康納秀-首次女同性戀殭屍親吻 (中文) - YouTube
Disclaimer: The entire contents of of this copyright video, owned by Team CoCo have been translated into Chinese only for non-commercial and personal use, na...
康納秀-美國眾議院議員叫你去看猩球崛起2? (中文) - YouTube
Disclaimer: The entire contents of of this copyright video, owned by Team CoCo have been translated into Chinese only for non-commercial and personal use, na...
30-seconds 康納秀-唐納.川普搞笑火力全開 (中文) - YouTube
Disclaimer: The entire contents of of this copyright video, owned by Team CoCo have been translated into Chinese only for non-commercial and personal use, na...
康納秀-瑞吉沃茲的新歌〈I Once Knew a Horse〉靈魂鄉村音樂 (中文) - YouTube Disclaimer: The entire contents of of this copyright video, owned by Team CoCo have been translated into Chinese only for non-commercial and personal use, na...