看板 joke作者 belleaya (台中李奧納多皮卡丘)標題 [kuso] 試由 F=ma 推論牛頓終生單身時間 Fri Nov 1 16:20:34 2013
【牛頓 Isaac Newton】
牛頓終其一生都是單身。試由他所提出物理第二定律 F=ma 推論其一生都是單身。
Fuck = masturbating alone
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 HornyDragon:That's the definition of masturbating, dude......If you're not doing it alone,
then you're not masturbating. WTF did I just say?!2F 11/01 16:23
→ HornyDragon:Oh btw, if you're able to clone yourself then fuckyour own clone, does this considered masturbate?!:OhGodWhy.jpg:6F 11/01 16:25
→ belleaya:如果鳴人用影分身+變身術 這樣算不算呀~~9F 11/01 16:26
推 qq1030:female=mama12F 11/01 16:28
推 uys:clone yourself then fuck your own clone=fuck yourself13F 11/01 16:28
→ HornyDragon:......go fuck yourself, if you know what I mean.14F 11/01 16:28
→ uys:very funny~haha15F 11/01 16:30
推 HornyDragon:===============以下開團報名複製人=================16F 11/01 16:32
→ tcpic:沒辦法 沒有的東西要怎麼複製18F 11/01 16:36
推 stonecoldii:是的 有Fuck your self的本子 性轉後...
果然專業24F 11/01 16:56
推 lustdaemon:when i say go screw yourself i dont...whatever27F 11/01 17:05
→ HornyDragon:well fuck you I'm a screwdriver.
I can screw whatever I want.28F 11/01 17:06
→ HornyDragon:幾夜大黑堂...前天才看到他的本子,劇情太虐了啊.....32F 11/01 17:11
推 Guerrieri:這篇推文到底在蔥三小XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD42F 11/01 18:15
推 qkenny:So...fuck yourself... you mean everyone turn into gay..43F 11/01 18:18
推 pljck:-..-44F 11/01 18:23
→ d200190:Go fuck urself...wait, don't actually do that bro...46F 11/01 18:38
推 jinkela1:if you start doing yoga, get all flexible, you bendover and start sucking your own dick, does that
constitute masturbation? or is that regular BJ?47F 11/01 18:38
推 d200190:Definitely NOT regular BJ...50F 11/01 18:43
推 fredkloi100:The cycle of life and death continues.54F 11/01 18:55
推 HornyDragon:樓上的推文XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD55F 11/01 19:15
推 bladesaurus:Oreder,Entrophy,a never ending cycle.57F 11/01 19:22
推 kosoj6:在這裡擺一個象徵自己含自己的圖片XDDDDDDDDDD59F 11/01 19:24
推 sd131420:JOKE版越來越病了.......................63F 11/01 20:19
→ HornyDragon:不,因為這篇文章是小愛的,所以還好而已。
(我這樣會不會被打......)64F 11/01 20:20
推 Refauth:.....................(無語ing)66F 11/01 20:35
推 Birdy:joke ≒ AC_In because HornyDragon & belleaya67F 11/01 20:45
推 jack710619:Sir HornyDragon saved this post, haha69F 11/01 21:18
推 udx12356:how do you turn this on70F 11/01 21:59
→ ltameion:Contradiction,masturbating alone is not Fuck.71F 11/01 22:32
推 woieyufan:May 2 guys masturbate together?72F 11/01 22:37