看板 movie
作者 Teentop (Teentop)
標題 [討論] 一聽就會讓人熱血沸騰的電影配樂
時間 Sun Jul 24 17:06:12 2016

最近狂聽WONDER WOMAN Theme神力女超人出場配樂


顯得神力女超人氣勢非凡 很有存在感 配樂超加分

Is She With You? - Batman v Superman Soundtrack
OFFICIAL - Is She With You? - Batman v Superman Soundtrack - Hans Zimmer & Junkie XL - YouTube Batman v Superman Soundtrack first listen Music by: Hans Zimmer & Junkie XL Track: Is She With You? Get more info on the album release here:



聽到這首整個心情就up起來 很有大戰氣勢

請問還有哪些一聽就讓人熱血沸騰的電影配樂? 歡迎分享


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ms8706616: THE ROCK1F 07/24 17:09
jackeighteen: 環太平洋~近幾年聽到最熱血主題曲!另推決戰終點線的Lose but win, 那種慷慨激昂男人間的對戰情誼浮現2F 07/24 17:13
bsjimmy: pacific rim+14F 07/24 17:13
FK56: 聽到這個配樂我又想再看一次環太平洋了XD5F 07/24 17:14
kinny741224: 鋼鐵人6F 07/24 17:15
mssmall: 瘋狂麥斯的spikey cars,brothers in arms, storm is coming7F 07/24 17:17
doraemon0824: 神力女超人出場9F 07/24 17:17
awesen: Xmen第一戰的配樂也不錯10F 07/24 17:17
er4488: 當然是火影戰鬥曲XD11F 07/24 17:18
Xmen: First Class Super Theme Song - YouTube
I combined "First Class", "True Colours", and "Sublift" into one song. Check out my channel for other super theme songs.

cumsubin: Mission Impossible, The Avangers13F 07/24 17:21
thyself: 進擊的鼓手14F 07/24 17:21
chloeslover: first drive15F 07/24 17:24
Uaena: 星際效應啊  Hans zimmer16F 07/24 17:26
RachelMay: 布達佩斯17F 07/24 17:27
Game Of Thrones "Official" Show Open (HBO) - YouTube
Subscribe to Game of Thrones :  Watch every episode of Game of Thrones only on HBO GO:  Game of Thrones is an orig...

Scape: 守護者,曼哈頓博士在越南戰場的配樂 - 女武神的騎行
當初在電影院播到這幕雞皮疙瘩都起來了19F 07/24 17:31
tnit: 神鬼奇航的主旋律非常有魄力,期待第五集21F 07/24 17:32
pauljet: 小魯片子看不多 越戰放女武神飛行不是現代啟示錄的梗嗎?23F 07/24 17:35
mr680224: Gonna Fly Now  Rocky配樂24F 07/24 17:35
mathrew: 環太平洋25F 07/24 17:42
Scape: 現代啟示錄當然也是,但守護者是比較近期的呀
守護者我還在電影院看過,當然寫他。現代啟示錄上映時26F 07/24 17:42
daicloud: 鋼鐵人第一次飛行28F 07/24 17:43
Scape: 大概版上很多人都還沒出生吧XDDD29F 07/24 17:44
John Cena Theme Song New Titantron 2012 (Green Version) - YouTube John Cena Theme Song New Titantron 2012 (Green Version) Subscribe To My Channel!!! John Cena Theme Song New Titantron 2012 (Green Version) Subscribe To My Ch...

luvshiou: 大推Pacific Rim31F 07/24 17:45
qwepower: Star war 7 :原力覺醒32F 07/24 17:46
pauljet: 現代啟示錄我在賣場買99元藍光 劇情看不懂 但分鏡好像影響後面許多電影?33F 07/24 17:52
puc19: Eye of the tiger35F 07/24 17:53
sleepyrat: 臥虎藏龍night fight36F 07/24 17:54
puc19: 搭配洛基4的mv看保證熱血沸騰37F 07/24 17:55
smc2: 建議你聽   Two Step From Hell 的歌  很多都是這樣38F 07/24 17:55
onlyherro: 電影想到的只有環太,電影以外的 想到刀劍迷蹤
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZf8nIjuqQI39F 07/24 17:57
霹靂劍蹤 片頭曲 刀劍迷蹤 720p - YouTube
曲/編曲/演奏:阿輪 電吉他:李志中 魔海之深,如來誓盡,蘭若之韻,蓮華聖音 無慾之人,脫俗還真,百年之身,千年紅塵 恆河之途,晨鐘暮鼓,彼岸之路,悔不當初 恆河之途,形單影孤,彼岸之路,娑婆悲歌 劇集名稱 - 霹靂劍蹤 發行日期:2005-02 集數:30 一個尋找過去的人‧‧ 一個追求未來的人‧‧ 一個維繫著...

