看板 LoL作者 linaslan (嵐)標題 [情報] Dplus KIA 人員異動(Canna/Canyon/Deft/離隊)時間 Tue Nov 21 08:17:43 2023
Dplus KIA's contracts with Canna(Chang-dong Kim), Canyon(Gun-boo Kim), Deft (Hyeok-gyu Kim) have expired.
We respect the decisions of the players who have chosen FA, and we will always treasure the memories we made while we were a single unit powered by passion and high hopes. Dplus KIA will communicate continuously going forward so that we can create a better future together.
We would like to thank the fans for all of their passionate support over the year 2023,
and we will work tirelessly to bring you new, historic moments in the coming 2024.
Dplus KIA's contracts with Acorn(Cheon-ju Choi), GorillA(Beom-hyeon Kang), Jay(Jang-hee Lee) have expired.
We would like to express our gratitude to them for putting forth their utmost effort in every moment. We also appreciate their hard work and passion as they immerse themselves in their tasks. We wish them the best of luck in their future challenges.
北極熊 羊駝 和Canna 合約到期
(包括教練團GorillA Acorn Jay全部離隊)
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: linaslan 2023-11-21 08:17:43
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bM_SfAN (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1700525865.A.297.html
※ 編輯: linaslan ( 臺灣), 11/21/2023 08:18:33
推 hasroten: 所以秀咩是還有約嗎 還是已經續約了5F 11/21 08:20
推 cjukaku: Fubon Canyon12F 11/21 08:22
推 a516013: Deft剩一年了會去哪15F 11/21 08:24
※ 編輯: linaslan ( 臺灣), 11/21/2023 08:27:28
推 pongbao: 克林還在那DK除非補花生,不然CALL還是沒救20F 11/21 08:29
※ 編輯: linaslan ( 臺灣), 11/21/2023 08:35:23
推 s920223: TES canyon24F 11/21 08:35
推 jkduke: SMK沒北極熊 就是個三流中路26F 11/21 08:36
→ s27129804: DK圍著SMK重組 也有好長一段路要走...加油許秀27F 11/21 08:38
推 Siika: 要去地獄豬了29F 11/21 08:41
→ qaz80691: 笑死三處什麼水平還敢嫌中路喔 今年有沒有一點用啊33F 11/21 08:43
推 PeterHenson: 可惜oner先兩年了 不然canyon去T1也不錯37F 11/21 08:46
推 ubiqui: 昨天有熊乳摸說1 Lpl 2 LCK在談40F 11/21 08:48
推 xerior: 只能說DK是眼瞎才花大錢簽韓國Lwx 外加竟然讓這輔助從S12戳到現在45F 11/21 08:54
→ f40075566: Canna不養回t1吧 羊駝是要退了沒47F 11/21 08:57
推 kaiDX: Caller越換越差,很難有救48F 11/21 08:57
推 Retangle: DK今年真的亂組一通 還能出去根本奇蹟49F 11/21 08:59
→ Retangle: 一個不Call 打線不強 團戰腦殘的輔助可以打到現在51F 11/21 09:01
推 qaz80691: 原現在是自由人了誰在不行咱把他跪回來吧52F 11/21 09:03
→ uv5566: DK大概是要抬二隊JG太子吧 在CK殺瘋了54F 11/21 09:11
→ qaz80691: lucid聽說被看破手腳沒輔助指揮不行55F 11/21 09:14
→ uv5566: 北極熊消息是要找爭冠隊伍 目前有錢搶的HLE跟GG吧63F 11/21 09:26
推 pb1101: 留sup沒得玩 拉bible又只給觀光67F 11/21 09:38
推 xihuanna: 拜託換個輔助 胖尺道士都好
克林約是到今年沒錯68F 11/21 09:39
推 st2k8: 大皇DK…70F 11/21 09:53
推 iopjklbnm: 要不去個韓華吧 取代Clid那菜雞76F 11/21 10:16
噓 vanvanvan: canna這咖這麼多年了還是一樣沒用77F 11/21 10:17
→ kingianlin: Kanavi ruler回歸
不過克林不走沒救81F 11/21 11:04
推 dnptsl: 好喜歡SMK+Canyon中野組合QQ83F 11/21 11:05
推 deez1212: Canna這毒瘤可以退休嗎 害死T184F 11/21 11:14
推 qaz80691: bible也不怎麼樣 一級聯賽打好幾場一點水平都沒86F 11/21 11:19
推 jasonis08: DK不買回北極熊的話真的腦子破洞,誰來看都知道買回阿莓就好
中野明明就沒問題88F 11/21 11:28
推 e71099: 教練ZEKA回歸
ZEFA啦 打錯QQ91F 11/21 11:31
推 haatopig: Canna就那樣了 頂多成為第二個克汗99F 11/21 13:01
噓 a0561349: 超爛輔助不滾?沒救了DK102F 11/21 14:30
推 addyioox: 今年世界賽許秀很C了吧別再嘴沒熱情了至少比過譽羊駝有用多了103F 11/21 15:38