看板 Gossiping作者 Carryyou (hope be carried)標題 [問卦] "停電"英文怎麼講!?時間 Tue May 18 17:10:40 2021
1.Power down
2.Power failure
3.Power low
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推 diigo: power outage13F 05/18 17:11
推 scarface: stop electricity18F 05/18 17:11
→ dream516: show me the money19F 05/18 17:11
噓 sjfrnbu: ting dian22F 05/18 17:11
→ xiemark: drain no current26F 05/18 17:12
推 y30048: 史丹抖拋瓦27F 05/18 17:12
推 VVizZ: ting dein28F 05/18 17:12
推 wjuiahb: DPP sucks30F 05/18 17:12
推 alloc: CD hahaha32F 05/18 17:12
推 MeeToo: 16 degree34F 05/18 17:12
→ Merkle: black out啦 菜逼八35F 05/18 17:12
推 stuxxv: stop store38F 05/18 17:12
推 MintSu: power cut41F 05/18 17:13
→ s410294 …
推 s410294: Trun off the light42F 05/18 17:13
推 a0913: no power +145F 05/18 17:13
→ pcshgod …
推 pcshgod: 1.5 doctor must down , go home now46F 05/18 17:13
推 madslake: 紅警2教我:low power49F 05/18 17:13
噓 basterds: girls dont like moneyless boy51F 05/18 17:13
推 Afro5566: stop electric53F 05/18 17:13
推 tw15: low power54F 05/18 17:13
推 aspeter: CD's special time57F 05/18 17:13
→ Ganer: where is the love58F 05/18 17:13
→ qscxz: 幹你娘咧59F 05/18 17:13
推 hfiehfkjw: black life matters61F 05/18 17:13
推 andyher: no tw value62F 05/18 17:14
推 rttlac: God 電63F 05/18 17:14
→ butten986: 人為疏失 contral error64F 05/18 17:14
推 wolver: fuck you65F 05/18 17:14
推 papple23g: wtf turn on the light71F 05/18 17:14
→ harryron9: 我直覺是power out耶 不過好像沒這用法73F 05/18 17:14
噓 brad001: power failure 認真 文章看到的76F 05/18 17:14
推 minoco: power interruption77F 05/18 17:15
推 Killercat: 其實是electricity blackout或者power outrage....81F 05/18 17:15
推 kcbill: blackout89F 05/18 17:15
→ yoyodiy …
推 yoyodiy: No air conditioning91F 05/18 17:16
推 davideason: CD不怕outrage 個人比較喜歡GOD DAMN IT94F 05/18 17:16
推 jimmy12332: show me your tw value95F 05/18 17:16
推 indoman: love power104F 05/18 17:17
噓 v40311: ting dian108F 05/18 17:17
推 timk7: power outage109F 05/18 17:18
推 dougho: parking electricity110F 05/18 17:18
推 saiya: 笑死112F 05/18 17:18
推 kinki999: 英文:我也不能接受....116F 05/18 17:18
→ zChika: Yi-chen Lin118F 05/18 17:18
推 hung31017: you have no power here, Gandolf the Gray121F 05/18 17:19
推 GRR: tanaka 凹抖123F 05/18 17:19
→ angelcc: bye good ban dong125F 05/18 17:19
→ DPP48: stop dian126F 05/18 17:19
→ parappa: Taipower127F 05/18 17:19
推 mynews: 有台鐵跟台電 真的讓人很安心128F 05/18 17:19
→ Araiman: taiwan will show you n times129F 05/18 17:19
推 stussy: fuck you dpp132F 05/18 17:20
推 applejuicy: Taiwan shows only one time!133F 05/18 17:20
推 Shin722: Low power吧,玩遊戲常聽到134F 05/18 17:20
→ simonneko: outage啦上面一堆亂寫 = =135F 05/18 17:20
推 solsol: 我很抱歉136F 05/18 17:20
推 mudee: shut down and支那仔柯韓粉 shut up!139F 05/18 17:22
→ mw3: people are wasting power143F 05/18 17:23
推 tupacshkur: balckout/power outage144F 05/18 17:23
→ tupacshkur: 輪流限電 rolling blackout147F 05/18 17:24
→ korsg: taiwan need help152F 05/18 17:24
→ sunluna: loveless153F 05/18 17:25
推 jfriendtw: englisht ate shit154F 05/18 17:25
推 ccmacker: Taiwan needs help156F 05/18 17:27
噓 smallsix: lack of Taiwan Value159F 05/18 17:28
→ leecliff: FUCK YOU DPP165F 05/18 17:30
推 huaaart: 笑死 power cut是雷切欸166F 05/18 17:30
→ kingtseng: Government shut down.167F 05/18 17:30
噓 r30385: no taiwan value, CCP friend +1170F 05/18 17:31
噓 Moderator: 跟黑人用英文講我家停電ㄌ 一定被打死176F 05/18 17:33
→ zaggoo: vegetable English177F 05/18 17:33
推 iqqi4200: stop electricity178F 05/18 17:34
