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作者 RX00 (煉獄史萊姆)
標題 [新聞] 台灣的團結在中國假消息的狂轟濫炸下出現
時間 Tue Jun 29 19:53:07 2021

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Taiwan's unity cracks under Chinese disinformation onslaught

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Only a month ago, Taiwan was feeling more at peace with itself than any other
democratic developed nation. On the back of a 16-month-long success in
keeping Covid-19 at bay, 68 per cent felt society was more united than before
the pandemic, a rating topped only by Singapore, according to research
published by the US pollster Pew last week.


That unity is cracking. Although there are no surveys that allow direct
comparisons with the Pew data, Taiwan’s first domestic coronavirus outbreak
has given rise to partisan strife, growing distrust of the government’s
handling of the pandemic and fears fed by rumour-mongering.


Most western democracies have had to deal with internal frictions during the
pandemic. In the US, some rebelled against lockdowns and in Germany, a vocal
movement against vaccination has developed. But it is a riskier path for
Taiwan — for China, which claims the country as part of its territory,
stands ready to seize on divisions.


Global Times, the nationalist tabloid owned by the Communist party’s
mouthpiece People’s Daily, famously wrote in 2016 that China would seek to “
Lebanonise Taiwan” to undermine stability.Beijing’s weapon of choice has
been disinformation. Experts have registered a sharp increase of Chinese
information operations targeting Taiwan since the beginning of the pandemic
last year, but following the recent start of increasing infections and
deaths, those attacks have started to sting.


“Negative stories or fake news about vaccines have dominated the
most-discussed topics we tracked over the past few weeks,” said Yu Chih-hao,
co-director of Information Operations Research Group (IORG), a
non-governmental group that tracks Chinese information manipulation aimed at
Taiwan. The group identified a role of Chinese state media and other Chinese
sources in either creating or spreading them (Beijing has usually labelled
disinformation accusations as themselves “lies and disinformation”).


Late last month the dominant narrative was that the US, Taiwan’s unofficial
protector, was “not selling Taipei a single vial of vaccine”. Earlier this
month, Beijing claimed that tens of thousands of Taiwanese people were
flocking to China to get vaccinated. Then Chinese media reported that Taipei
was planning to give jabs to its diplomatic allies although it did not have
enough to vaccinate its own population. Both claims have been denied by Taiwan
’s government.


Most recently, after Taiwan’s vaccination campaign picked up speed, Chinese
media spread stories of old people dying from the jab. Taiwan’s vaccination
rates have since levelled off as many elderly have grown fearful of


This has been amplified by Taiwanese media which have focused on elderly
people dying after getting the Covid jab, drawing a causal link the health
authorities say is unscientific.

Analysts say a key pattern through which Chinese disinformation in Taiwan
spreads is that fake news or skewed narratives generated by Chinese trolls or
content farms are passed on through Taiwanese private groups on the messaging
app Line or the online discussion board PTT. That is how they find their way
to mainstream Taiwanese media.


“Once a story gets magnified on TV, it seemingly gains legitimacy,” said
Libby Lange, a former English speech writer and social media manager for
president Tsai Ing-wen who now studies influence operations at Yale. “The
current outbreak of disinformation in Taiwan is throwing in sharp relief the
problem that journalistic rigour is perhaps not what it could be in the
country. That could be very harmful in these times of heightened tension.”

「一但新聞上了電視,似乎就有了正當性,」 現正在耶魯大學攻讀認知作戰(
Influence Operations )的蔡英文總統前英文演說撰稿人及社交平台經理林莉馨(
Libby Lange)如此表示。「目前台灣的假資訊氾濫已經揭露了一個嚴重的問題,那就是

Although the country has the second-freest press in Asia after South Korea,
according to Reporters without Borders, RSF describes Taiwan’s media
environment as polarised and “dominated by sensationalism and the pursuit of

儘管根據無國界記者( Reporters without Borders )的報告,在亞洲該國的新聞自由

Civil society groups are trying to improve media literacy. IORG is working on
a book Yu hopes can be used to educate middle and high school students how to
judge whether a piece of news is trustworthy. It can only be hoped that
Taiwan has the time to wait for its next generation to develop immunity
against Chinese disinformation trolls.


