看板 Gossiping作者 ejrq5785 (ejrq5785)標題 [新聞] 《經濟學人》親中政客在台灣被羞辱時間 Fri Jun 12 09:58:12 2020
The Economist
The Economist
Han’s down
A China-friendly politician is humiliated in Taiwan
Events in Hong Kong have made voters wary of anything that smacks of closer
Jun 13th 2020
“Kaohsiung people are writing their own history” and “God bless Taiwan”
read the yellow bandannas worn by many in the crowd that had gathered in the
southern port city of Kaohsiung on June 6th, to wait for the results of a
vote to recall their China-friendly mayor, Han Kuo-yu (pictured). On hearing
that he would be sacked, they burst into loud applause.
Almost 1m residents, 97% of those who went to the polls, voted against the
mayor, the first recall of a senior politician in Taiwan’s history. Mr Han
was once the golden boy of the opposition Kuomintang (kmt), having wrested
control of Kaohsiung from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (dpp) in
2018 for the first time in a generation. Encouraged by his strong showing in
a dpp stronghold, the kmt chose him as its candidate to take on Tsai Ing-wen,
the incumbent, in January’s presidential poll. Many expected the folksy Mr
Han to defeat the dour Ms Tsai. Instead, the would-be toppler has himself
been toppled.
This reversal of fortune reflects a sea-change in Taiwanese politics over the
past two years. Mr Han became mayor by promising wealth through stronger
economic ties with China. That struck a chord with voters disillusioned with
Ms Tsai’s handling of the torpid economy. But as the presidential race got
under way last year, so did protests in Hong Kong in favour of greater
democracy and autonomy from China. Ms Tsai switched the focus of her campaign
from the economy to protecting Taiwan from the menace of China, which claims
Taiwan as part of its territory and threatens to retake it by force. She
portrayed Mr Han’s desire for closer ties with China as a threat to Taiwan’
s independence, and won hands down.
Mr Han did not help his cause by holding private meetings at the offices of
the Chinese government in Hong Kong and Macau. He also once described Taiwan
and China as partners in an arranged marriage that had fallen madly in love.
But pursuing less tetchy relations with China, the policy of the kmt for
decades, is becoming ever less marketable. Fan Shih-ping of National Taiwan
Normal University thinks China’s recent imposition on Hong Kong of a
national-security law that could be used to suppress dissent may help explain
the resounding slap Kaohsiung’s voters gave Mr Han. The kmt’s chairman,
Johnny Chiang, has been trying to tone down the party’s pro-China image.
When the results were announced, he reiterated that the kmt opposes
communism; its members had always put Taiwan first, he said.
Several more mundane factors contributed to Mr Han’s downfall. Many
Kaohsiung residents disapproved of him for breaking a promise not to run for
president and were infuriated when he took a leave of absence to focus on his
campaign after only ten months as mayor. The impression that he was
neglecting his day job was reinforced in November when he missed the city
council’s review of the municipal budget, prompting fisticuffs in the
council chamber. Mr Han also failed to lure a Disney theme park to the city—
one of his more ambitious campaign pledges.
There will now be a fresh election for mayor. Mr Han is not eligible to
compete, and the kmt has not yet selected a candidate to run in his stead.
