看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [花邊] 推特瘋傳吉巴跟Selena Gomez約會時間 Wed Nov 18 10:07:21 2020
來源: SportsRush
‘Jimmy Butler is dating Selena Gomez’: NBA Twitter is going crazy over Heat
star’s new alleged romance
「Jimmy Butler跟Selena Gomez約會ing~」推特鄉民對於這位熱火明星的傳言戀情都瘋了
Jimmy Butler was allegedly seen hanging out recently with singer-actress
Selena Gomez, sparking speculation about a romance between them.
Jimmy Butler據傳最近被看到跟女歌手/演員Selena Gomez出去約會,引起了他們是不是有
Jimmy Butler, spotted with Iggy Azalea in the past, has a one-year-old
daughter with model Kaitlin Nowak. It remains is unknown whether the pair are
still together, given that he didn’t invite her to Disney World in the NBA
Jimmy Butler之前是被看到跟女歌手Iggy Azalea在一起,現在則是跟幫他生了一個一歲大
女兒的女模特兒Kaitlin Nowak。基於之前Butler沒有邀她去迪士尼泡泡圈的事實來看,目
Butler was also linked to Pretty Little Liars actress Shay Mitchell, but
neither party confirmed it at the time.
Butler之前也被跟劇集"Pretty Little Liars"女演員Shay Mitchell連在一起過,但是雙
Where did this rumor originate from? Where exactly were Butler and Selena
Gomez spotted together?
到底這乳摸從哪來的? 到底Butler跟Selena Gomez兩人是在哪裡被看到的?
A Twitter, Chris Piro, claiming to be an NBA and NFL insider, broke the news
and named himself as his own source to the story.
一個宣稱自己是NBA以及NFL內幕消息者的推特使用者Chris Piro先爆了這個新聞,說他自
The absence of images from these claims means the speculation could, in all
likelihood, just be for the sake of attention and clickbait. A Twitter user
noted the same.
However, there’s no smoke without fire and any confirmation of a
relationship between the two could really send NBA fans in a frenzy. Jimmy
Butler’s personal life has always been a little under the radar, but dating
a high-profile singer could change that for the Heat superstar.
不過無風不起浪,若是之後雙方關係被證實的話,那粉絲們可就會瘋掉了。Jimmy Butler
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推 naker: 表兄弟大集合12F 11/18 10:17
推 b08297: 小賈現在結婚了啦看起來蠻穩定的14F 11/18 10:19
推 BigBigBaller: 她受得了吉巴的神之狗公腰嗎...想到之前里約奧運的那則花邊XD18F 11/18 10:28
→ nuturewind: 比泰勒絲正多了,她也是算泰勒絲好姐妹幫的吧20F 11/18 10:28
推 gidens: Selena 滿愛籃球的啊 跟小賈那張meme簡直經典21F 11/18 10:29
→ tnpaul: 好醜...26F 11/18 10:41
推 chu630: 她是JB控嗎27F 11/18 10:45
推 kanetakusan: 菇狗了一下,全都是白人,果然是白人養大的,審美觀也一樣28F 11/18 10:46
推 Gsun: 有其父必有其子 但老爸品味好多了31F 11/18 10:47
推 MK47: 他IG上圖片都修超大 照片跟旁邊的影片差很多XD33F 11/18 10:52
推 harrybbs: 比泰勒絲正???
是什麼讓上億人驚呆了!!38F 11/18 10:57
→ corlos: 吉巴白人養大的,沒跟黑人混在一起41F 11/18 10:58
推 ab304044: NBA明星們去巴西的妓院:跟Jimmy Butler在一起的工作人員要求要休息一周42F 11/18 10:58
推 jayouch: 哪裡正...正方形的正嗎46F 11/18 11:15
推 mmmn52332: 這個蠻正的啊....鄉民標準是有多高....47F 11/18 11:18
推 zahao: 泰勒絲比較正吧 SG是正方形吧49F 11/18 11:22
→ Athchen: 奧運跟表弟一起去買春54F 11/18 11:41
推 benboy: 寬臉正妹 不是一定要鵝蛋網紅臉才叫正XD58F 11/18 11:44
→ Tawara: 就一個鄉民說而已= =59F 11/18 11:47
推 bowyui: 吉巴就黑皮白骨啊 愛聽鄉村跟pop 審美觀也偏白人65F 11/18 11:52
推 cl3bp6: 比泰勒絲正是不是誤會了什麼68F 11/18 11:59
推 HHH0214: 嘔嘔嘔泰勒絲正多了根本不同水平71F 11/18 12:07
推 zlzooq: SG>泰肉絲72F 11/18 12:07
推 lovetina: 因為他是德州人吧wwwww74F 11/18 12:11
推 a032100: 他的眼光好像比較正常喔82F 11/18 12:24
推 gogostars: Gomez也是各生命鬥士捏,重度憂鬱症然後又紅斑性狼瘡差點掛掉
最後是閨蜜捐腎給她才活下來83F 11/18 12:32
推 TimmyJiang: 她算正沒啥問題吧,亞洲人審美觀也喜歡的型,為啥前面幾樓把她講成是歐美人才愛的那種,連龍騎士都出來了86F 11/18 12:36
推 KKB: 臉可以放一個pizza90F 11/18 12:41
推 x851221: 小時候的女神欸 我都看少年魔法師尻91F 11/18 12:48
推 mrLian: 正方形XDD94F 11/18 13:08
推 TexasFlood: 吉巴真厲害,剛開始覺得醜,現在簡直GQ天菜96F 11/18 13:18
推 nonedude: selena小隻馬大奶 方臉只是角度問題而已99F 11/18 13:41
推 ab2326764: 亞洲人喜歡那種一臉刻薄的樣子 最好長相越像矽膠人越好 自然會覺得泰勒絲比較正103F 11/18 14:57