看板 movie
作者 kidd5241 (chen)
標題 [討論] 分享你心目中最經典的台詞
時間 Sat Jan 12 04:02:11 2019






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beyond1120: 看到你過得不好 那我也就放心了1F 01/12 04:08
※ 編輯: kidd5241 (, 01/12/2019 04:11:11
beyond1120: 我第一次看到是《女朋友 男朋友》2F 01/12 04:11
kidd5241: 感謝3F 01/12 04:12
waxigu: 我是隨鄉民進來看熱鬧的4F 01/12 04:27
Evaav: 緣分這事,能不負對方就好,想要不負此生真的好難5F 01/12 04:54
brendantang: I will be back6F 01/12 05:09
lili1392020: 這是不能說的秘密7F 01/12 05:17
yl9140509: 勇士們8F 01/12 05:17
mod980: 還敢下來阿冰鳥9F 01/12 05:27
smallya0216: 我會開始尋找你,然後我會找到你,最後我會殺了你10F 01/12 05:31
JerryWalkerr: 以下開放各種賭神周星馳11F 01/12 05:47
bicedb: 天是棺材蓋12F 01/12 06:33
jm681010: 但是我拒絕 by岸邊13F 01/12 06:35
pser: I’m no stranger to misery14F 01/12 06:46
tontontonni: 以下刷一串讓子彈飛15F 01/12 06:47
eric890817: Wicked is good.16F 01/12 06:48
trombone303: She deserves her revenge, and we deserve to die.17F 01/12 06:51
fuhoren: a child is listening18F 01/12 07:01
h27531165: 邱若男 我要19F 01/12 07:02
zapzone: If you are good at something, never do it for free20F 01/12 07:04
supahotfire: 鄭希彥你很色欸!22F 01/12 07:06
hugofigaro: 能力越強 責任越大....23F 01/12 07:09
tontontonni: 我在大都等你24F 01/12 07:11
canvas0403: 你為什麼想當警察 為了吃飯25F 01/12 07:14
CVIVIC: 凡你放下的,都是未曾拾起的.26F 01/12 07:16
bony850910: 你快樂嗎?27F 01/12 07:20
kidding0702: 吃著火鍋唱著歌28F 01/12 07:21
PCSH120: You met I at a very strange time in my life29F 01/12 07:22
lead0722: 對不住 我系差人30F 01/12 07:25
s904o25: I love you so much. But I don't like you anymore.31F 01/12 07:29
playjoy: 各位觀眾!  五支菸!33F 01/12 07:30
trokymmr: 我去證明上帝是存在的 這句也蠻霸氣的34F 01/12 07:33
clemsontiger: It's me, Dio!35F 01/12 07:42
mmccastle: 我想做好人 無間道36F 01/12 07:44
righthandcat: which would be worse: to live as a monster, to die as a good man?
--隔離島37F 01/12 07:44
ParkChanWook: 三年之後又三年41F 01/12 07:50
kuooo5566: 邱若男 我要幹死妳42F 01/12 07:52
lalauya: 欸欸欸別誤會 我不是針對你阿 我是說在座的各位43F 01/12 07:57
SuHoNdA: 我跟巴拿馬總統也有點交情44F 01/12 07:59
db01971: 曾經有一段真摯的愛情擺在我眼前,我沒有去珍惜....45F 01/12 08:02
flac: 人生就像巧克力一樣,你永遠不知道下一粒是什麼味道46F 01/12 08:03
robbie2434: 妳知我長短 我知妳深淺47F 01/12 08:04
ddwx: 五分鍾 燙火鍋48F 01/12 08:05
flac: "There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job49F 01/12 08:05
lenrin: 為了生活我可以忍 但侮辱中國武術就不行51F 01/12 08:11
rsktdn5227: It's not who you are underneath, it's what youdo that defines you.52F 01/12 08:19
