看板 movie
作者 jodawa (jodaway)
標題 [討論] 讓人感到氣勢磅礡的電影配樂
時間 Tue Oct 16 22:30:28 2018



1. The Ecstacy of Gold

The Ecstacy of Gold---Ennio Morricone - YouTube
One my my favorite soundtracks. Music by Ennio Morricone (1966) Video claimed under fair usage. NOTE: Some of the artwork (specifically at 0:30, 1:18 and 2:3...


2. 「讓子彈飛」 最後音樂 - Thesun also rise 《太陽照常升起》

久石讓 「讓子彈飛」 最後音樂 - The sun also rise 《太陽照常升起》完整版 - YouTube 看過姜文的《讓子彈飛》,大家一定對片中那激情豪邁、充滿力量感的主題曲印象頗深吧,不過相信很多朋友都不知道,這首曲子,卻是"一曲兩用",真正說來,它是姜文的另外一部影片《太陽照常升起》的插曲,因為這部電影相對《子彈》一片來說影響度不大,故很多朋友都沒有聽過,但隨著《讓子彈飛》的大紅大紫,這首曲子才真正為廣大影迷說熟...


各位大大還有推薦甚麼相似的電影或配樂嗎?  謝謝^^

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pauljet: 川井憲次 漢斯季墨1F 10/16 22:33
Pixar1995: test drive2F 10/16 22:38
j00118: 神鬼奇航3F 10/16 22:38
WANG122122: 黑暗騎士系列4F 10/16 22:40
anniekinki: 長城,電影劇情讓人吐槽連連但是配樂很好聽5F 10/16 22:45
wayshih: 2001太空漫遊。6F 10/16 22:47

是這個吧 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-QFj59PON4
2001 A Space Odyssey Opening in 1080 HD - YouTube
Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece. 2001 A Space Odyssey. I skipped the 'true' introduction, the monoloth [a black screen] with a chorus of women screaming a...


ekin0824: 絕地任務The rock7F 10/16 22:48
TomRiddle: 黑武士出場8F 10/16 22:50
meoww: 東邪西毒、新天堂樂園9F 10/16 22:54
guardian128: 氣勢磅礡的話首推  復仇者跟環太平洋10F 10/16 22:58
flyhattmann: 巴霍巴利王11F 10/16 22:59
TCbestSUP: 環太平洋12F 10/16 23:01
redkiss32: 環太平洋那首應該算是很經典的吧 基本上會用到交響樂的風格應該都是你喜歡的13F 10/16 23:08
Indiana Jones Theme Song [HD] - YouTube
The classic Indiana Jones theme song

risingtide: 神力女超人的主題曲覺得也有震撼到16F 10/16 23:10
Jurassic Park - Main Theme - YouTube
Excellent Quality! Please Comment And Subscribe! Jurassic Park was the twelfth project on which renowned composer John Williams worked with Steven Spielberg....

Magnificent Seven Theme - YouTube
Muzyka z 7 Wspaniałych Music of Magnificent Seven

corner0111: Requiem For A Dream-Lux Aeterna19F 10/16 23:12
lifepass: 澤野弘之20F 10/16 23:12
※ 編輯: jodawa (, 10/16/2018 23:15:11
charlie01: 請google Hans Zimmer這個名字21F 10/16 23:14
Gladiator Soundtrack- The Battle - YouTube
Gladiator Soundtrack- The Battle Hans Zimmer

The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-11-The Ring Goes South - YouTube This is the eleventh song in the Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack. It is called The Ring Goes South.

Gli Intoccabili Colonna Sonora - 06 Victorious - YouTube
La colonna sonora del film Gli Intoccabili del 1987. Composta da Ennio Morricone.


襪  感恩aw大!
※ 編輯: jodawa (, 10/16/2018 23:24:42
mazinnng: 環太平洋125F 10/16 23:26
The Patriot - Sound of Independence - YouTube
A Soundtrack-Mix of the Film The Patriot . 0:00 - 2:03 Preparing The Battle 2:04 - 2:34 Ann Recruits The Parishoners 2:35 - 2:52 Feined Retreat & Counter-Att...