※ 40字心得、備註 ※
1. 我很單純,所有有關疫情的新聞都先Google一遍。

2. 大家如果不是像我一樣不太孝順的話,應該可以在家中長輩的Line群組裡面觀察到不少

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sole772pk37: @林瑋豐1F 06/29 19:55
PaulAllen2: 只要習包子還在台上台灣人就不可能對共產黨有好感啊2F 06/29 19:56
AllBlack: 八卦柯粉就是最大問題
建議全部抓去關3F 06/29 19:57
rogudan: 哇,有提到PTT耶。猜猜最多疫情負面新聞是哪個版面5F 06/29 20:01
bruce2248: 網軍會無視這篇6F 06/29 20:02
viabu: 原來是訪問蔡英文演講稿的撰寫人,又是外銷轉內銷,哈哈7F 06/29 20:03
linnx: PTT某師父板就反政府大檸檬啊8F 06/29 20:04
rexqwer: 不意外啊 看看那精美的八卦版9F 06/29 20:06
AntiCompete: 我根本就沒看過假消息,你他媽到底是誰在造謠阿
整天幻想要背大陸強姦,結果對岸根本懶得理你10F 06/29 20:08
散播日外相假訊息 刑事局送辦新竹副縣長陳見賢等人 | 社會 | 重點新聞 | 中央社 CNA
網傳「政府為推國產只和日本要少量疫苗」假訊息,刑事局追查源頭為譚姓男網友在巴哈姆特網站撰文發布,隨後又被新竹縣副縣長陳見賢轉傳,今天約談兩人到案說明後,依法送辦。 ...


調查局:中國網民散布台灣醫療崩潰假消息 攻擊對象包括台積電 | 社會 | 重點新聞 | 中央社 CNA
調查局今天表示,近期中國網民散布台灣醫療崩潰等假訊息,且與台灣科技重鎮竹科和台積電有關,並炒作民間自購疫苗議題,有進一步衍生社會動亂之虞,調查局已密切關注調查。 ...

rogudan: 管他是哪個撰稿人,金融時報是國際性的報紙,看的人數很12F 06/29 20:09
AntiCompete: 還有那個覺青最愛的事實查核根本廢物14F 06/29 20:09
MaRiaNi: 民進黨防疫破口跟中共認知作戰是可以同時成立的 但對於部分腦容量不足的人來說 答案好像只能選其中一個15F 06/29 20:10
R620SCANIA: 推呀 團結抗疫 小心五毛17F 06/29 20:10
centra: 八卦版的言論真的有跟社會大眾類似嗎18F 06/29 20:10
※ 編輯: RX00 ( 臺灣), 06/29/2021 20:13:25
centra: 光這點PTT就站不住腳了19F 06/29 20:11
floz: 說個笑話~~游知澔發言~~~20F 06/29 20:12
liu02112: 甚麼假消息? 5人案讚的那種推特嗎?21F 06/29 20:12
MaRiaNi: 民進黨養網軍 跟民眾黨養網軍也同時成立22F 06/29 20:13
breacal: 藍白言論與共產黨87像23F 06/29 20:13
sunrise2003: 智商要多低才會說這篇新聞是出口轉內銷啊24F 06/29 20:13
MaRiaNi: 事實是從馬娘娘被噓爆到蔡英文被推爆 然後民進黨網軍被掀開陸續撤出ptt  接手的柯網軍八卦亂象才是現在進行式25F 06/29 20:14
rexqwer: 金融時報 如果這樣還看不懂也沒辦法27F 06/29 20:15
floz: 這篇新聞的資訊來源有幾個不是民進黨相關人士或側翼?28F 06/29 20:16
cerenin: 八卦鏈球菌疫苗事件洗超大,結果是打新冠肺炎疫苗29F 06/29 20:21
rainkate: 樓上又來了,DPP這麼強能控制歐美主流媒體喔30F 06/29 20:21
MaRiaNi: 美國媒體在聲援台灣是事實 因為美國的民主思想與資本主義輸出改變獨裁中共失敗了 也可以說是美國對中共內部的認知作戰被中共網路長城封鎖住 而中共對台灣的認知作戰倒是暢行無阻 去中國賺了錢的商人回來可以大買媒體 還能領導愛國同心會 民主國家就是脆弱 民進黨關個中天都只能用換照不通過這種軟弱的作法 還能讓柯韓粉在底下叫囂抱不平31F 06/29 20:23
jerick: 瑋豐回來了嗎?37F 06/29 20:25
seazure2016: Ptt被直接點名欸 應該還要加上dcard38F 06/29 20:25
jerick: 民盡擋軟弱?樓上是不是有什麼誤解?
民盡擋真軟弱,那買疫苗的表決,就不會不過了吧?39F 06/29 20:26
amego2017: 呵 活該DPP愛玩養寇自重阿41F 06/29 20:27
shawncarter: 推一下42F 06/29 20:27
OverInfinity: 就算是失智列車,先發車就不怕沒人上車43F 06/29 20:28
saimeitetsu: PTT八卦=低卡=巴哈場外=M01=Yahoo44F 06/29 20:28
chunglee: 萊豬吃了軍武買了美國一劑疫苗都沒賣給台灣不就是柯CF講45F 06/29 20:28
mukuro: 台灣在這方面實在比其他國家要辛苦很多47F 06/29 20:30
a4302f: ptt一堆中共內應 拜託政府快抓那些內應坐牢 尤其八卦那些網軍 抓去關48F 06/29 20:31
pal42204: 白蟑螂已經快成為美國認證的共匪了ㄏㄏ50F 06/29 20:31
xanthippe: 外國看就是這樣啊51F 06/29 20:32
MaRiaNi: 民進黨就他媽的選舉至上黨 對選舉有利的 好的壞的他全都要啦 留著一堆垃圾不清等提款52F 06/29 20:33