pppli: 聽話 讓我看看! 杰哥不要啊54F 01/12 08:25
Vassili242: 凱吉的惡靈線索:Not the BEE!55F 01/12 08:29
tedann: 我不是來當英雄的,我是來揍你的!56F 01/12 08:33
protect6090: 人,一定要靠自己57F 01/12 08:36
Anthonypapa: 你可真是不瘋魔不成活58F 01/12 08:38
kueicjl: If you have wings ,why not fly?59F 01/12 08:40
doritos88: 我這一生如履薄冰 你說 我能走到對岸嗎
念念不忘必有回響60F 01/12 08:45
katana89: Keep the change you filthy animal62F 01/12 08:50
protect6090: No!~no,no,no,no,no,no,no63F 01/12 08:57
porscheruf: If you are good at something, never do it for
free. 出社會這麼久,這句真的奉為圭臬64F 01/12 08:59
b00668880: 我是你老爸66F 01/12 09:01
kevin9964: 你吃火鍋底料67F 01/12 09:11
cgmagic7: He kills three man in a bar, with a fucking pencil.68F 01/12 09:12
Turnelife: 吃著火鍋,唱著歌,接著就被劫了!70F 01/12 09:13
qaz9876544: 你也有兩億啊!我哪有?精蟲啊!71F 01/12 09:17
fdterrific: 我是說在座的各位 都是垃圾72F 01/12 09:18
adc9066: 你有聽過噹噹噹噹嗎?73F 01/12 09:19
AnimalKing: M T F!74F 01/12 09:25
lkrichard: 我來不是跟你講道理的 我他媽吃定你75F 01/12 09:26
asghdf123: 殺人誅心76F 01/12 09:27
pppli: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn77F 01/12 09:30
tiger28: 居然沒有大話西遊的「一萬年」...78F 01/12 09:35
wjwj45621: Say hello to my little friend!79F 01/12 09:36
pineapple824: 小姐我知道錯了,你不要死80F 01/12 09:39
JingYun: 「他一直跟我說,全世界只有我肯為他吃苦,但其實,我們都在自討苦吃。」81F 01/12 09:39
miss80423: 在座的各位都是垃圾83F 01/12 09:44
j86014: Get busy living, or get busy dying84F 01/12 09:45
Rusty99: "You complete me!"  by joker85F 01/12 09:46
BlGP: are you talking to me?86F 01/12 09:46
solomon999: 今罵某ㄤ87F 01/12 09:47
joseph1972tw: You can't handle the truth88F 01/12 09:47
winnie30891: “I see you” 超經典89F 01/12 09:47
Xunion: You shall not pass!!90F 01/12 09:47
Davidgood: 斷背山:I wish I knew how to quit you91F 01/12 09:48
fhscyt: 槍在手,跟我走!!!92F 01/12 09:49
Davidgood: 鐵達尼號:You jump, I jump93F 01/12 09:49
whileone: "Ok."94F 01/12 09:50
peheart: Why so serious95F 01/12 09:50
pilimau: 我的豬肝呢?---破壞之王96F 01/12 09:52
greenybaby: I wish I knew how to quit you +1
It’s beyond my control! (危險關係)97F 01/12 09:56
psychic5566: 沒有你 對我很重要99F 01/12 09:58
imVAL: You met me at a very strange time in my life.100F 01/12 09:58
brian21201: 我一眼看穿你們是低能兒101F 01/12 09:59
ChienFong: 我讓你翻譯給我聽,什麼叫驚喜102F 01/12 10:01
fatetwister: tell me the difference between stupid & illegal,and I'll have my wife brother arrest.