But whenever it does, its choice is certain to sound much warier of China. ■
This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the
headline "Han’s down"
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→ realtw: 經濟學人?哈 原來加上這四個字 連人名都沒有的就變權威了我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎
知道啊 經濟學人是英國一個小報啊 就是故意留梗啊 1/16 14:42本來就是酸這個野雞雜誌有沒有權威性 你還較真上了XD 1/16 14:4311/16 14:19
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→ umin928: 不緊張的關係 哈哈哈5F 06/12 10:00
→ akuser: 恭請最不親中DPP撤回ECFA7F 06/12 10:00
→ i689tw: 國民黨的黨主席Johnny江8F 06/12 10:00
→ akuser: 全文沒提到DPP傾全黨之力罷韓嗎?看到四君子就噁心10F 06/12 10:01
→ oxoxx: 羞辱不是剛好而已,這麼廢拿台去賣11F 06/12 10:03
推 tatata: 外媒也都只是拿這個結果來操作親中反中
根本原因 上任幾個月就烙跑選總統都不提12F 06/12 10:03
推 ishowhand: 野雞雜誌一定是被DPP操縱了 好可惡啊15F 06/12 10:05
推 ru04hj4: 親中不是主因 草包才是16F 06/12 10:06
→ SinShih: 親中 落跑 無能 粗俗 就這幾個原因吧19F 06/12 10:07
推 nepenthes7: 傾全黨之力??? 我怎看不出來
自己爛不要牽拖一堆啦21F 06/12 10:08
推 EAFV: 經濟學人我記得PTT認證過 是沒什麼名氣的綠營側翼組織23F 06/12 10:09
推 steven92136: 第一次有這種文在剛發我就點進來看 推文真的推的很急推個經濟學人 全世界都在關注 我們台灣可以提高知覺25F 06/12 10:12
推 shiriri: tatata你一定沒看內文 哪裡沒提?27F 06/12 10:12
→ simplegood: 我怎麼感覺親中只是推力,背信唬爛嗆選民才是關鍵28F 06/12 10:13
推 mytoychiu: 背信嗆選民 把選民當白癡耍才是主因+133F 06/12 10:17
→ cloudwolf: 韓國瑜的問題很多 親中只是其中之一34F 06/12 10:17
噓 Dryad: 哪有
侮辱 明明就是他們自取其辱42F 06/12 10:22
推 libaga: 標題不就寫著羞辱44F 06/12 10:25
噓 jk952840: 6樓可憐阿 看不懂原文標題?47F 06/12 10:28
推 semind: 覺得這英文寫得很逗趣,寫得人在偷笑吧49F 06/12 10:32
→ a710689: 這是什麼野雞雜誌我們韓粉只信中天51F 06/12 10:38
推 piliwu: 外媒看法非常一致顯然不是特地國家能操控
川普連自己的媒體都操控不了52F 06/12 10:38
推 qq0526: 國民黨可以推吳斯懷 讓我看看高雄有多少內奸54F 06/12 10:41
噓 akuser: 韓導爛歸爛 但看到dpp和側翼的帶風向 網軍 嘴上說沒有 底下動作擺出 噁心 根本反民主56F 06/12 10:42
→ kinki999: 野雞雜誌都知道韓總親中了,只有韓粉不知道而已62F 06/12 10:49
推 BlackBass: 親中不是主因啦 高雄人一直被笑才是主因
幹你娘 走到哪被笑到哪65F 06/12 10:52
→ BlackBass: 你們高雄人都韓粉喔 操雞掰
你們高雄有市長嗎? 幹你娘
你們高雄發大財了沒 他媽的68F 06/12 10:52
推 kazenoryu: 沒仔細看中文還沒發現,香蕉哪來的啦XD75F 06/12 11:14
推 tai728: 野雞不意外77F 06/12 11:16
推 mlkj: po經濟學人不是要被水桶3個月?(過來人)78F 06/12 11:22
推 swbthj: 野雞雜誌閉嘴82F 06/12 11:33
推 estupid: 你看吧 人家寫97%同意罷免 韓粉再不投票嘛83F 06/12 11:34
推 gwenwoo: 民粹使然 草包擅長 水能載舟亦能覆舟84F 06/12 11:39
推 pillliq: 他沒寫到KMT ab 稿 中文沒反共 90萬VS3萬也沒寫85F 06/12 11:45
推 BoyoChen: In a generation 在英文中大約是指30年90F 06/12 12:06
推 aghgna: 薑泥江wwwww91F 06/12 12:09
推 tbjtb31019: bandanna第一眼也看成banana XDDDDD94F 06/12 12:16
推 lingsk: 不過我覺得親中是其一 真正原因是他沒做好吧?
不然其他藍的縣市長怎麼沒過至少二階段97F 06/12 12:23
→ JJJZZs: 我也是經濟學人 我權威嗎102F 06/12 12:44
→ JayceYen: 一看標題就知道簽名檔會是什麼了104F 06/12 12:56