要幫忙監控了捏,要不要警告一下6F 04/12 10:24
XZXie: 用詞還算客觀啦  不過台韓疫情沒嚴重惡化也是事實7F 04/12 10:25
kivan00: 很合理 後門開了就沒道理封起來 哪天想到就會再拿出來用8F 04/12 10:25
clkdtm32: 監控不可能是現在才在監控 以前一定也有9F 04/12 10:25
peiring: 其實確實有濫用的可能10F 04/12 10:25
iphone15: 他現在人在哪一國11F 04/12 10:25
ppalee: 他講得蠻客觀的12F 04/12 10:25
illegalmad: 結果靠極權國家庇護 偽君子13F 04/12 10:25
nk10803: 我打手槍都被政府看光光 笑你不敢14F 04/12 10:26
s8510785107: 怎摸智障左膠沒有上街抗議管制措施咧?15F 04/12 10:26
Kashionz: 想得還蠻深的 但真的特殊情況16F 04/12 10:26
AAAdolph: 結果逃到監控嚴重的俄國,完全變俄國狗了17F 04/12 10:26
XZXie: 人權主義者是不是寧願社區感染也不願被管制啊  笑死18F 04/12 10:26
visviva: 就像TDK韋恩要魯修斯用電話監控查出小丑在哪的時候,他覺得這是侵犯~~是個可以探討的議題19F 04/12 10:26
tim1112: 話說回來 如果手機監控 但手機沒帶出去 會被發現嗎21F 04/12 10:27
yu800910: 結果是靠普丁大帝的庇護,不敢罵俄羅斯的專制22F 04/12 10:27
hit1003: 技術使用的說明很正確。23F 04/12 10:27
aclahm: 他是公衛專家484 自以為處理很好24F 04/12 10:28
supa: 左膠是支持大政府監控的25F 04/12 10:28
yyc1217: 永遠都不能相信政府 即使號稱自己很民主也一樣26F 04/12 10:28
shiriri: 他懂個屁27F 04/12 10:28
nowroom: 大家去注意懶人包跟內文有沒有出入
別只看懶人包28F 04/12 10:29
Orisinal: 蠻可以參考的 本來非常手段就會有人權疑慮30F 04/12 10:29
jessicali: 蘇貞昌不是說疫情結束的時候會銷毀資料31F 04/12 10:29
synergy1105: 略似 west world  season 3 的劇情....?32F 04/12 10:29
sua: 可是被監視手機是公發機,不是私人機耶33F 04/12 10:29
jessicali: 不過史諾登說的也是,如果已經到第18波還沒結束..34F 04/12 10:30
yu800910: 你要人權ok啊 先去看看自由自在的義大利人的下場35F 04/12 10:30
myyalga: 他可以選擇不要,然後疫情擴散爆發36F 04/12 10:30
Informatik: 史諾登什麼時候進化成公衛專家了,太神啦!37F 04/12 10:31
yu800910: 義大利人說他們有不戴口罩跟自由出門的權利,然後GG了38F 04/12 10:31
dnm08: 不要回來就不用監控。39F 04/12 10:31
s92050509: 阿本來大規模感染就很難做啊,台灣是靠對支那不信任超40F 04/12 10:31
lovegensokyo: 整篇看下來還好,他反駁中國專制比民主更有效率的說41F 04/12 10:31
s92050509: 前部署+追蹤疫情調查+全國最強者都去醫科才擋住的42F 04/12 10:31
lovegensokyo: 法,同時也警惕民主政府的所謂的緊急措施43F 04/12 10:31
RICEFINCH: 懷疑是好事~但戴電子腳鐐也是可以。我是相信台灣不敢像他自傳電影演那樣啦~44F 04/12 10:31
mtyk10100: 跑去在俄國然後罵其他國家專制挺好笑的46F 04/12 10:32
silentsoccer: 意有所指呵呵47F 04/12 10:32
apcr1115: 他去俄國是因為被美國追殺吧..48F 04/12 10:32
milkBK: 相信中華民國政府,484忘了白色恐怖ㄏㄏ49F 04/12 10:33
ericpan6868: 做壞事的才要怕,不然共產黨天下無敵了50F 04/12 10:33
jorden: 就是跟口罩工廠趕工還去勞檢的概念
戰爭跟承平是不同滴.....51F 04/12 10:33
notsmall: 他就只是提出個警訊 標題容易讓人誤會53F 04/12 10:34
bomda: 低能叛國仔54F 04/12 10:35
superdrift: person of interested55F 04/12 10:35
july1991: 是不錯的警告啊,有滿多立委也有監督到此事,所以才説56F 04/12 10:35
chanceiam: 大爆發死光比較好?57F 04/12 10:35
AVR0: 民主國家限制人民出門好嗎?58F 04/12 10:35
july1991: 要有法源59F 04/12 10:35
tonyhu: 史先生質疑的很好,但懶人包可以不用看,有原文還要懶人包60F 04/12 10:36
celebleaf: 他說的沒錯啊,事實上這幾個月也不少人提出過類似的疑問。但是疫情當前是必要之惡,之後再來如何限縮也不遲61F 04/12 10:36
kerodo: 要自由。像現在的紐約超自由。然後勒63F 04/12 10:38
visviva: 其實除非有人願意說,不然我們不會知道政府(政客)到底怎麼用這些資料吧。不然你看祖柏格...對他們來說就是做大數據的蒐集,對我們來說就是隱私64F 04/12 10:38
jerry810113: 任何事情都是交易來的 廢話大家都會講67F 04/12 10:39