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - The chase begins (1/10) (slightly edited) [4K] - YouTube This movie, man... I've never seen a movie with this amount of action. And whats even more amazing - most of that action is not CGI!! This film is the true d...

sammy851222: 這個滿磅礴的29F 10/16 23:31
Crimson Tide - Theme Song - YouTube
Crimson Tide - Theme Song This song is created by composer Hans Zimmer! It is a world-renowned composer who created not only this song, but is also famous by...

q10250826: MadMax 電影院看真的會雞皮疙瘩31F 10/16 23:36
jennysep: Circle of life算嗎?我很愛32F 10/16 23:37
yangyang3: 想到賽德克巴萊耶33F 10/16 23:39
tontontonni: 覺得原PO喜歡的是有旋律的,madmax那種覺得是噪音,我推薦光速戰記35F 10/16 23:48
tatata: 神鬼戰士37F 10/16 23:49
zakijudelo: 之前看超人特攻隊2,就坐到最後把演奏的片尾曲聽完,剛好是那三個超人的完整主題曲,也是滿氣勢磅礡的!39F 10/16 23:51
s66671122: 黑暗騎士 神鬼奇航42F 10/16 23:54
pixnetnet: 同樣超喜歡讓子彈飛那一首!!!!!43F 10/16 23:54
s12457845: 魔法公主開頭遠遊那段44F 10/16 23:55
yagamikako: 大地英豪/最後的莫希干
https://youtu.be/9tjdswqGGVg45F 10/16 23:57
The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) - YouTube
Composers: Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman Conductor: Daniel A. Carlin and Randy Edelman Manufacturer: Morgan Creek

jk1982: 魔戒攻城配樂很猛47F 10/17 00:00
wengho: 巴霍巴利王48F 10/17 00:02
WJNOMURA: 阿拉伯的勞倫斯49F 10/17 00:04
xxx60709: 新Star trek50F 10/17 00:04
Houei: 赤色風暴51F 10/17 00:05
Star Trek 2009 Original Theme 720p - YouTube
Title of the song: Enterprising Young Men, by Michael Giacchino.

magicscott: 黑暗騎士啊54F 10/17 00:07
curry4nia: 公主與狩獵者的Breath Of Life55F 10/17 00:07
twgov: 大地英豪
https://youtu.be/lMwg0aJIhy456F 10/17 00:08
The Last of the Mohicans - Soundtrack / Music video - YouTube ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED TO MORGAN CREEK PRODUCTIONS. I hope you'll like it. Comment and subscribe! :D Movie: The Last of the Mohicans (1992)

ex42r1: 魔戒啊!第一集遠征隊空拍鏡頭配的主題曲超磅礡的58F 10/17 00:08
writersky: 水世界59F 10/17 00:08
hateself: 洛基60F 10/17 00:15
wengho: 原po的連結都是經典啊61F 10/17 00:18
hank830320: 摔跤吧爸爸62F 10/17 00:18
MgmbhPigHead: Hans Zimmer啊 連雨人都氣勢十足63F 10/17 00:20
shabufish: 教會64F 10/17 00:24
wengho: 巴霍巴利王 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXQte65F 10/17 00:24
Saahore Baahubali Full Video Song | Baahubali 2 | Prabhas, Anushka Shetty, Rana, Tamannaah |Bahubali - YouTube T-Series Telugu presents Saahore Baahubali Video Song from New Telugu Movie Baahubali - The Conclusion (Bahubali 2 Video Song) starring Prabhas, Anushka Shet...

The Mission Main Theme (Morricone Conducts), ENNIO MORRICONE. - YouTube The Mission Main Theme (Morricone Conducts); ENNIO MORRICONE. Toshiba-EMI LIMITED.

