※ 引述《fknm (啊嘶...夠了沒?)》之銘言: : https://www.ft.com/content/f22f1011-0630-462a-a21e-83bae4523da7 : Analysts say a key pattern through which Chinese disinformation in Taiwan : spreads is that fake news or skewed narratives generated by Chinese trolls or : content farms are passed on through Taiwanese private groups on the messaging : app Line or the online discussion board PTT . That is how they find their way : to mainstream Taiwanese media. : "Once a story gets magnified on TV, it seemingly gains legitimacy," said : Libby Lange, a former English speech writer and social media manager for : president Tsai Ing-wen who now studies influence operations at Yale. "The : current outbreak of disinformation in Taiwan is throwing in sharp relief the : problem that journalistic rigour is perhaps not what it could be in the : country. That could be very harmful in these times of heightened tension." : 中國假訊息在台灣傳播的關鍵模式: : 源自中國的假新聞或遭扭曲的消息 → 透過 Line 或是 PTT 傳播 → 進入台灣主流媒體