看板 Gossiping作者 av012345610 (傘下智久)標題 [問卦] 該如何向外國朋友介紹萬華這個地方時間 Tue May 18 17:48:55 2021
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Weus9pI (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1621331337.A.CD2.html
推 armay: Hatchery of whore5F 05/18 17:49
推 wolve: grandpa paradise9F 05/18 17:50
→ cidgkm: 被放生的地方11F 05/18 17:50
→ mw3: this is the place you wanna find some milf13F 05/18 17:51
→ cidgkm: 台灣的縮影16F 05/18 17:53
推 reynaud: Kung fu tea good to taste20F 05/18 17:55
推 Lance24: OLD & OLD UM UM AH AH21F 05/18 17:56
→ cdmlin: momo-tea24F 05/18 17:58
推 kevinpc: Grandpa shop25F 05/18 17:58
推 Gandalf: 很多人與人連結的地方26F 05/18 17:58
推 tjhuang: Grandpa's Paradise27F 05/18 17:59
→ soria: 紅燈區啊28F 05/18 17:59
推 ship1228: 少數跟台女做愛要付錢的地方30F 05/18 18:00
→ s505015: grandpa store 有梗32F 05/18 18:01
推 willieliu: many grandma you can fuck34F 05/18 18:02
→ ssj1988: Taiwan Pattaya35F 05/18 18:03
噓 D49361128: hight speed DNA transport district36F 05/18 18:05
→ kingaden: brothel 一個字就夠了38F 05/18 18:05
推 lllll12b56: this is wanhua, features virus, gang, and 8+939F 05/18 18:06
推 opaz: 哩拎跨麥欸辣吼41F 05/18 18:15
推 Okonkwo: small secret42F 05/18 18:18
推 motorolaz: Taiwan's styla connection43F 05/18 18:21
推 c902112: 可以%%%%%%%44F 05/18 18:22
→ gbtplayer: It's good to drink45F 05/18 18:24
推 ht5201: 台灣飛田新地47F 05/18 18:37
→ kbpoop: easy and cheap woman place48F 05/18 18:41
→ jump693: Sex industry49F 05/18 18:56
推 windmasa: the fucking place51F 05/18 18:59
→ kululualex: Hand job is very very good!54F 05/18 19:17