看板 NBA作者 willy911006 (小溫)標題 [情報] 今天是Devin Booker的24歲生日時間 Fri Oct 30 23:17:34 2020

Phoenix Suns
Kobe year!
Happy 24th @DevinBook! Can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.
#BeLegendary | @Cheurlin1788
Kobe year!
Happy 24th @DevinBook! Can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.
#BeLegendary | @Cheurlin1788

Phoenix Suns
Kobe year!
Happy 24th @DevinBook! Can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you.
#BeLegendary | @Cheurlin1788
今天是書人Devin Booker的24歲生日(Kobe年)
Bleacher Report
.@DevinBook turns 24 today with a ridiculous resume:
Only active player with a 70-point game
One of six players with multiple 59-plus-point games
Fifth-youngest to 5K points
Suns record for 30-point games
Most buzzer-beaters since entering the league (t-Bron)
.@DevinBook turns 24 today with a ridiculous resume:
Only active player with a 70-point game
One of six players with multiple 59-plus-point games
Fifth-youngest to 5K points
Suns record for 30-point games
Most buzzer-beaters since entering the league (t-Bron)
-和LeBron James 並列最多次Buzzer Beater
Sent from JPTT on my OPPO CPH1719.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Vd2wMu1 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1604071062.A.E01.html
※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 10/30/2020 23:18:41
推 Aggro: 泡泡有打出成績 明年可以期待吧 太陽現在也算有個穩定的團隊模樣了3F 10/30 23:20
→ aayuan: 等等我覺得他打好多年了,才24??5F 10/30 23:21
推 IAMGRICE: 好年輕....才24歲.....6F 10/30 23:21
※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 10/30/2020 23:23:03
推 Aggro: 他是那一年選秀最年輕的9F 10/30 23:24
推 Aggro: 太陽隊上那兩個側翼 大橋和Cam還比他老11F 10/30 23:26
推 GaoYY: 又帥又強12F 10/30 23:27
推 Aggro: 他如果一開始不是待混亂的太陽 而是比較有體系的球16F 10/30 23:29
→ Aggro: 隊 現在應該已經是聯盟一線球星了..
以他那種成長能力來說18F 10/30 23:30
推 sxzc: 聯盟身體協調性第一球員(個人覺得21F 10/30 23:35
推 micbrimac: 感覺Booker打了好幾年了 竟然才24而已23F 10/30 23:43
推 Dirk3: 希望下個賽季能搶到季後賽門票24F 10/30 23:48
推 ralfeistein: Booker 生日快樂 什麼時候twitch要開台?27F 10/31 00:00
推 fatotaku: 是很強,可惜太陽先發控衛是rubio,不然能進季後賽33F 10/31 00:20
推 vance1024: 肥頭硬要酸盧 希望下季太陽能用戰績打臉35F 10/31 00:24
推 a40302010a: 和LeBron James 並列最多次Buzzer Beater !? 扯36F 10/31 00:42
推 FragrantJo: 為啥每次這文都有人覺得很年輕,以為打很久之類的,19歲進來打個五年不就這年紀嗎 = =
one and done制度都多久了,大家還沒習慣嗎哈哈哈37F 10/31 01:04
推 hcl00: Booker進聯盟還沒滿19的41F 10/31 01:11
推 ajul1230: Booker加油呀,帶太陽回去季後賽吧42F 10/31 01:14
推 xo1100: 是啊相對起來吐槽比較高尚 拍拍手47F 10/31 01:39
推 SEVEnMonth: Yuju 你們搶,Yerin我的,話說明年太陽看起來很有搞頭欸,難道是制服組的James大帝靈氣發威了48F 10/31 01:49
推 TaksNo7: 我反而覺得Booker就是在那個環境下逆練出來的51F 10/31 02:33
推 ivan22809: 沒被酸就是還不夠強的證明 期待booker長成MVP52F 10/31 02:41
推 paulleeMO: 竟然才24,後姆斯時代大概是書人、77、AD字母準備接班的態勢
書人真的感覺像28-30的成熟看板球星了53F 10/31 02:47
推 nash3000: booker加油 希望oubre能繼續留下來60F 10/31 03:05
推 samzi: 越來越進步 真的蠻強的63F 10/31 07:26
推 ohmypan: 推文那張是不是只剩他在太陽?64F 10/31 07:38
推 sunlinsg: 樓上 沒錯 這是他目前太陽昇涯的縮影65F 10/31 07:48