MgmbhPigHead: Morricone在once upon a time in America的氣勢也很融入影像69F 10/17 00:31
nick2428: 復仇者3索爾降臨71F 10/17 00:32
MsSLKing: 星際大戰帝國進行曲、神鬼奇航跟侏儸紀公園主題曲,還有權力遊戲雖然不是電影但是好幾首都非常有氣勢!72F 10/17 00:34
Justapig: 獨角獸 特別是40秒處
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnaC0RgEPCw74F 10/17 00:35
MOONDAY79: 大地英豪,第一次聽到超震撼。
https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=y76F 10/17 00:41
https://youtu.be/ygNuRpwZqRU78F 10/17 00:41
The Last of the Mohicans - YouTube
This video may include content that is owned or licensed by CS Type: Audio content. Many stories were written about Native Americans, called also Indians,but...

Two Steps From Hell - Victory - YouTube
Composed by Thomas Bergersen. Follow Thomas on Facebook:  Follow Two Steps From Hell on Facebook:  Buy Battlecry: Amazon: ...

MOONDAY79: 第一次聽到是從這裡,那時候還不曉得是大地英豪的配
https://youtu.be/93wGaGFUnTs81F 10/17 00:45
This song makes me cry! The Last of the Mohicans THE BEST EVER! by Alexandro Querevalú - YouTube Another version of the theme from the movie "The last of the Mohicans" performed by Alexandro Querevalú composed by Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman for the fi...

chienyu2001: 雷神索爾2 主題曲84F 10/17 00:46
realmiddle: 克里夫歐文版 亞瑟王85F 10/17 00:46
Man of Steel Theme Song Original Motion Picture Soundtrack OST [1080p HD] Hans Zimmer Superman - YouTube Subscribe to my Main Channel:  For all Man of Steel Related Content What Are You Going to Do Wh...

hsupohsiang: Man of Steel Theme87F 10/17 00:51
yash: Star Trek beyond 進入約克鎮那段的配樂
https://youtu.be/eZTnSxW4pOI88F 10/17 00:55
Star Trek Beyond: Starbase Yorktown Introduction Sequence - YouTube USS Yorktown is one of the most unique and interesting space stations we've ever seen in a Star Trek film. And this amazing beauty shot is probably one of my...

yash: 進電影院配大螢幕及音響,超震撼~~ (大概40秒後90F 10/17 00:56
vKHip: 這首超威不J4了93F 10/17 00:57
yoyono719: 關鍵字epic,有很多94F 10/17 00:59
sayuri4ever: Two step from hell95F 10/17 01:01
ptckimo: 變形金剛 196F 10/17 01:02
greatdemon: anvil of crom97F 10/17 01:02
wilson85771: the revenant98F 10/17 01:15
kevabc1: Interstellar No time for caution99F 10/17 01:20
gugugaga18: 包青天100F 10/17 01:21
Ray34Allen: 28樓XDDD101F 10/17 01:26
Tim1018: 環太平洋 神鬼奇航102F 10/17 01:27
xueat: 瘋狂麥斯啦103F 10/17 01:34
az45666888: 絕對是神鬼奇航太熱血了104F 10/17 01:34
tipsyhero: 朋友bang不見
https://youtu.be/mVN-kdWxmfs105F 10/17 01:36
聖結石Saint【朋友BANG不見】Official MV - YouTube
這是在講述一個等朋友等到走火入魔的BANG態故事...全部BANG起來! 👉馬上訂閱聖結石囉!►► 👉更多《聖結石Saint 音樂作品》! ►► 雞腿「BANG」當、「BANG」形金剛,什麼都要BANG,也什麼都可以BANG! 聖...

rockcatqueen: 神鬼奇航、神力女超人!超級熱血沸騰!!!107F 10/17 01:36
AmazingKuo: 復聯108F 10/17 01:37
sam0711: 海賊王猛攻109F 10/17 01:38
goyt: 噩夢輓歌110F 10/17 01:40
joe44512: 神鬼奇航、魔戒111F 10/17 01:41
b00668880: 侏儸紀公園主題曲112F 10/17 01:41
aquaticplant: 粉紅豹113F 10/17 01:45
cieldor: 魔戒!!!114F 10/17 01:46
GBrAdF: final countdown115F 10/17 02:04
charmy01: 當然是納尼亞配上萬馬奔騰116F 10/17 02:11
b871110b: 環太平洋啊117F 10/17 02:18
reneei: I Had a Farm in Africa from Out of Africa
居然沒有人推這個118F 10/17 02:20
ventelp: 神鬼戰士120F 10/17 02:26
SeiyaFan: 食材get! https://youtu.be/oNwqVUyqqTY?t=79121F 10/17 02:27
Judge Dredd Main Theme - YouTube
Judge Dredd Main Theme Cut Ending Alan Silvestri