l5i9hbba: 環太平洋啊41F 07/24 17:58
tkrara: Drink up me hearties。Hans Zimmer神作曲家42F 07/24 17:59
qwe1487738: 推7樓 瘋狂麥斯43F 07/24 18:02
fight622: 星際大戰 帝國進行曲44F 07/24 18:04
dudu5566: 絕地任務的配樂45F 07/24 18:05
asked: 如果你只是想聽熱血拔劍曲的話 日本動畫很多很多選擇46F 07/24 18:08
nickhoult55: 星際效應 飛越奇蹟
熱血的話就是飛越奇蹟了47F 07/24 18:12
jordom148: 神鬼奇航也不錯49F 07/24 18:14
ggyy744: Rush50F 07/24 18:18
dcjamesw: 如來神掌.....51F 07/24 18:24
Trolling Saruman - YouTube
Saruman makes one final attempt to weasel his way out of Orthanc. Follow us on Twiitter: ‪ And Facebook: ‪

Spell16: 馴龍高手1的配樂都很棒53F 07/24 18:29
tora: 絕地任務+1,特地去買了原聲帶。54F 07/24 18:31
JOUCHUN: the rock!!!55F 07/24 18:33
tomlee1130: 冰與火之歌片頭XDDD56F 07/24 18:34
n61208: 怒火邊界57F 07/24 18:39
lovesoul1010: 玩命關頭5!!!58F 07/24 18:39
erasdfer: 絕地任務59F 07/24 18:41
diaze: 全面啟動60F 07/24 18:41
YamagiN: Rocky - Gonna fly now +161F 07/24 18:43
ap8034578: 決戰終點線62F 07/24 18:44
mimi1020b: 絕對是絕地任務 跟神鬼奇航63F 07/24 18:44
krosby: 本版 #1NJQCb_v  之前有討論過 下面推文一堆神曲
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj6Tmm90tOE64F 07/24 18:44
Kick Ass - Flying Home (Extended) - YouTube
Make sure to play in 480p. The original song was too short and I wasn't too happy with the extended versions that were available... so I made my own! Origina...

fenix910: 300壯士的To Victory這首超熱血!66F 07/24 18:46
a84585447: 哥吉拉67F 07/24 18:49
dribdas: 星際爭霸戰的Sabotage68F 07/24 18:53
lovelebron24: John~~~~~~~Cena~~~~~~69F 07/24 18:56
rutice: 環太平洋+170F 07/24 18:56
mars329: rocky71F 07/24 18:58
andrew0621: 推神鬼奇航 環太平洋 bvs72F 07/24 18:58
violet29129: https://youtu.be/pBcehv2Xh8o 死侍73F 07/24 18:59
Teamheadkick - Deadpool Rap (Movie Version) - YouTube
Teamheadkick - Deadpool Rap (Movie Version)

erikanofann: 決戰終點線(Rush)74F 07/24 19:00
ricklay1225: To glory75F 07/24 19:06
trp88259: 神力女超人!電吉他下去我就高潮了76F 07/24 19:06
ronray7799: 居然沒人推Like A Dog Chasing Cars77F 07/24 19:09
shengchiu303: 魔鬼終結者:創世契機的決戰曲
https://youtu.be/e4DCzfWrDIc78F 07/24 19:09
Terminator Genisys Soundtrack #19. Sacrifice OST BSO - YouTube Terminator Genisys Soundtrack Terminator Genisys. Terminator 5. 2015. 126 min. United States. Director: Alan Taylor. Screenwriter: Laeta Kalogridis, Patrick ...