→ hw1: blackout179F 05/18 17:34
推 yangkun: ggrunrunder180F 05/18 17:35
推 gymfantasy: 照DPP邏輯是 Power overuse183F 05/18 17:37
推 wp972160: stop electronic185F 05/18 17:38
推 nitero: you are from china189F 05/18 17:39
推 onetwo34: 我一直以為停電的英文縮寫是DPP190F 05/18 17:40
推 Asucks: power outage191F 05/18 17:41
推 josherion: 講冷笑話的最高境界: 沒有人知道你在講笑話193F 05/18 17:42
→ balow: DPP194F 05/18 17:45
→ mirac1e: DPP Sucks195F 05/18 17:46
推 ppon: Taiwan can help in two weeks.197F 05/18 17:47
→ Carryyou: 囧.......看起來大家太認真前三個選項198F 05/18 17:47
推 idesyo: 4阿,菜批吧,你英文是不是很菜199F 05/18 17:49
噓 pshuang: ting dean200F 05/18 17:50
→ porlat: stop play “CD”202F 05/18 17:51
推 fliash: fuck english203F 05/18 17:51
推 garcia: overuse aka my bad205F 05/18 17:52
推 trains: turn off206F 05/18 17:52
噓 kevabc1: Fuck off DPP You fucking cunt shit communist party208F 05/18 17:54
推 metcc80211: Where is my electricity bill?209F 05/18 17:55
推 dyrus: DPP213F 05/18 18:01
→ jump693: Power failure214F 05/18 18:02
推 acolam: 采硬文 輸真昌215F 05/18 18:05
推 guaiacol: We are sorry216F 05/18 18:05
推 yumika: blackout220F 05/18 18:14
噓 adiharu: lie tto you223F 05/18 18:14
推 aniki9mmd: nothing but somebody did something wrong224F 05/18 18:15
→ wsxe2007: do win
dpp win230F 05/18 18:19
推 SUANG0213: 常看到的是power failure 其他書上也看過blackout232F 05/18 18:20
推 IsadQQ56: 沒玩過紅色警戒喔 low power233F 05/18 18:20
→ eastsea1 …
→ eastsea1: https://i.imgur.com/8lq7TBR.jpg236F 05/18 18:25
推 aska521: I am sorrt239F 05/18 18:28
→ bbbing: Low Power(紅色警戒)240F 05/18 18:28
噓 ll1117: IKEA243F 05/18 18:32
推 piolet: energy down244F 05/18 18:33
→ FFmanOP: Power suspension246F 05/18 18:33
推 knight77: A goverment a day keeps the electrical power away252F 05/18 18:38
推 vlee: Power Excursion, power trip254F 05/18 18:40
推 SMG2016: 4444444444444444444444444444256F 05/18 18:47
推 andymoscoz: may yo lan chihuahua257F 05/18 18:48
噓 hinor: 紅明顯 power outage263F 05/18 18:51
→ yasmydio: go go power ranger264F 05/18 18:54
推 lgw2001: low power, 沒玩過紅色警戒?265F 05/18 18:55
推 TMD5566: Stop Electricity266F 05/18 18:55
推 xyxx: Blackout267F 05/18 18:56
推 orjuice: Out of juice268F 05/18 18:56
推 seou: fxck dpp269F 05/18 18:56
推 kalde: 有梗270F 05/18 18:56
推 honor77: power shutoff271F 05/18 18:58
→ bizer: love energy !suprise272F 05/18 18:59
推 yauifu: tingdan273F 05/18 18:59
推 Workshy: four no agree281F 05/18 19:10
推 amyli765: Power outage283F 05/18 19:16
推 yluok: Blackout285F 05/18 19:18
推 echo815: outrage
outage....291F 05/18 19:30
推 ovoOu0: blackout294F 05/18 19:33
推 tn601374: dpp fuck off296F 05/18 19:38
→ drmactt: CD => EF302F 05/18 20:01
→ kkbear: blackout303F 05/18 20:05
推 o911229: country defend towel308F 05/18 20:24
推 f655990: Electric power shut down312F 05/18 20:50
推 kukuder: 停電的英文:蔡英文313F 05/18 21:01
→ kilhi: 200000000000 wind power314F 05/18 21:02
推 pcly: 英文:台灣不缺電315F 05/18 21:06
→ Wenerrix: electric failure
power outage320F 05/18 21:55
→ tweisun: cooldown 簡稱CD324F 05/18 22:23
推 JinJoo: heart break325F 05/18 22:30
→ Sam0453: power outage...330F 05/18 23:02
→ ojizz4u: 隱藏梗,但是大家太認真學英文 XD333F 05/18 23:59
推 umum29: power outage最常用 blackout次之334F 05/19 00:05
推 fifi82726: Electric outage, power cut337F 05/19 02:36
推 etiennechiu: power outage 或是 blackout338F 05/19 03:00
推 Beetch: black out339F 05/19 06:36
推 TripleC: power idle340F 05/19 06:44
→ Carryyou: Sorry!這梗鋪的有點太深了
4341F 05/19 09:25
台灣 05-18 17:30
I'm sorry