看板 WorkinChina
作者 vogate (老張牛肉麵)
標題 [求才] Johnson & Johnson China [Shanghai]
時間 Mon Mar 17 16:44:52 2014

身為資深鄉民  對台灣人才還是很有信心
跟HR溝通後  決定讓台灣及香港的人也可以應聘
PS. local hire



Company:Johnson  & Johnson China  Ltd.
Department: IT
Job Title:ITLDP(IT Leadship Development Program)
Address: 3285 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai


Position Responsibilities

**Perform basic analysis, design, implementation and maintenance activities
in information technology under direct supervision.

**Assist in conducting feasibility studies as well as preparing reports and
recording progress; assists in the creation of solutions to digital
marketing, e‐commerce and information technology problems.

**Provide written and verbal communications such as status reports, progress
reports and documentation to Information Technology and business partners.

**Demonstrate an understanding of business partner needs and manage business
partner satisfaction relative to deliverables.

**Consistently demonstrate knowledge seeking and sharing behaviors in the
performance of daily work.

**Apply principles, concepts and practices of the information technology
Competency Model.

**Ensure that Johnson & Johnson and affiliated company’s assets are
appropriately identified and valued, and are protected by complying with and
enforcing all local and worldwide security policies.

**Ensure that security is considered and emphasized in all information
technology plans and actions.

**Candidate must be authorized to work permanently in China.
**Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better at time of interview and hire.
**A Bachelors or Masters degree attainted between June 2013 – June 2014.
**A maximum time of one year from completion of most recent degree to start
of Program.
**A maximum time of one full year of full‐time work experience (excluding
internships and co‐ops).
**Candidates with work experience or Intern/Co‐op experience in Information
Technology / e‐commerce / Digital Marketing or related field are preferred.
**Demonstrated leadership skills, business acumen and technical skills.
**Excellent skills in oral and written communication; analytics and problem
**Initiative, enthusiasm; willingness and ability to learn in a dynamic
**A passion for a career in information technology
**Working Level English Ability (listening, speaking, reading and writing)

Please send your CV to HR zshao1@its.jnj.com

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
klm:快推,免得被說看不懂..1F 03/17 16:47
ceab:嗯嗯,似乎不錯啊。2F 03/17 16:48
應該是中國強生的 IT management trainee...3F 03/17 16:50
SmithEE4598:推 這次不是幻想IT5F 03/17 17:01
shiwy:推原po給臺港畢業生機會 另外樓上你夠了沒?別的文章你都要亂一下 沒品到這種地步真的讓人嘆為觀止耶6F 03/17 17:27
lakers21:感覺給新鮮人歷練用的8F 03/17 17:34
SmithEE4598:戳到痛處? 幫QQ  對了 請叫我板上良心 謝謝A_A9F 03/17 17:50
只是SmithEE乳臭未乾的文字實在很礙眼就是。10F 03/17 18:10
aicecoolman:某S大概是現實生活沒人跟他說話,只好網上爭取存在感吧13F 03/17 19:58
QQ5566:IT..14F 03/17 20:41
j155221:絕對不要給某個海大電機的機會15F 03/17 21:21
pleased:沒有考慮台灣人兵役問題,去年畢業的男生不是當兵就是碩班16F 03/17 23:45
s0009s:推好心!17F 03/18 15:12