Star Trek Into Darkness [Soundtrack] - 14 - Star Trek Main Theme - YouTube Star Trek Into Darkness [Soundtrack] Music By Michael Giacchino

Sallyoh: Star Trek 的主旋律 熱血!
環太平洋太多人推就不推了81F 07/24 19:11
dimand: Star Trek3的主題曲超讚83F 07/24 19:12
gin010275: 壁花男孩!高速公路上真的撼動人心84F 07/24 19:13
koala30135: 獅子王(?85F 07/24 19:17
evolover: 鋼鐵擂臺86F 07/24 19:17
xiaoyihsieh: 魔戒很多啊...87F 07/24 19:19
koala30135: 神鬼奇航、X戰警88F 07/24 19:19
tfhs: the rock!!89F 07/24 19:20
Rodstrupe: 大多數時候的Hans Zimmer90F 07/24 19:21
fox0731: 每次這類討論串永遠只知道漢斯季默,台灣觀眾對配樂界的認知就像一輩子只會聽五月天一樣狹隘。91F 07/24 19:27
eva2255848: 瘋狂麥斯!!!超熱血沸騰93F 07/24 19:29
verdandy: 前面就一堆推文推的不是漢斯季默了XD 想像其他人很狹隘?94F 07/24 19:34
dexliao: Gonna fly now 洛基主題曲95F 07/24 19:35
Zarmy: 白日夢大冒險
推錯…是白日夢冒險王96F 07/24 19:35
jacky21934: 神鬼戰士的主題曲,打日耳曼人那段98F 07/24 19:37
anjohn: Star Wars main theme99F 07/24 19:38
koala30135: 某樓別只噓別人狹隘,自己也要推薦一些讓大家開開眼界啊100F 07/24 19:42
catsmiles: 印第安納瓊斯102F 07/24 19:45
wtfconk: WW出場那個很像midi的前奏超嗨der,很像電玩決鬥演奏103F 07/24 19:49
icepak83: The Dark Knight Rise https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v104F 07/24 19:52
The Dark Knight Rises (Main Theme) - YouTube
The Dark Knight Rises (Main Theme) Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard MaksFearless Version for Main Theme movie.

mssmall: 突然想到冰與火之歌的winds of winter106F 07/24 19:55
franky1021: 某樓配樂文青107F 07/24 19:57
scorpions: Top Gun 啊108F 07/24 19:59
spildwj: 神力女超人109F 07/24 20:01
fashsboy: 魔獸崛起110F 07/24 20:06
isotropic: iron man https://youtu.be/I9PhfUsFvj0111F 07/24 20:12
Iron Man OST - Driving With The Top Down - YouTube
from Iron Man 2008 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: "Driving With The Top Down" Composed by Ramin Djawadi

pqowieur0000: 我推薦變形金剛第2集的,聯合公園的New  Divide。https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-v1lCU4NoU
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d-v1lCU4NoU112F 07/24 20:13
Transformers 2: Linkin Park - New Divide - YouTube
Video: Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Música: Linkin Park - New Divide Edición: DifteriaK Puedes ver Tambien: Transformers [Linkin Park - What I´ve Done]...

XDGEE: 環太平洋115F 07/24 20:14
diaze: 某樓又知道推漢斯季默的只知道漢斯季默XDD自以為只有自己懂一副很怕別人不曉得自己知道其他作曲家的樣子,好棒棒喔116F 07/24 20:15
BrokeBackM: Stsr118F 07/24 20:19
diaze: 幻想別人很狹隘來滿足自以為有品味的優越感嗎XD119F 07/24 20:19
BrokeBackM: Star Wars,Star Trek,回到未來,魔法公主,ET...120F 07/24 20:20
silhouettes: 想推柯南121F 07/24 20:21
gayday:  \\\\\\\\\\\\  遊戲王 熱き決闘者たち  /////////////122F 07/24 20:27
chick25: 狂推爆雨開車時聽環太平洋!123F 07/24 20:27
SeanBean: 神力女超人出場124F 07/24 20:39
tommycc: rush125F 07/24 20:41
SITC: 沒推大地英豪的嗎126F 07/24 20:42
Sallyoh: 某樓大概眼睛只看到Hans Zimmer127F 07/24 20:43
abow0704: 金牌特務(柯林大叔關門放狗…不!不是!是關門動手那段也推星際效應!!!128F 07/24 20:45
sate: 不可能的任務...主題曲絕對是重點130F 07/24 20:47
Gestapo1121: Xmen: First Class Super Theme Song131F 07/24 20:54
yahey123: 全面啟動 從每一層夢醒來的時候132F 07/24 20:56
maydayholic: HIGHWAY~TO~THE~DANGER ZONE133F 07/24 20:59
Necomimi: 絕地任務 經典中的經典134F 07/24 21:05
moru: 江西男135F 07/24 21:13
great007: ROCKY https://youtu.be/I33u_EHLI3w136F 07/24 21:17
'Rocky Balboa' - Theme Song (HD) - YouTube
Soundtrack of "Rocky Balboa"

