看板 NBA
作者 munchlax (小卡比獸)
標題 [情報] Derrick Rose 確診
時間 Tue Mar 23 13:08:19 2021

Knicks star Derrick Rose was rocked by COVID-19 - New York Daily News Almost three weeks after his first positive COVID test, Rose was cleared Monday to play again. ...



“They say everybody is different. But with me, I never felt anything like
that before,” he said. “I’ve had the flu. It was nothing like the flu. You
’re drained and everything. It was that times 10. So, like I said, I’m
slowly getting back. I’m progressing every day.”


“You feel everything. Your body is sore. Headaches. All that,” he said. “
(With our) kids, it wasn’t too bad. They had fevers and runny noses. And
that was pretty much it and — cough. It’s real, the COVID thing, I know a
lot of people don’t think it. But it’s very serious. It’s real.”


Rose, 32, added that his kids, his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s mother
all contracted COVID-19. He remained with them in Chicago until returning
recently to his team in New York, where he watched the last two games from
the sideline while awaiting clearance from the doctors.”


“He has to go through conditioning. And once he’s ready to go we’ll move
forward with it,” the coach said. “But he’s been out a while so he’s just
starting to ramp it up again and we’ll see how it goes.”


It’s something that you got to take serious. I’m mad I even have to talk
about it because of how it made me feel,” Rose said. “It sucked. It sucks.
Especially after getting traded, I had a chance to play. And the game was
just taken away from me.”

「它糟透了· 特別是當我被交易時,我曾有機會上場打球,但那些比賽就從我身邊被

The Knicks have gone 7-3 when Rose plays, winning the final three games when
he was in the starting lineup.


"Getting back and playing in rhythm and trying to get myself back to where I
was is going to take some time," Rose said, "but every day I'm getting the
most out of all my days so that's all I can do.”


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WMNV6Xp (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1616476102.A.873.html
TheoEpstein: 這個群聚好嚴重....
不知道他女朋友的母親幾歲了,希望不是重症危險群1F 03/23 13:08
yniori: 原來是生病了~難怪都沒上場3F 03/23 13:09
ooxxman: 看來Rose還不是輕症,JT第二回來喘4F 03/23 13:09
vince4687: 現在會覺得早點確診早點回歸還比較好5F 03/23 13:10
huangjyuan: 這人真的是多災多難6F 03/23 13:10
c22501656: 最年輕MVP7F 03/23 13:10
vince4687: 反正尼克咬住 進季後賽到時候風雲變色
之前賽爾提克就有流出今年FA希望找確診戰士的消息8F 03/23 13:10
Wall62: QQ10F 03/23 13:10
vince4687: 今年真的是一個特別的球季11F 03/23 13:10
tliu223: 太慘了吧12F 03/23 13:14
o0991758566: 運勢真不好13F 03/23 13:16
MK47: 目前NBA球員都能撐過去 加油穩住~~14F 03/23 13:17
lmf770410: 幹.....15F 03/23 13:17
Joey1999: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ16F 03/23 13:18
julian0203: 早日康復,我尼撐住17F 03/23 13:19
klps1425: 加油 祝福我羅18F 03/23 13:19
generic: 得過還是有機率會得19F 03/23 13:21
CW4: Rose保重20F 03/23 13:25
b2305911: 丸子21F 03/23 13:27
ocean921: 祝早日康復!22F 03/23 13:28
REI3173: 很棒的說明,沒有像其他人輕描淡寫feeling well , no symptoms, keeping safe. 而是誠實說真的嚴重要重視,公眾人物的聲明真的可以影響大眾把病毒當不當一回事。
早日康復23F 03/23 13:32
ji394tb: 祝我大玫瑰早康28F 03/23 13:33
mikechang829: 尼克需要Rose壓陣啊29F 03/23 13:33
ilovekobe824: Rose差不多好了 下一場應該可以打30F 03/23 13:36
kobe142435: 還有什麼Rose沒得到的....31F 03/23 13:39
adj3926: 我操妳的中國蝙蝠武漢肺炎32F 03/23 13:39
STRO: 保重……33F 03/23 13:43
Toy17: 鍵盤肺纖維化大師快出來嘴34F 03/23 13:45
josephpu: 還好沒什麼事,皇叔真的多災多難35F 03/23 13:50
peterw: 保重36F 03/23 13:50
Alicia00: 保重......希望能讓多一點人因此意識到嚴重性37F 03/23 13:50
NYYsucks: 幹你武漢肺炎38F 03/23 13:57
cr66662002: 我羅保重QQ39F 03/23 13:59
Tawara: 希望黑人能因此稍微重視防疫一點40F 03/23 14:02
hellogym: 史上唯一中 covid 19 的MVP41F 03/23 14:02
magamanzero: 不會 我悲觀地認為 這會讓人覺得只是重感冒
對這些身體素質本來就強悍的球員 這病毒就還好
看看那個頭號染疫者(攤手42F 03/23 14:04
beariscut: 快打疫苗啦45F 03/23 14:07
hiyuhfeng: QQ46F 03/23 14:13
cphs102007: 希望Rose早日康復47F 03/23 14:15