somanyee: 奴性高=防疫效果好。越無拘無束,越慘68F 04/12 10:40
hank81177: 我可以預見五毛之後都會引用這篇文章 笑台灣69F 04/12 10:40
piliwu: 他說的沒錯但個人覺得這是必要之惡70F 04/12 10:40
loveapple33: 正常,如果不監督、限制政府,以後政府用來做可怕的事就來不及了!71F 04/12 10:41
scepter95: 有道理,目前防疫成功不代表這個機制以後不會被濫用73F 04/12 10:41
zaku2015: 台灣跟韓國是專制國家?74F 04/12 10:42
norako: 懶人包放在文章開頭比較好吧75F 04/12 10:42
gotwins: 疫情過後要監督,可能只有發布緊急命令才可以使用,避免國家機器76F 04/12 10:42
jo0903: 要被出征了78F 04/12 10:43
ppalee: 他不是說台灣跟韓國是專制 自己看清楚原文好嗎79F 04/12 10:44
ken1990710: 不了解就亂評論80F 04/12 10:44
gwenwoo:  武漢肺炎  中國特色之冠狀病毒81F 04/12 10:44
elainakuo: 傳染性疾病 是公共安全問題 是國家安全問題 如果不嚴謹處理就是醫護人員的災難82F 04/12 10:44
haverjohn: 人權雞巴,什麼時候了再跟我講人權84F 04/12 10:47
EggAcme: 過度講人權 就是拿人命當代價85F 04/12 10:48
rayven: 造謠86F 04/12 10:48
lpsobig: 管很多ㄟ87F 04/12 10:49
tyifgee: 他只是提醒這技術可能會被濫用而已88F 04/12 10:50
liudwan: 英文爛就算了還超譯89F 04/12 10:50
tcancer: 本來就是要對取得過度權力的臨時措施多加注意和防備90F 04/12 10:50
kougousei: 他的立場就是所有政府監控都要極度小心 我覺得很一致啊本來大家就要注意監督政府的監控權力91F 04/12 10:50
Motor: …93F 04/12 10:52
larailing: 電話監聽就是這樣阿 一個按鈕的時間而已94F 04/12 10:52
octopus4406: 這評論中肯啊 所以才要監督政府和完善法規95F 04/12 10:52
PPPGGG: 結論跳痛96F 04/12 10:52
cheng399: 出征辣97F 04/12 10:53
JackLee5566: 但是西班牙流感不是因為這樣取名的98F 04/12 10:54
loa123: 美國平時最愛監控人民 怎麼不講99F 04/12 10:55
ha99: 可以理解他的疑,主要是疫情平息後這些手段要停止吧100F 04/12 10:55
ppalee: .....樓上是不是不知道他是誰101F 04/12 10:56
teyang: 不然請他提出解決辦法啊102F 04/12 10:56
chengmei: 理解但這時候大家願意公權力稍擴張103F 04/12 10:59
PttTalkers: 加油好嗎104F 04/12 11:02
aleezible: 所以呢?從頭到尾都在幹話,你倒是提出一個可行的備案啊!沒有一定程度的監控,要怎麼組織居家隔離的人亂跑105F 04/12 11:05
kixer2005: 嘖嘖  瞧瞧  腦子都左壞了108F 04/12 11:05
seanidiot: 說的很好啊,這些監控本來就是犧牲個資換來的109F 04/12 11:08
berserkman: 請提出建議啊 不要光批評,他真的了解台灣的制度嗎110F 04/12 11:10
kougousei: 他就是蠻理想主義的 但言行很一致 沒必要太激動...111F 04/12 11:11
steven0503: 公發機 監控啥小 神經病112F 04/12 11:13
Katarn: 超譯113F 04/12 11:14
zucca: loa123 他就是講了所以才要逃亡啊114F 04/12 11:15
VENIVERSUM: 他不是理想主義,他是徹底的自由主義。115F 04/12 11:16
ccps9550217: 有理116F 04/12 11:16
Sayd20: 看到這咖就嘔117F 04/12 11:17
lokipower: 他不是本來就這樣嗎?他就是那種鼓吹電子設備都被監視不能用的人啊?118F 04/12 11:18
linbasohigh: 正常啊,光是馬英九那時候把台灣戶政系統交給中資問題就一堆了120F 04/12 11:22
mobila: 他講的沒錯 但沒有提出其他方案來取代122F 04/12 11:30
quatresac: 推 他講得沒錯123F 04/12 11:32
bkj123: 記者的提問就預設立場了,這只是問答體的作文124F 04/12 11:33
godnnn: 封城限制自由就沒聽你在該125F 04/12 11:35
coutji3184: 好啊 那就像日本一樣 崩崩126F 04/12 11:35
linching: 推127F 04/12 11:35
tom50512: 要懷疑政府可能會拿這些做什麼是沒錯的 但現在是非常時期 非常時期有非常做法 除非拿出一個更好的辦法 不然沒人想這麼做 如果拿另一個例子來講吧 臺灣監視器的密度也是全世界前幾高的 但與支那不同 支那是拿來監控人民 而我們的監視器是拿來調閱車禍現場或追捕犯人 若單純以監視器密度便下結論說臺灣政府侵犯人權 就會是黑人問號.jpg128F 04/12 11:36
paulbird: 他沒說台灣韓國是專制國家,別亂總結135F 04/12 11:37
roveralex: 這種程度的內容 真的不需要136F 04/12 11:38
henrysu1625: 專制國家不是記者提的嗎
而且他說得本來就有道理137F 04/12 11:42
