看板 NBA
作者 willy911006 (小溫)
標題 [情報] Taurean Prince確診
時間 Wed Jul  8 07:12:46 2020

Adrian Wojnarowski
Brooklyn Nets forward Taurean Prince has tested positive for the coronavirus and will sit out the NBA’s restart in Orlando, sources tell ESPN.

Brooklyn Nets forward Taurean Prince has tested positive for the coronavirus and will sit out the NBA’s restart in Orlando, sources tell ESPN.

Taurean Prince確診,不會去奧蘭多打比賽了。

Adrian Wojnarowski
Prince is the fourth Nets player – including DeAndre Jordan, Spencer Dinwiddie and Wilson Chandler – to opt-out of the league’s restart. Nets are eligible to sign four substitute players. Team departed this evening for Orlando.https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1280633979629076485 …
Brooklyn Nets forward Taurean Prince has tested positive for the coronavirus and will sit out the NBA’s restart in Orlando, sources tell ESPN.

Prince is the fourth Nets player – including DeAndre Jordan, Spencer Dinwiddie and Wilson Chandler – to opt-out of the league’s restart. Nets are eligible to sign four substitute players. Team departed this evening for Orlando.

Adrian Wojnarowski
Prince was 'declared out' of Orlando because the late-timing of his positive test put his build-up back to basketball in jeopardy; in his case, it is not an 'opt out.'https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1280634689158623232 …
Prince is the fourth Nets player – including DeAndre Jordan, Spencer Dinwiddie and Wilson Chandler – to opt-out of the league’s restart. Nets are eligible to sign four substitute players. Team departed this evening for Orlando. https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1280633979629076485 …

Prince was 'declared out' of Orlando because the late-timing of his positive test put his build-up back to basketball in jeopardy; in his case, it is not an 'opt out.'



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※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 07/08/2020 07:14:39
ezpznigahiga: 籃網也太慘...1F 07/08 07:14
davidkao0428: 康復的話 可以歸隊嗎2F 07/08 07:14
key000079: 豪鬼要試試嗎 聽說狀態不錯3F 07/08 07:19
CW4: 有要簽替代球員的話 被替代的人本季就不能再加入4F 07/08 07:21
snpb: 豪鬼+15F 07/08 07:26
allse1032: 這樣籃網也沒必要去了吧去了也只是當砲灰6F 07/08 08:02
bakedgrass: 書豪現在在北京狀況也沒很好7F 07/08 08:09
jason930502: 簽名檔好厲害8F 07/08 08:16
p20162: 名額很多 但找不到人9F 07/08 08:19
BryantChan: 直接給湖人戒指,不要開賽了好不好10F 07/08 08:22
fellus: 投降輸一半行不行11F 07/08 08:22
gp03dan: QQ 有點慘12F 07/08 08:23
roger2623900: 籃網沒必要去了吧XD 快沒人了13F 07/08 08:29
kkjjkkjj: 豪鬼可以14F 07/08 08:32
mightymouse: 這樣真的能復賽嗎......15F 07/08 08:33
seiya1201: 缺四個名額,那就米奇高飛唐老鴨布魯托吧(X16F 07/08 08:36
klcs50304: 豪鬼在北京哪裡狀態好了...17F 07/08 08:38
CW4: 可能是說舌頭的第一步跟翼展都在巔峰18F 07/08 08:46
a032100: 說豪鬼的明顯在酸XD19F 07/08 09:06
zsp9081a: 簽名檔也太帥了20F 07/08 09:16
iso903306: 才8場 替補上去頂一下 就過去了21F 07/08 09:23
Kidd0502: 不只八場吧 還有季後賽22F 07/08 09:31
tliu223: 該說紐約不意外嗎XD23F 07/08 09:39
sampsonlu919: 一開始還以為是老王子Tayshaun P
不過看到是Taurean 我大概可以腦補為何老鷹不要他24F 07/08 09:47
gentleman317: 紐澤西肺炎隊...27F 07/08 09:52
s505015: 唐老鴨 米奇 米妮 高飛28F 07/08 09:57
sampsonlu919: 我有一個想法 籃網要不要跟Dolan談一下 組個紐約聯隊xd29F 07/08 10:12
Tawara: 辣葛男人 籃網前大哥 姍姍來遲!31F 07/08 10:45
njvm: LA聯隊:他們在爭什麼...32F 07/08 10:49
vgil: 快變湘北隊了33F 07/08 11:01
gohit: 就說我湖快艇公鹿再加一支隨便雜魚隊四隊打一打 趕快給個冠軍就好 是有這麼麻煩???34F 07/08 11:06
CW4: 場次會影響到轉播金要支付多少 而且球員先通過多一點比賽來找回狀態跟磨合 最後的系列賽會比較精彩36F 07/08 11:10
answertw: 不是布魯克林嗎38F 07/08 11:11
CW4: Brooklyn跟Manhattan一樣是紐約市的一個行政區39F 07/08 11:16
gohit: 轉播金這種時候 也不care了吧
怎樣一定都虧了 迅速打完比較重要40F 07/08 11:16
CW4: 這不是你說你不care可以決定的...42F 07/08 11:17
uuuuOPuff: 基本上只有12隊六成以上+一個獨行俠有得打
其他就算了吧43F 07/08 11:37
hank13241: 這不是你說算了就算了,場次開賽時間早就決定好,確診比例除非高到開賽都是問題,不然一定開賽
球員跟聯盟工作人員還是要賺錢的阿45F 07/08 11:41
mikeneko: 湖人沒事就好,其他陪打隊隨便你死活48F 07/08 12:09
yovis000: 簽名檔球很燙嗎w49F 07/08 12:10
ooplus: 轉播金不care那復賽復心酸的喔50F 07/08 12:12
iamaq18c: 籃網真心慘....51F 07/08 12:15
gohit: 轉播金怎樣都少收啦
基本上就幾隊打打就好52F 07/08 12:17
answertw: 紐約是目前美國最穩定的大州 結果這些球員居然XD54F 07/08 12:28
nothing188: 沒差55F 07/08 14:32
njunju: 籃網沒差啦 本來就放棄這賽季56F 07/08 15:10
KhaZix: 別笑死人了 你不care轉播金 所有金主可care得很
就算是差1%也是這裡99%人一輩子都賺不到的57F 07/08 15:44