what's done is done? when we say it's done103F 01/12 10:01
chcy: 人世間所有的相遇都是久別重逢106F 01/12 10:04
jojolia69: 讓子彈飛一會兒107F 01/12 10:05
qazwsx199786: 我全都要108F 01/12 10:05
lichiayang: 你在喔噢喔噢 我一拳打死你109F 01/12 10:06
fatetwister: madness, like gravity, all need to take just a little push.110F 01/12 10:07
skitshady: Choose life112F 01/12 10:08
soga0309: Right now we are alive and in this moment I swear we are infinite.113F 01/12 10:08
NuPlay: You jump I jump115F 01/12 10:08
oilbody5566: 我親眼看到他上妓院116F 01/12 10:09
lrhbjo4: 練其道  動其圓  舞其情  知其妙  悟其禪117F 01/12 10:10
bill6613: You iump,I jump118F 01/12 10:10
aawilly: hail Hydra !!119F 01/12 10:12
gatimercy: There is no spoon120F 01/12 10:16
JoeMaddon: 操你媽的台北121F 01/12 10:17
lwamp: 54088122F 01/12 10:17
blueneverdie: 噁心!!123F 01/12 10:20
forest204c: 滿車的梅花啦124F 01/12 10:23
headlose: 打我啊笨蛋 這種要求我這輩子都沒聽過125F 01/12 10:25
jojllman: Ideas are bulletproof126F 01/12 10:25
LordOfCS: I see ghost127F 01/12 10:28
mglynite: 兵不厭詐 這是戰爭128F 01/12 10:30
kb1023: 因為我買到兩台129F 01/12 10:30
jesuskobe: why so serious?130F 01/12 10:32
pohj: I can do this all day.131F 01/12 10:33
KingKingCold: 義大利 維大力? Is it good to drink?132F 01/12 10:35
GodEyes: 這不行的~  我有老公了133F 01/12 10:36
ability8211: 人 一定要靠自己134F 01/12 10:36
DM1984: 那句真的很經典XD135F 01/12 10:36
andbu558: I am your father136F 01/12 10:40
cynric717: 沒有你,對我很重要137F 01/12 10:40
potcat1111: 錦上添花無人記,雪中送炭情誼深138F 01/12 10:40
mikamos: I am your father139F 01/12 10:41
jeremyZH: 我為秋香140F 01/12 10:41
littlejackbr: 絕對是鋼鐵人1的 I am iron man141F 01/12 10:42
PBlumer: 那句台詞 不是普丁說的嗎 送恐怖分子去見上帝142F 01/12 10:43
nostar: I can do this all day143F 01/12 10:50
hellobobobo: 我不是針對你 我是說在座的各位 都是垃圾144F 01/12 10:50
dalin59: 不如我們由頭來過?、沒完呢,留下來的記憶還沒完、人生就是一直痛苦一直痛苦145F 01/12 10:51
honwei: Good luck147F 01/12 10:53
ls61412: 舒不舒服148F 01/12 10:53
tinghong0515: 你給翻譯翻譯 什麼是驚喜149F 01/12 10:54
yayappp: I can do this all day150F 01/12 10:56
nastyyuka: 我就跟這個世界一樣,是不會為你而改變的—牯嶺街
少年殺人事件151F 01/12 10:56
HSUS: 整車的梅花啦153F 01/12 10:59
stuartar: Alrighty then!154F 01/12 11:01
colddrink: 沒有希望 等於絕望155F 01/12 11:02
Beantownfan: 瑪莎156F 01/12 11:02
quenivan: Why so serious ?157F 01/12 11:07
DarkHolbach: Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things,158F 01/12 11:08
trenteric: 最經典不就I’ll be back嗎159F 01/12 11:08
iceonme: 為什麼~王八蛋~160F 01/12 11:08
DarkHolbach: and no good thing ever dies
這是刺激1995的名言161F 01/12 11:09
likefeel: 你生活在光亮裡,你就覺得全世界是光亮的。163F 01/12 11:09
evilaffair: 牠來了!164F 01/12 11:09
DarkHolbach: You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity.All it takes is a little push!
黑暗騎士的名言165F 01/12 11:10
likefeel: 一輩子太短,一件事情也可能做不完。168F 01/12 11:12
supereva: 殺人放火金腰帶 修橋鋪路無屍骸169F 01/12 11:15
brella: 升官發財170F 01/12 11:17
m3388: 對不起 我是警察171F 01/12 11:18
t8754035: 我在大都等你.....172F 01/12 11:26
leslie11125: 人,得自個兒成全自個兒173F 01/12 11:27
agalloch: you had me  at hello174F 01/12 11:27
dacun10045: 我要一次打十個175F 01/12 11:28
et803: 貨出去 人進來176F 01/12 11:30
simonohmygod: 當然是motherfucker177F 01/12 11:32
pauldj: 是我。如果有多一張船票. . . 你會不會跟我一起走178F 01/12 11:46
ParkChanWook: Not the BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE179F 01/12 11:48
YUIJIN: 想吃自己打!180F 01/12 11:50
frank13123: 翻譯翻譯181F 01/12 11:51
t780330: 我親眼看見他進妓院!!182F 01/12 11:54
alphanet: 我全都要!!183F 01/12 11:56
rapnose: You wanna play rough? Okay, say hello to my
little friend!184F 01/12 11:56
Chloro1214: oh man oh god oh man oh god oh man oh god186F 01/12 11:57
sevenface: 我是想站著把錢給掙了187F 01/12 11:57
lovelebron24: 我全都要188F 01/12 11:58
Saladin: Easy does not enter into grown-up life. 取自氣象189F 01/12 11:58
joyfound: 你說的台詞應該是出自火線救援吧?