toyakoyosu: Extreme way 神鬼認證配樂出來就超有精神137F 07/24 21:22
sergiorossi: 必推八惡人片頭黑白馬拉車配樂
Ennio得獎的神作138F 07/24 21:24
roxas: 美國隊長2 電梯那段140F 07/24 21:24
bluenicole: 霹靂嬌娃1和2,尤其是1,熱血刺激兼而有之XD141F 07/24 21:25
taylor951: 瘋狂麥斯142F 07/24 21:25
GEKKAKAJIN: 絕地任務143F 07/24 21:26
bluenicole: 最近的話紳士密令配樂超棒,尤其是夜裡開車追逐那段144F 07/24 21:26
abruby2522: 神鬼奇航145F 07/24 21:26
jdn325: 鋼鐵人出場的配樂146F 07/24 21:30
RachelMay: https://youtu.be/tE6_awNDFbY 文青是講我嗎XD 可是一147F 07/24 21:31
The Grand Budapest Hotel Original Soundtrack #03. Mr Moustafa OST BSO - YouTube The Grand Budapest Hotel Soundtrack Full OST The Grand Budapest Hotel. 2014. 99 min. United States Director: Wes Anderson. Screenwriter: Wes Anderson (Story:...

RachelMay: 聽音樂就覺得很有雪地逃亡的味道148F 07/24 21:31
jc0418: 神鬼奇航...一聽音樂就想起149F 07/24 21:35
lolala: 變形金剛第一集!150F 07/24 21:38
mark61117: 瘋狂麥斯 跟神力女超人 整個射惹151F 07/24 21:38
linbay5566: 魔戒152F 07/24 21:43
kissbye5566: 絕對是星際大戰跟陰屍路153F 07/24 21:43
Lord of the Rings - Lighting of the Beacons [HD Test] - YouTube Lord of the Rings - Return of the King Lighting of the Beacons 720p upscale

sulfu: 推一下Real steel - Charlie trains Atom 還有最後打贏宙斯那裡 當初在電影院看到差點也跟著站起來歡呼 喔對了 MoS超人的主題曲也滿愛的...155F 07/24 21:48
mc929: Star Terk,飢餓遊戲系列158F 07/24 22:06
Avengers-Iron Man Clip 復仇者聯盟 鋼鐵人出場片段 - YouTube
本片段取自於復仇者聯盟 This Clip Is From Avengers

matrixxxxxx: Angelica160F 07/24 22:07
HappyBilbo: 神鬼奇航 火影忍者161F 07/24 22:10
homerun24680: 環太平洋+1162F 07/24 22:11
masayori: 印第安納瓊斯163F 07/24 22:14
Now You See Me (HD) - Brian Tyler [OFFICIAL] - YouTube
Recording session video for the recording of the Now You See Me soundtrack "Now You See Me" "Spellbound" Download this song and album at:

afrazhao: 神鬼奇航主旋律!!165F 07/24 22:22
Naong: 勇者無敵!!The national配的恰到好處166F 07/24 22:24
maverick01: 一樓 行家167F 07/24 22:24
chao0201: 竟然沒人推侏羅紀公園168F 07/24 22:33
milkymi: 環太平洋 全面啟動169F 07/24 22:39
jack53022000: 賭神出場樂170F 07/24 22:39
Die hard 3 - marching home - sam phillips.wmv - YouTube
Scene from the movie Die hard 3 music : When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again actress : Sam Phillips Role : Katya

lalateam: 終極警探3 搶銀行那段的配樂172F 07/24 22:40
ERIC0508: WW出場時的吉他和鼓聲太讚了173F 07/24 22:40
uuss: 居然沒人推火戰車(還是知道這部的已經是老人了orz)174F 07/24 22:42
whitehow: 洛基175F 07/24 22:43
zamil: 怎麼沒有人推Crimson tide主題曲
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRhsJ_KQf6w176F 07/24 22:46
Crimson Tide Soundtrack - Main theme(Hans Zimmer) - YouTube
Crimson Tide Theme made by Hans Zimmer For more music visite www.youtube.com/JLXMusicFanss I dont own this music all credits to Hollywood Pictures and Hans Z...

