看板 NBA
作者 josherion (Josh)
標題 [花邊] Irving和Adebayo賽後想交換球衣被制止
時間 Sun Jan 24 12:20:40 2021


Security Stops Kyrie Irving & Bam Adebayo’s Jersey Swap Due To COVID-19 Guidelines (VIDEO) | Total Pro Sports
Read “Security Stops Kyrie Irving & Bam Adebayo’s Jersey Swap Due To COVID-19 Guidelines (VIDEO) ” and other NBA articles from Total Pro Sports. ...


On Saturday evening, Bam Adebayo dropped 41 points against the Brooklyn Nets,
but it still wasn’t enough to defeat the superteam of Kyrie Irving, Kevin
Durant, and James Harden.

After the game, Kyrie wanted to do a jersey swap with Bam, but one security
guard came over and made sure that did not happen.

Adebayo 在今晚的比賽拿下41分, 儘管這不夠擊敗超級球隊籃網隊.

在賽後, Kyrie Irving 和 Bam Adebayo 想要交換球衣, 但一位保全前來制止,


This all has to do with new NBA guidelines to try and help stop the spread of
COVID-19 that has resulted multiple postponed games in the first half of the


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Xenoglossia: 翹賽開趴的不要害人好嗎1F 01/24 12:21
takechance: NBA有管制賽後兩隊接觸2F 01/24 12:21
qwer007700: 把KI直接交換去熱火3F 01/24 12:22
bestforbest: 超北七 退休了嗎4F 01/24 12:23
johnli: 球衣不行可以交換球員5F 01/24 12:23
mikado2: XD6F 01/24 12:23
lws0527: 有差嗎 比賽都不知道碰幾次了7F 01/24 12:23
lovela33: 熱火收啦8F 01/24 12:24
tailsean: 比賽都接觸幾次了9F 01/24 12:24
tupacshkur: 擁抱可以,換球衣不行? 哪招10F 01/24 12:24
fack3170: 換啥球衣啊11F 01/24 12:25
weiweithegod: 人家想換乾你的事?12F 01/24 12:26
hunt5566: 抓到囉 互換13F 01/24 12:26
mrmowmow: 洗一洗再換吧14F 01/24 12:26
papaya338: 小喬丹被Bam幹爆,一走過去就巴頭有點沒品,雖然有`能在玩但除非兩人很熟吧...15F 01/24 12:29
pongbao: 笑死17F 01/24 12:29
Kazmier: KI不意外18F 01/24 12:31
LVE: KI肯定是機器人吧,沒腦19F 01/24 12:33
dindaofay: 這也能嗆KI= =20F 01/24 12:35
kuoshenghsu: 很多球員私底下喔感情很好吧?21F 01/24 12:37
Nash4208: 先知是要說我單換Bam有助於宇宙網22F 01/24 12:37
ja1295: 比賽犯規抱在一起可以 交換球衣服不行23F 01/24 12:37
sk2g: 沒辦法做到比賽時不碰撞推擠接觸,至少做到非比賽時間時儘量隔開,沒什麼不對啊24F 01/24 12:39
HotMike: 俄文你退休了嗎 自以為曼巴精神?26F 01/24 12:39
Dreality: 直接換隊27F 01/24 12:39
eno03: 抱抱時 體液都交換了28F 01/24 12:40
roger2623900: 場上接觸都那麼多了 換個球衣不過分吧?29F 01/24 12:41
highwayshih: 場上接觸不能避免 但換球衣可以啊
難道你吃飯脫口罩 平常就乾脆也不戴了嗎30F 01/24 12:44
justgetup: 不是 他們連場館都還沒離開
真的不行也是離開球場後的私人時間不行32F 01/24 12:50
jevin: 交換球員可以喲35F 01/24 12:52
