看板 Gossiping作者 hawick (刺蝟哲學)標題 [問卦] 看好了世界是不是要翻成英文時間 Mon May 17 17:23:56 2021
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WeZOkt9 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1621243438.A.DC9.html
※ 編輯: hawick ( 臺灣), 05/17/2021 17:24:22
→ slimak: Check it out2F 05/17 17:24
→ vowpool: Take look 渣挖魯多3F 05/17 17:24
→ laughing: I will show you4F 05/17 17:24
推 fim: Watch this,Mather Fucker!!5F 05/17 17:25
→ deep77092: Sehen Sie mich!Sehen Sie mich!7F 05/17 17:25
→ deep77092: Das Monstrum in meinem Selbst ist so groß geworden9F 05/17 17:25
→ wind1729: Look world ~ we're fine10F 05/17 17:25
→ fim: Watch this,Motherfucker!!11F 05/17 17:25
→ jma306: 一袋米要扛幾樓12F 05/17 17:25
推 uku: Taiwan can help13F 05/17 17:25
推 boris0610: 大喊Witness me ,然後自爆14F 05/17 17:26
推 waloloo: za warudo15F 05/17 17:26
推 lunawolke: welcome to see me masturb ating17F 05/17 17:27
推 NCUking: WHO needs help? Taiwan19F 05/17 17:30
→ hensel: 支語、西語、英語,搞清楚20F 05/17 17:31
推 nextpage: 『watch this ,cites is fallen』21F 05/17 17:31
推 pinhanpaul: LOOK THIS ! ZA WARUDO !!22F 05/17 17:32
→ YocoVodka: Taiwan need help!25F 05/17 17:34
推 sealdoom: Welcome to your doom26F 05/17 17:35
推 g0t24568: look out we are the joke28F 05/17 17:37
→ BcBc: help me!!29F 05/17 17:38
推 cat5672: hello world !! we are fuck30F 05/17 17:40
推 WhataEric: Is it good to drink?31F 05/17 17:42
→ pxndx: you see you32F 05/17 17:44
推 ilohoo: Watch and learn33F 05/17 17:46
推 jjelm: Taiwan can help第二集:Can you help Taiwan?34F 05/17 17:47
推 Museru: Look good leh world35F 05/17 17:47
→ Everforest: hello world! ya see this shithole?36F 05/17 17:48
推 MSEEDC: check ok release38F 05/17 17:49
推 cgser: Give me money41F 05/17 17:58
推 a76078547: four cups of rice in one bite42F 05/17 18:00
推 pigking75: Hold my beer, World43F 05/17 18:05
推 t2e0r4y6: Yo!Yo!Check it out~44F 05/17 18:06
推 shiauji: ZA WARUDO ! TAIWAN WTF45F 05/17 18:06
→ DouglasT: 也是無聊問卦 想一想再來問46F 05/17 18:19
→ ppm467: The world is hotly tipped that Taiwan will reverse the COVID-19 alert from level 3 to level 2.49F 05/17 19:00