rain0129: 花木蘭 男子漢178F 07/24 22:46
tootooccc: 剛看到標題也是想到原PO那兩首!哈179F 07/24 22:50
KONosic: 同推麥斯,超級燃180F 07/24 22:54
oneal259: John cena~~~~~181F 07/24 22:56
pemilin: 我喜歡瑪麗蓮曼森,殺客同萌改版的歌182F 07/24 22:57
jarenhsu: 竟然沒人推世界末日!183F 07/24 22:57
Sallyoh: 再推一次星際爭霸戰184F 07/24 23:03
bamm: 自己覺得史上最強的是kick ass的!真的超熱血
還有漂撇男子漢185F 07/24 23:08
bbsbox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMKYAqxiZBM  這很讚187F 07/24 23:10
"Rabbia E Tarantella" by Ennio Morricone, good or bad... - YouTube "Rabbia E Tarantella" by Ennio Morricone. This video is for entertainment purposes only as an artistic rendition of the credits. What do you feel about music...

charking: 少林足球188F 07/24 23:11
bearweb: 侏羅紀公園 神鬼奇航189F 07/24 23:14
The Last of the Mohicans - YouTube
This video may include content that is owned or licensed by CS Type: Audio content. Many stories were written about Native Americans, called also Indians,but...

vigho5012: 當然是 star wars!!!191F 07/24 23:38
hotkick203: Rush的Lost but won
https://youtu.be/5O9q0NB2HL0192F 07/24 23:43
Soundtrack Rush. Hans Zimmer. 23.- Lost but Won - YouTube
23.- Lost but Won Yo no tengo ningún derecho sobre la música. Todos los derechos pertenecen a sus respectivos propietarios. I don`t own any rights to the mus...

oo2751394: 大推環太平洋,現在偶爾還會開水管來聽194F 07/24 23:46
scuderia: 馴龍高手新車試乘 https://youtu.be/KW32gAHpv2E195F 07/24 23:47
How to Train Your Dragon - Test Drive MV (HD) - YouTube
One of the best scene from the movie. The 3D in this movie beats anything from Avatar by a long-shot. Also, the characters, the story, the music, this movie ...

CZH0830: 女超人出場真的帥196F 07/24 23:48
Wonderwalk: Lost but Won 跑步必聽
還有毀滅倒數28天 in the house in a heartbeat197F 07/24 23:50
fvbwyrmsc: 我推另類點 Ghost Ship插曲 Mudvayne唱的Not falling XD199F 07/25 00:16
wanderwolf: Top Gun 最後戰鬥機飛回航母的配樂
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIq5x8-QL-o201F 07/25 00:21
Steve Stevens - Top Gun Anthem - YouTube
Steve Stevens - Top Gun Anthem

wanderwolf: Steve Stevens 演奏的超爽電吉他203F 07/25 00:23
yuyuhunter: X-men204F 07/25 00:30
star951357: 東京熱205F 07/25 00:35
Black Sails OST - Theme from Black Sails - YouTube
Black Sails Soundtrack - "Theme from Black Sails" By Bear McCreary All New Soundtrack At:

wanlinlin: 白日夢冒險王 space oddity207F 07/25 00:51
jason0814uj: 賭神208F 07/25 01:03
yesyoudo: 絕地任務209F 07/25 01:03
PETRO: 赤色風暴 出航前的演說及配樂210F 07/25 01:10
iSad56: EVA-the best http://youtu.be/-ghR5emVBps211F 07/25 01:24
Evangelion 2.22 The Beast II Extended - YouTube
I do not own the rights to this song or video or picture. I figured since noone else did this song justice by making an extended version, I figured why not I...

Wanted OST - The little things - YouTube
Danny Elfman - The little things

ghostl40809: 刺客聯盟- the little things213F 07/25 01:26
slippera: 睹神出現時的主題曲。214F 07/25 01:36
positMIT: 熱血推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the final countdown!!!!!!!!215F 07/25 01:46
minoru04: PANZER VOR!!!    https://youtu.be/5Z4yeIVp9fI217F 07/25 01:52
劇場版・戦車道行進曲!パンツァーフォー! - YouTube

john118: 捍衛戰士!218F 07/25 01:59
erikaray: https://youtu.be/LZoE41ffZmE 全面攻佔2219F 07/25 02:40
London Has Fallen Soundtrack - 01 London Has Fallen - YouTube London Has Fallen Soundtrack - 01 London Has Fallen Music by Trevor Morris

erikaray: https://youtu.be/HgIE0uyBwN4 巴士657220F 07/25 02:44
erikaray: https://youtu.be/f2omHyq6Lrg 末代武士221F 07/25 02:45
Hans Zimmer - Red Warrior [HQ] - The Last Samurai Soundtrack - YouTube Music: A blessing from Allah A doorbell, footsteps, the honking of a car horn, paper crackles... We can tell where just about all the sounds we hear in our d...