我自己很愛V怪客裡面的一句, By the power of truth191F 01/12 11:58
Dope5566: 有了仁慈的心 就不再是妖 是人妖193F 01/12 12:00
joyfound: I, while living, have conquered the universe.194F 01/12 12:00
CowBeiNiLa: 給我翻譯翻譯,什麼是他媽的驚喜195F 01/12 12:05
jackylee2081: 驚喜就是3天之後給你一百八十萬兩出城剿匪 接上他的腿!!196F 01/12 12:10
principle: E V E R Y O N E198F 01/12 12:11
LP38CM: Vanity, definitely my favorite sin.199F 01/12 12:13
idgoblin: I am Groot200F 01/12 12:25
godtone123: I can do this all day.201F 01/12 12:27
wsxwsx0426: 敢毀我少林 我一定超渡你!202F 01/12 12:29
jenqhau: 我們政府很有錢的203F 01/12 12:38
pobby2266: 瑞斯一打三 AAAAAAA204F 01/12 12:38
scott112: 我不是針對你 我是說在座的各位205F 01/12 12:39
jenqhau: 有時候面子是自己湊上來丟的.…回魂夜 整鬼專家206F 01/12 12:42
PttGod: op207F 01/12 12:42
opple: 每過60秒,就過了一分鍾208F 01/12 12:43
linahou: I am going home , Tom Hank 航站情緣209F 01/12 12:44
acfvacfv: I google you210F 01/12 12:45
kavingarnett: I will give him an offer he can't refuse211F 01/12 12:48
PttGod: 月經文212F 01/12 12:48
p23158958: 你知不知道什麼是噹噹噹噹噹噹213F 01/12 12:49
takura: 以西結書 25:17214F 01/12 12:49
xvited945: I’m Iron Man215F 01/12 12:54
notj4: 箱神~~~~~[~216F 01/12 12:56
ed123123: 你的名字217F 01/12 12:56
mudee: 方丈人很小心眼的218F 01/12 13:01
Nekomata: 我們一路奮戰,不是為了改變世界,而是為了不讓世界 改變我們。219F 01/12 13:04
ilikebj: 爭……個笨蛋221F 01/12 13:10
oopsimple: Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage.222F 01/12 13:21
vojeanyage: I can do this all day.224F 01/12 13:29
beyond1120: 能笑到最後的 才是贏家- 2017血觀音225F 01/12 13:31
laCRimoSa79: I was lying. He said it was agony. 當時整個毛骨悚然226F 01/12 13:32
glay2: 媽惹發蚵228F 01/12 13:34
gamera: “從不改變心意的人,改變不了任何事!”229F 01/12 13:35
randy061: 阿鬼 說中文啊
我不喜歡不能控制自己生命的(那種)感覺230F 01/12 13:37
gsw927: 小強…小強你怎麼了232F 01/12 13:41
TOKYOLin: 能力越大,責任越大233F 01/12 13:42
lyricslee: 我4你爸234F 01/12 13:52
shun01: わたし,わたくし,ぼく,おれ235F 01/12 13:54
offstage: 給你錢,趕快幹236F 01/12 13:56
ap4119: 有魔鬼的地方也會有上帝,惡靈電梯237F 01/12 13:57
preikestolen: Remember hope is a good thing. And no good thingever dies.238F 01/12 13:58
nightwu: 不能飛的豬,就只是頭普通的豬而已。 紅豬240F 01/12 14:00
frank1222: 造反啦241F 01/12 14:01
advr: The Rock-Welcome to the rock.242F 01/12 14:03
byterry: I am griot!243F 01/12 14:06
Rmoon: 25號是你生日呀,25仔244F 01/12 14:06
byterry: I am groot!245F 01/12 14:07
bluelou: 是洋蔥,我加了洋蔥。XDDDD246F 01/12 14:08
george0921: 我要替我媳婦報仇247F 01/12 14:10
gogen: https://youtu.be/1WEK73aN0N8248F 01/12 14:14
gogen: that they may take our lives ,but they'll never take our freedom249F 01/12 14:14
imhjgc: Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it.251F 01/12 14:14
NYsweety: you wanna play a game?請看陳漢典253F 01/12 14:15
