看板 movie
作者 BryceChang (阿柴)
標題 [討論] 復4將是羅素兄弟近期最後一部漫威電影
時間 Fri Apr 26 22:55:49 2019

The Russo Brothers Confirm Endgame Is Their Last Marvel Outing
The Russo Brothers proved their ability to juggle massive casts with Captain America: Civil War, and their two Avengers movies have been universally a ...



“It’s our Endgame, at least for now,” Anthony Russo said.


“We don’t have any plans for now to make any more Marvel movies. It
certainly may come up in the future at some point. We have a wonderful
working relationship with [Marvel Studios] and a great passion for what they’
re doing.”


“I think that you know, we’re going to take a little bit of a break,” Joe

had said.


“We love Marvel. I mean, we’re very close with Kevin [Feige] and Lou
[DeEsposito] and Victoria [Alonso] and Trin [Tranh], who’s produced the last
two movies with us and eight more. I mean, it’s really like family for us
there. But, you know, we’ve done four movies in six and a half years, so we’
re going to take a little bit of a vacation, but we’ll be, we’ll be back in
a heartbeat.”




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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SmnlvlS (movie)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1556290553.A.BDC.html
marsshen: 收尾收的好 荷包也賺滿滿了 好好休息吧!1F 04/26 22:56
f22313467: 復五要找誰?查克嗎?2F 04/26 22:56
Darkbeat18: 暫時休息啦,畢竟太累了3F 04/26 22:57
kerogunpla: 六年半拍四部  根本沒時間休息吧4F 04/26 22:57
ryanchang03: 太神啦5F 04/26 22:58
InfinityWar: 找渣克幹嘛 搞垮DC還不夠?6F 04/26 22:58
darren31112: 謝謝羅素兄弟7F 04/26 22:59
a034506618: 功成身退拉~ 復4收的超讚的8F 04/26 22:59
zealeliot: 謝謝羅素兄弟9F 04/26 23:00
alwaysstrong: 感謝羅素兄弟 本來對美國隊長無感 現在完全變粉絲了10F 04/26 23:01
benrun: 札克不差吧 是華納高層太爛11F 04/26 23:01
cindylin812: 感恩羅素 讚歎羅素12F 04/26 23:02
willy891017: 羅素群戲超猛推個,尾燈在復2就Hold不住了13F 04/26 23:06
isotropic: 謝謝他們,壓力應該很大14F 04/26 23:08
Anthonypapa: 這對導演從美2開始讓我驚艷,之後也持續交出漂亮成績單15F 04/26 23:09
sellgd: 拍漫威之前這兄弟都是拍喜劇影集 Community 就24集劇中就很多超英和線上遊戲的典故17F 04/26 23:14
ThreekRoger: 復5大概都兩三年後了,到時又回歸也很正常19F 04/26 23:15
zhuyz9695: 品質保證!20F 04/26 23:16
sss6515366: 感謝有那麼棒的結局21F 04/26 23:16
marco4014: 感謝羅素兄弟QAQ22F 04/26 23:22
cashko: 美23復34都很棒
個人戲群戲都好23F 04/26 23:26
BruceChang: 沒有他們就不行了 看看星戰跟DC25F 04/26 23:27
Joyeeee: 謝謝羅素26F 04/26 23:28
NLstyle: 謝謝羅素兄弟27F 04/26 23:30
Capufish: 感謝羅素兄弟讓我愛上隊長(復1只覺得隊長廢材28F 04/26 23:32
hunder31: 這收尾真的有神 可以了啦 休息一陣子再考慮吧29F 04/26 23:32
Lakers24: 美國隊長除了演員演的好導演更是幕後大功臣,讓這個角色人氣飆高30F 04/26 23:34
cashko: 美隊2之前根本不太喜歡隊長,美隊2才開始喜歡32F 04/26 23:37
lifehunter: 羅素兄弟真的是隊長粉 但這次拍的東尼也非常感人!!33F 04/26 23:38
GEKKAKAJIN: 謝謝你們QQ34F 04/26 23:39
sdfg014025xx: 還好羅素兄弟是隊長粉 讓我可以看到這麼精彩的隊長35F 04/26 23:40
maxmeyer: 美隊2依然排在心目中漫威電影前三37F 04/26 23:41
※ 編輯: BryceChang (, 04/26/2019 23:42:13
cashko:38F 04/26 23:42
BryceChang: 這會不會有雷到人的疑慮啊?39F 04/26 23:44
Heng1018: 38樓雷三小 = = 可以加個推文雷....40F 04/26 23:48
Naushika: 渣克那種垃圾導演拜託不要來41F 04/26 23:48