erikaray: https://youtu.be/ubGmxdAJ6i8 惡靈古堡222F 07/25 02:47
Resident Evil Retribution Soundtrack - Flying Through The Air - YouTube Resident Evil Retribution Soundtrack - Flying Through The Air

cheerevelyn: Tron Legacy當中的Fall,Inception當中的Mombasa,神鬼奇航當中的He's A Pirate,Man Of Steel當中的Oil Rig,Interstellar當中的Docking…,對,我是Hans Zimmer迷。Marvel英雄電影系列也不錯。還有Star Trek…。很多啦!每天都要聽才有動力做事。
樓上有人推Two Steps From Hell,還有一個也是非電影的作這種振奮人心的音樂的:The Glitch Mob,不
過我比較推Drink The Sea跟We Can Make The World
也很熱血:A Siege Of Worlds,長達12分鐘,聽超爽https://youtu.be/AhWdW3tBwEA223F 07/25 07:24
Warlords Of Draenor Login Screen Music - Siege Of Worlds - YouTube The login screen music to Warlords of Draenor. The login screen picture used here is made by Marty Tranter:  Wo...

jackie955093: two step from hall: victory234F 07/25 08:15
befaithful: 居然沒人推賭神235F 07/25 09:12
albert970150: 環太平洋預告ninjatracks-passages236F 07/25 09:17
blue1725: Hans zimmer啊237F 07/25 09:25
alex01: 找epic music有滿多的238F 07/25 09:25
longkiss0618: rush239F 07/25 09:27
bogummy616: 推Like A Dog Chasing Cars240F 07/25 09:42
asd31415926: 看標題就想到環太平洋241F 07/25 09:45
Roshi: 一看到標題 神鬼奇航的旋律就出現了242F 07/25 09:53
Perslept12: 推Rocky的飛高高跟burning heart243F 07/25 10:26
heacoun: 當然是環太平洋244F 07/25 10:50
lovespre: 當然是the rock245F 07/25 11:55
dogmimi: The rock / Pirate of the caribbean246F 07/25 12:18
TSYTstep: requiem for the dream 預告片萬用神曲247F 07/25 13:21
hnrywang: 絕地任務248F 07/25 13:45
kairiyu: 魔鬼終結者的也超精典阿249F 07/25 13:56
tiffany8931: 神鬼奇航!250F 07/25 14:00
ariadne: 自己google Hans Zimmer  推文有一半配樂是他的作品 XDD251F 07/25 14:50
tunaya77: 柯南253F 07/25 18:50
aflan5420: 科南  沒有之一254F 07/25 20:40
sharon0821: 爆漫王255F 07/25 21:00
melrosejin: 環太平洋=冰與火之歌=魔獸作者都一樣
但個人喜歡大白鯊跟異形 八惡人奧斯卡得獎那部也不錯漢斯的話 比較愛功夫熊貓 至於最近 Black sails也不錯 推薦給朋友迴響很好
抱歉現在才看到要熱血沸騰 那只能推星際大戰了256F 07/25 23:33
killer1119: 超級戰艦 ac/cd-thunder261F 07/26 00:37
super988722: 魔戒系列都超讚262F 07/26 01:22
jennyshirely: 侏羅紀公園!263F 07/26 01:50
eknbz: Ecstasy Of Gold
後來覺得這首不算完全符合"熱血沸騰"  但個人滿喜歡 哈264F 07/26 01:55
alicekoki: 環太+1唯一一首放在KKBOX的電影配樂266F 07/26 08:42
mickey2567: 神鬼奇航最高267F 07/26 09:52
juny23love: Emiya UBW Extended268F 07/26 13:09
cattyy: 環太平洋269F 07/26 13:29
botno1: 一拳超人
https://youtu.be/Vx-kzs3KPfg270F 07/26 17:09
One Punch Man - Epic Soundtrack Main Theme Cover by JACKON-TC [Jackon-TC Arrangement Cover] - YouTube This is my COVER for the One Punch Man main theme, hope you like it ) -------------Arranged by: JACKON-TC Fan-Art by: firu - サイタマ | firu [pixiv]

Wreet: Xmen: first class272F 07/26 22:19
gto37513: 變形金剛273F 07/28 21:49
