看板 NBA作者 ghost069 (阿鬼)標題 [情報] Kobe獲得今年洛杉磯地區的艾美理事會獎時間 Thu Jun 11 13:23:10 2020
Los Angeles Lakers
Kobe Bryant is this year's recipient of the Los Angeles Area Emmy Governors Award in honor of his “philanthropy, community building and inspiration that extended beyond the basketball court."
Kobe Bryant is this year's recipient of the Los Angeles Area Emmy Governors Aw
ard in honor of his “philanthropy, community building and inspiration that ex
tended beyond the basketball court."
湖人官方推特宣布Kobe Bryant獲得洛杉磯地區的艾美理事會獎!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UuR_0j6 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1591852992.A.B46.html
推 sorsu: 推13F 06/11 13:52
※ Xavier412958:轉錄至看板 Lakers 06/11 14:26
→ MarcPolo: 老大是要躲多久 快出來啦QQ22F 06/11 16:00
→ st930324: 沒新聞只好靠消費往生者來搏版面23F 06/11 16:16
推 rojjujj: 老大.....實至名歸30F 06/11 17:06
推 zz105: 老大!32F 06/11 18:04