看板 LoL
作者 y12544 (祈求放晴)
標題 [閒聊] 新英雄瑟菈紛(Seraphine)將會和K/DA合作
時間 Sat Sep  5 00:26:34 2020

Asked and answered. @seradotwav

Seraphine ⭐ 🌊
i know a lot of you have been guessing, but i can finally say that i'm collaborating with K/DA!!! i'll be working with them to help produce their album and (gasp!) feature on an upcoming track

this is seriously a dream come true and it's all possible thanks to you

Asked and answered.



是說新人直接站C位耶 好強悍no

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warmman5566: 香1F 09/05 00:28
hc880523: 香爆2F 09/05 00:29
yiwangneko: 私服好看多ㄌ3F 09/05 00:30
S890127: 原來凱莎那麼高喔
補充一下新英雄正式翻譯 瑟菈紛
台服官方FB有轉發4F 09/05 00:33

感謝補充 台版譯名跟我想的差不多

不過我以為會用芬 沒想到是這個紛

jerrykuo0518: 阿卡莉 新角 阿璃好正7F 09/05 00:37
ulpron963852: 好..好香8F 09/05 00:38
ShoTime17: 看來新角的K/DA Skin銷售量要衝進年度前五了9F 09/05 00:39
mod980: 凱莎好醜10F 09/05 00:40
live147222: 我覺得除了新角都醜11F 09/05 00:42
JRSmith: 等本本12F 09/05 00:43
your135: 好香喔這隻我一定玩爆13F 09/05 00:45
※ 編輯: y12544 ( 臺灣), 09/05/2020 00:47:47
gnoo25se: bea millerㄟ14F 09/05 00:59
gagabrit: 感覺卡莉要被nerf了,ban率越來越高15F 09/05 01:03
jo8087: 太...太香了16F 09/05 01:04
beef68: 凱莎完全看不出是凱莎17F 09/05 01:13
JRSmith: 凱莎怎麼那麼像變性人18F 09/05 01:14
ckniening: 那張圖包含了我的五個老婆19F 09/05 01:19
piyo0604: 凱莎看起來好模擬市民XDDD20F 09/05 01:23
rp20031219: 這不是c位 只是友好合照21F 09/05 01:25
ousen: eve沒那個醜眼鏡好香22F 09/05 01:59
macocu: 私服好很多,但還是不如一開始23F 09/05 02:04
oldmangoes: 奶大一點好嗎24F 09/05 02:06
ggian123: 凱莎是整形失敗嗎25F 09/05 02:11
frog0824: 凱莎九成九跑去整修26F 09/05 02:53