teaball: 看標題想到太陽依舊升起 神曲無誤
更正 太陽照常升起122F 10/17 02:33
tluorvtele24: 神鬼奇航超讚124F 10/17 02:39
s1021403: two steps from hell125F 10/17 02:43
maaying: 大推 The Mission ,樓上有人貼了126F 10/17 02:44
kenandrew: 推環太平洋 實在很有fu127F 10/17 02:48
webster1112: die hard 3128F 10/17 03:00
chadtracy: 愛國者遊戲 黑雨 末代武士 梅爾的英雄本色 杯麵三部
有一片低調但我大推的是Willow  ,James Horner早年的經典,但台灣有這片的應該少的可憐129F 10/17 03:23
Anthonypapa: 動畫獅子王主角最後登基的場景音樂壯闊滂湃到極點135F 10/17 03:35
lourdes: Hans Zimmer  Inception “Time“136F 10/17 03:51
bukie09: 雷神3 打浩克 開頭就R~~~~~R 那首137F 10/17 03:52
ttpss9301410: 那個啊 登登登登 登登登登 登登登登 登登 登登
神鬼奇航的主題曲系列138F 10/17 04:02
flac: 魔戒140F 10/17 04:04
roger60801: 星艦戰將系列141F 10/17 04:15
n61208: 神鬼奇航
小時候聽了很感動,月考第一名的獎品就是買獅子王CD142F 10/17 04:30
summer34796: 去找two step from hell 這個專門在配epic bgm的145F 10/17 04:51
cocoape: 摩斯拉146F 10/17 06:16
pain0: 女武神的飛行147F 10/17 06:47
jetc: 與狼共舞148F 10/17 06:52
LanceHaHa: 神力女超人 BGM很熱血沸騰149F 10/17 07:01
mizu147: 巴霍巴利150F 10/17 07:15
imjanicefu: 007 Adele skyfall151F 10/17 07:16
sses40416: two steps from hell 每一首根本都是戰歌一樣超強的 推victory, star sky, flight of the silverbird, strength of a thousand man152F 10/17 07:35
howhower: 等等等  登等  登等   等等等  登等登等155F 10/17 07:41
leca: 哥吉拉出場156F 10/17 07:45
Tomic5566: 復仇者聯盟157F 10/17 07:55
vibrant224: 哈利波特0-0158F 10/17 08:15
kkkkkkk602: 末日之戰 BOND~159F 10/17 08:20
TitanEric: 環太平洋160F 10/17 08:22
ipod7788: 黑暗騎士 最後ending 配上旁白 讓人雞皮疙瘩161F 10/17 08:26
Lysine: 大地英豪+1 我還去買原版CD  搭配好一點的音響,讚!162F 10/17 08:32
iam0718: 魔戒163F 10/17 08:34
kaogo: 環太平洋!164F 10/17 08:37
kamayer: 魔戒+1y165F 10/17 08:44
JANYUJEN: 終極警探3的壞人166F 10/17 08:46
Darkforge: 亂入推,koei三國誌V的OP也超棒的167F 10/17 08:46
jubihu: 權力的遊戲168F 10/17 08:48
Kyo824: 沒人推絕地任務?169F 10/17 08:53
devilsky: 樓上 7樓不就有了嗎...
三國5大推龍戰 我超愛啊170F 10/17 09:06
ppccfvy: 獨角獸登場172F 10/17 09:13
iy5602: 烙印勇士主題曲173F 10/17 09:26
Heeeeeee: 漢斯季默 鷺巢詩郎 澤野弘之 糟是不是透露了什麼174F 10/17 09:30
Canana9527: 神鬼奇航,每次聽到都超燃175F 10/17 09:44
hika0714: 魔戒和神鬼奇航176F 10/17 09:45
goodelodie: 全面啟動177F 10/17 09:55
mnb1234: 少林足球178F 10/17 09:56
CCJenkins: Ramin Djawadi - Nameless Order179F 10/17 10:03
potabaw: 絕地任務180F 10/17 10:04
ed123123: 你的名字181F 10/17 10:10
feimu: 神鬼奇航182F 10/17 10:15
vul3kuo: 納尼亞傳奇 here comes the king183F 10/17 10:36
odgbb: 絕對是環太平洋1184F 10/17 11:16
blue500: 我覺得神鬼奇航的不錯185F 10/17 11:16
yoshiki0502: 魔戒 尤其是剛鐸戰役那邊186F 10/17 11:25
aaron00: 環太平洋1187F 10/17 11:34
nepal3128: 出埃及記https://youtu.be/32YPozK5Y-0188F 10/17 11:36
"Exodus" by Henry Mancini - YouTube
I love this version of this epic song.

