看板 NBA
作者 jackal44748 (流雲絮雨)
標題 [情報] Delonte West進入治療中心接受治療
時間 Wed Sep 30 00:25:35 2020

Shams Charania
Mark Cuban reached out to Delonte West's mother, Delphina Addison, asking how he can help. Answer was simple: Find Delonte.

Cuban did on Monday, waited with West until his mother arrived to hotel, and West finally took step many close to him have awaited: Entered rehab. https://twitter.com/ShamsCharania/status/1310969208633790471 …
A Delonte West update, as people close to the ex-NBA player going through very difficult personal struggle continue to offer help: Sources say Mavs owner Mark Cuban reunited West with his mother in Dallas on Monday — and now West has checked into rehab facility in Florida.

Mark Cuban reached out to Delonte West's mother, Delphina Addison, asking how he

Cuban did on Monday, waited with West until his mother arrived to hotel, and Wes


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w84081612: 庫班人真好1F 09/30 00:28
SEVEnMonth: 好老闆2F 09/30 00:28
yeustream: 推推3F 09/30 00:29
jerrys0580: 希望West能重回正軌4F 09/30 00:29
seeyou24: 庫班讚讚5F 09/30 00:31
zomzom: 好老闆6F 09/30 00:31
joke610291: 推好老闆7F 09/30 00:33
sxzc: 庫班真的很棒...8F 09/30 00:34
rbki3: 好人9F 09/30 00:34
polar17: 推做好事的老闆10F 09/30 00:34
klaynaruto: 不只出錢 還親自出馬去說服11F 09/30 00:35
sinben: 這個真的是做善事12F 09/30 00:36
sosad0128: 庫班親自去?太扯了吧這比佛心還佛心
頂多出錢幫忙安排好的治療就很有情有義了,還親自??13F 09/30 00:36
kevinacc084: 親自出馬欸 人超好15F 09/30 00:38
barry630621: 善良又有行動力,大推16F 09/30 00:39
※ 編輯: jackal44748 ( 臺灣), 09/30/2020 00:40:59
cloud777717: 難得的好人17F 09/30 00:41
Zuleta: 精神病院?18F 09/30 00:42
lwei781: 好老闆19F 09/30 00:43
jack3600683: Cuban真的好人20F 09/30 00:44
s66449: 好人21F 09/30 00:47
ntusimmon: 希望好好治療啊22F 09/30 00:47
chiahunl: 好老闆23F 09/30 00:48
SwissMiniGun: 一般人可能都先閃遠點再說 推24F 09/30 00:49
fablife: 庫班真的好人啊25F 09/30 00:52
ya123yo: 真佛心26F 09/30 00:54
may60524: 推庫班27F 09/30 00:55
PTTjoker: 庫班真是表率, 不是有錢讓人尊敬而已28F 09/30 00:57
memories66: Cuban應該是NBA最有良心的老闆了29F 09/30 00:57
TheRoots: 太佛了30F 09/30 00:59
utcn92: 居然親自去嗎31F 09/30 00:59
vic1201: 看過有人說Cuban有機會會在2024代表共和黨選總統32F 09/30 01:00
simonGSX: 如果Cuban要選2020這一屆總統其實更好(咦)33F 09/30 01:01
ling843286: 老闆表率34F 09/30 01:03
Dorae5566: 傻了才今年選,不太可能選贏川普的35F 09/30 01:07
tatata: 很有心36F 09/30 01:07
redbullwings: 一個大老闆願意親自出面 真的是好到不行37F 09/30 01:10
asdwsx15975: 佛心老闆38F 09/30 01:11
biography: 只能給推39F 09/30 01:12
MrHeat: 推庫班真的太屌!!!40F 09/30 01:12
bruce00595: 推41F 09/30 01:21
kutkin: 其實他完全可以不用理的  好人42F 09/30 01:22
NuRaymond: 推庫班 真的好老闆43F 09/30 01:22
CDIAMOND: 推44F 09/30 01:32
tailsean: 治什麼病阿?45F 09/30 01:36
jyings0303: 好人46F 09/30 01:39
ab304044: 什麼時候選總統47F 09/30 01:42
galaxiehuang: 期待他當總統48F 09/30 02:02
dotzai: 庫班真的很棒49F 09/30 02:04
idlewolf: 他家人有說其實不是缺錢到沒得吃 但west會亂跑出去離家久沒東西吃就常在路邊乞討...感覺精神有些問題50F 09/30 02:19
AV771118: 庫班人真的很好耶52F 09/30 02:44