coldla: You had me at hello.254F 01/12 14:15
yu717023: 小人本住在蘇州的城邊255F 01/12 14:21
TomRiddle: 才出來十幾天,就學人家裝港督256F 01/12 14:21
PttGod: 三天257F 01/12 14:23
Light0419: THIS ! IS ! SPARTA !258F 01/12 14:26
gracekaco: I don't want kill you259F 01/12 14:33
wxzgtwinnew: Not everything, not yet.260F 01/12 14:36
moonstream: 我猜到了故事的開頭,卻沒猜到故事的結局261F 01/12 14:38
left0813: 幹你娘,英雄出少年。262F 01/12 14:39
haehae311444: I wish I knew how to quit you.263F 01/12 14:39
Cuggilava: 痛多的哭,愛少的笑264F 01/12 14:41
AsPerfect: Femily first. Would you still love me tomorrowmorning?  命運好好玩
family265F 01/12 14:42
aensland: 我是你老爸268F 01/12 14:44
mclaren99: You complete me269F 01/12 14:54
joverKJ: 推254樓270F 01/12 15:07
jimmysts: 我是你老北!271F 01/12 15:07
kkk690713: 你好,我叫山雞,雞巴的雞272F 01/12 15:14
makeabet888: 是誰掉了兩片魚翅在這裡273F 01/12 15:19
kiuygtde: One day, that's a dangerous word. It's just a code for never. 騎士出任務
更正 第一句是Someday274F 01/12 15:20
a18905303: 沈家宜我喜歡你277F 01/12 15:23
iam0718: show me the money278F 01/12 15:28
zxcv12378942: 贋品是個好東西279F 01/12 15:31
afatpig: You shall not pass280F 01/12 15:33
jigsoso: 得獎的是~281F 01/12 15:42
PttGod: 以下開放各位心中的經典台詞分享!282F 01/12 15:46
radiographic: Call me by your name,and I will  call you by mine以你的名字呼喚我,我也將以我的名字呼喚你283F 01/12 15:47
barry630621: 推大家的感想285F 01/12 15:56
aspirev3: 報告隊長,他叫曾能思,外號真能吃286F 01/12 16:00
hebizhuabing: 是誰在比賽台上287F 01/12 16:03
WenD0732: Be a good man288F 01/12 16:05
lilyospring: Whoo Ah!289F 01/12 16:10
janeration: 「我照到一面鏡子,發現我裡外不是人。」
——《女朋友。男朋友》290F 01/12 16:18
hsushaochi: in this shit life,we must chuck something.
氣象人裡米高肯恩跟凱吉兄說的292F 01/12 16:21
janeration: Power is when we have every justification to kill, and we don't.
——《辛德勒的名單》294F 01/12 16:24
currylovekuo: i can do it all day297F 01/12 16:27
sosweethome: 你好不容易踏入我的澟域!!298F 01/12 16:32
LinOne: When given the choice between being right and299F 01/12 16:43
bushcorpese: 好 ?還沒好透!300F 01/12 16:45
LinOne: being kind, choose kind. 《Wonder》301F 01/12 16:46
wl01875692: Take it302F 01/12 17:07
hisatotea: 從影集看到 覺得好有道理
Hoping for the best,preparing for the worst.303F 01/12 17:09
speed44: 我是說在座的各位都是垃圾305F 01/12 17:11
FkUOAO: 我說在座的各位都是...306F 01/12 17:11
oscarwu3041: Call me by your name, and I'll call you by mine.307F 01/12 17:31
sunstrider: 死亡賦予生命意義 讓我們知道時間是有限的308F 01/12 17:36
wayshih: 真的月經文,而且推來推去都那幾句...309F 01/12 17:51
kbray: I‘m your father310F 01/12 17:56
windseeker: 復古耶311F 01/12 17:58
kankumara: Say my name312F 01/12 18:01
eric9845: 高義,你他媽雜碎313F 01/12 18:05