bigmagao: 絕對是大地英豪189F 10/17 11:48
BARBUS: gonna fly now190F 10/17 11:51
newtonapple: 大地英豪191F 10/17 11:54
bestmoe: 少林足球ㄚ192F 10/17 11:55
EmperorOslo: 300壯士國王歸來配樂啊!
https://youtu.be/VAZsf8mTfyk193F 10/17 12:00
300 OST - Returns a King (HD Stereo) - YouTube
04. Returns a King (HD Stereo) 300 Original OST

Deathstroke: 復仇者主題曲,復三雷神出現時氣勢滿點195F 10/17 12:02
leo094323: 瘋狂麥斯必須推!!!!196F 10/17 12:19
adds34we: John Powell應該也有很多作品是你想要的!197F 10/17 12:36
Requiem For A Dream Full Song HD - YouTube
Requiem For A Dream Full Song

lorena409: 納尼亞傳奇,進擊的巨人
澤野弘之199F 10/17 12:43
chunning1202: 侏羅紀系列201F 10/17 12:49
mondaiko: 澤野弘之202F 10/17 12:56
mechtec: 請搜尋Ennio Morricone、Hans Zimmer
Superman Theme https://youtu.be/78N2SP6JFaI203F 10/17 12:57
Superman Theme • John Williams - YouTube
From the 1978 Richard Donner film with Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, Valerie Perrine & Terrance Stamp. Music composed by Joh...

mechtec: StarTrek Theme https://youtu.be/vSMeYe-sLhs205F 10/17 13:03
Star Trek Theme - YouTube
Star Trek Theme - entitled "Life is a Dream" on the "Star Trek - The Astral Symphony" compilation album

mechtec: StarWars Theme https://youtu.be/_D0ZQPqeJkk206F 10/17 13:05
Star Wars Main Theme (Full) - YouTube
The opening theme in all of the Star Wars movies

ZirconC: 沒人提星艦戰將的克蘭達夫空降?
https://youtu.be/CIGHCoVzqtk207F 10/17 13:07
Klendathu Drop - Starship Troopers Soundtrack - YouTube
From the Starship Troopers Soundtrack, by Basil Poledouris *I do not claim ownership for the visual or audio material displayed in this video, here uploaded ...

ralfwoof: 獅子王209F 10/17 13:22
ger1871: 環太平洋 機器人系列都很燃210F 10/17 13:25
billy13537: 赤色風暴211F 10/17 13:34
yungo: 齊天大聖東遊記 最後悟空看破變身出場 感覺牛魔王gg212F 10/17 13:44
ttpu1104: brian tyler213F 10/17 14:08
RollDa: 絕地任務,神鬼奇航214F 10/17 14:27
ilovee0427: 教會215F 10/17 14:29
orson20: 梅伯之英雄本色
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foDgTn2CS-o216F 10/17 14:33
Braveheart song - YouTube
Pour toi mon amour

